UV/Vis+ Photochemistry Database

Courtesy: Elisabeth Noelle Fund for Scientific Data Exchange (non omnis moriar)


UV/Vis+ Photochemistry Database / Subscription

Enhance your electronic resources and improve your research capabilities

The science-softCon "UV/Vis+ Photochemistry Database" is the worldwide largest collection of EUV-VUV-UV-Vis-NIR spectral data and other photochemical information (e.g. quantum yields, photolysis studies) from published peer-reviewed papers (database-development; good reasons for subscription).

The “UV/Vis+ Photochemistry Database” allows free and open access to metadata, and cost-recovery pricing for data (spectral data, graphical representations, etc.) in order to support the full data infrastructure. This means for example that campus-wide full access to all data and information is available for 400 EURO (1 year license) and “One-time registration” ( campus-wide full permanent access to all data and information) for 900 EURO (contact our helpdesk).

Access Type Access mode Price Valid
Academic Working Group Access Access via password 300.00 EURO 1 year
Academic Working Group Access Access via password 600.00 EURO unlimited
Academic Campus Wide Access Access via IP number 400.00 EURO 1 year
Academic Campus Wide Access/One-Time Registration Access via IP number 900.00 EURO unlimited
Commercial Access Access via IP number or password 800.00 EURO 1 year
Commercial long-term Access Access via IP number or password 2400.00 EURO 4 years

To order contact our helpdesk.

Colleagues who support us in maintaining the database (e.g. SAG members or corresponding members) can get free-of-charge access to the database. If  you need more information or have any questions please contact our helpdesk

New initiative "Share Photochemical Data & Information, Find Answers"”

This initiative should develop the photochemical database towards a photochemical data sharing platform. The advantage of such a photochemical data sharing platform is that the more scientists provide their data for inclusion into the database the better is the chance for all users to find specific photochemical data within the database. In addition the photochemical database gets more and more interdisciplinary usable. So every user can benefit from the database especially if their University/Governmental Organization has permanent access to the database.
If your University/Governmental Organization would like to join this inititiative or if you need more information please contact our
helpdesk or your local librarian.