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Source Code
- IDL Source code to read UKMO in NASA Atmospheric Chemistry Division DF format and write to ascii text file in stage 1 AutoChem file format.
- Fortran to read in stage 1 AutoChem file format and calculate equivalent PV latitude, potential temperature, and equivalent length of PV and write out to stage 2 AutoChem file format used by all the AutoChem observation processing programs.
- Fortran to generate PDFs of T, P, latitude in flow tracking coordinates.
- Matlab code to generate PDFCentral site.
- Data Readers
to read native file format and convert to AutoChem constituent data file, where necessary missing records are written as -999.
- Fortran code to take AutoChem constituent data file and add in the missing records.
- Fortran code to generate PDFs of constituents in flow tracking coordinates.
- Matlab code to generate CDACentral site.