Metrics Glossary

Cyclomatic:The measure of the complexity of a function's decision structure. The cyclomatic complexity is also the number of basis, or independent, paths through a module. Sometimes also called the "McCabe Complexity" after its originator.
For a precise definition see:
NIST Special Publication 500-235 Structured Testing:
A Testing Methodology Using the Cyclomatic Complexity Metric

Lines: total lines (in a function or file or project)

Lines Blank: total lines without any code/comment

Lines Code: total lines that have any code on them

Lines Comment: total lines that have comments on them

Lines Declarative: total lines that have declarative code on them

Lines Executable: total lines that have executable code on them

Cyclomatic modified: cyclomatic except each case statement is not counted;the entire case select construct counts as 1

Essential: Essential complexity of a program unit. Measures amount of unstructured code in a module

Mains/Subprograms:the count of main program units and subprograms

Statements executable: total executable statements in Fortran code

Statements declarative: total declarative statements in Fortran code

Ratio Comment/Code:(comment_lines/code_lines) for program units, files and project

Average cyclomatic: average cyclomatic complexity over file

Average cyclomatic modified: average modified cyclomatic complexity over file

Complexity/Case 1: Avg. cyclomatic modified

Nesting: maximum nesting level of control constructs

Note, code+comment+blank != lines, as some lines might have both code and comment