UV/Vis+ Photochemistry Database

Courtesy: Elisabeth Noelle Fund for Scientific Data Exchange (non omnis moriar)


UV/Vis+ Photochemistry Database

Literature Service: Organic Oxy/Peroxy Compounds II

Substances (unsorted): CH2BrO2, BrCH2CH2O2, (CH3)BrCHCH(CH3)O2, CH2ClO2, CH2ClCH2O2, CH2FO2, CCl3O2, CF2ClCH2O2, CFCl2CH2O2, CF3C(O)O2, CF3CFO2CF3, CF3CHFO2, CF3CCl2O2,

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Authors Journal/Source Title/Paper Data Sheet
CH2BrO2; bromomethyl peroxy radical; CAS-No.: 13998-73-7
O.J. Nielsen, J. Munk, G. Locke, T.J. Wallington J. Phys. Chem., 95, 8714-8719, (1991) Ultraviolet absorption spectra and kinetics of the self-reaction of CH2Br and CH2BrO2 radicals in the gas phase at 298 K

E. Villenave, R. Lesclaux Chem. Phys. Lett., 236 (4-5), 376-384, (1995) The UV absorption spectra of CH2Br and CH2BrO2 and the reaction kinetics of CH2BrO2 with itself and with HO2 at 298 K

J. Sehested, M. Bilde, T. Mogelberg, T.J. Wallington, O.J. Nielsen J. Phys. Chem., 100 (26), 10989-10998, (1996) Kinetics and mechanism of the reaction of F atoms with CH3Br

C2H4BrO2; BrCH2CH2O2; 2-bromoethylperoxy radical; CAS-No.: 144698-90-8
J.N. Crowley, G.K. Moortgat J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 88, 2437 - 2444, (1992) 2-Bromoethylperoxy and 2-bromo-1-methylpropylperoxy radicals: ultraviolet absorption spectra and self-reaction rate constants at 298 K

E. Villenave, S. Moisan, R. Lesclaux J. Phys. Chem. A, 107, 2470-2477, (2003) Kinetic study of the self-reactions of BrCH2CH2O2 and BrCH(CH3)CH(CH3)O2 radicals between 275 and 373 K

C4H8BrO2; (CH3)BrCHCH(CH3)O2; 2-bromo-1-methylpropylperoxy radical
J.N. Crowley, G.K. Moortgat J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 88, 2437 - 2444, (1992) 2-Bromoethylperoxy and 2-bromo-1-methylpropylperoxy radicals: ultraviolet absorption spectra and self-reaction rate constants at 298 K

E. Villenave, S. Moisan, R. Lesclaux J. Phys. Chem. A, 107, 2470-2477, (2003) Kinetic study of the self-reactions of BrCH2CH2O2 and BrCH(CH3)CH(CH3)O2 radicals between 275 and 373 K

CH2ClO2; chloromethyl peroxy radical; methyldioxy, chloro-; CAS-No.: 73761-32-7; PubChem: CID 156426
P. Dagaut, T.J. Wallington, M.J. Kurylo Int. J. Chem. Kinetics, 20, 815-826, (1988) The UV absorption spectra and kinetics of the self reactions of CH2ClO2 and CH2FO2 radicals in the gas phase

C2H4ClO2; CH2ClCH2O2; chloroethyl peroxy radical; 2-chloroethylperoxy radical; CAS-No.: 13896-95-2
P. Dagaut, T.J. Wallington, M.J. Kurylo Chem. Phys. Lett., 146, 589-595, (1988) A flash photolysis investigation of the UV absorption spectrum and self-reaction kinetics of CH2ClCH2O2 radicals in the gas phase

J.P. Ganne, A. Chakir, D. Daumont, J. Brion, J. Malicet Proc. 2nd Workshop EUROTRAC-2 Subproject Chem. Mechanism Development (CMD), FZ Karlsruhe, Germany, GPP 25-1/GPP 25-4, (1998) Kinetic study of peroxy radicals: C2H4ClO2, (CH3)2C(OH)CH2O2, C6H5CH2O2: UV spectrum and self reaction kinetics

A. Chakir, J. Brion, J.P. Ganne, D. Daumont Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 5, 2573-2580, (2003) Study of ClCH2CH2O2 using modulated photolysis: Ultraviolet spectrum and self-reaction kinetics

CH2FO2; fluoromethyl peroxy radical
P. Dagaut, T.J. Wallington, M.J. Kurylo Int. J. Chem. Kinetics, 20, 815-826, (1988) The UV absorption spectra and kinetics of the self reactions of CH2ClO2 and CH2FO2 radicals in the gas phase

T.J. Wallington, J.C. Ball, O.J. Nielsen, E. Bartkiewicz J. Phys. Chem., 96, 1241-1246, (1992) Spectroscopic, kinetic, and mechanistic study of CH2FO2 radicals in the gas phase at 298 K

CCl3O2; trichloromethyl peroxy radical; methyldioxy, trichloro-; CAS-No.: 69884-58-8; PubChem: CID 522369
J.J. Russell, J.A. Seetula, D. Gutman, F. Danis, F. Caralp, P.D. Lightfoot, R. Lesclaux, C.F. Melius, S.M. Senkan J. Phys. Chem., 94, 3277-3283, (1990) Kinetics and thermochemistry of the equilibrium CCl3 + O2 <--> CCl3O2

T. Ellermans PhD-Thesis, Risoe National Laboratory , Roskilde Denmark, (1991) Atmospheric CCl3 degradation: A spectrokinetic laboratory study of CCl3 reactions by pulse radiolysis

C2F3O3; CF3C(O)O2; trifluoroacetylperoxy radical; CAS-No.: 141632-18-0
M.M. Maricq, J.J. Szente, G.A. Khitrov, J.S. Francisco J. Phys. Chem., 100 (11), 4514–4520, (1996) The CF3C(O)O2 Radical. Its UV Spectrum, Self-Reaction Kinetics, and Reaction with NO

CF3CFO2CF3; heptafluoroiosopropylperoxy radical
T.E. Møgelberg, J. Sehested, M. Bilde, T.J. Wallington, O.J. Nielsen J. Phys. Chem., 100 (21), 8882–8889, (1996) Atmospheric Chemistry of CF3CFHCF3 (HFC-227ea): Spectrokinetic Investigation of the CF3CFO2•CF3 Radical, Its Reactions with NO and NO2, and Fate of the CF3CFO•CF3 Radical

CF2ClCH2O2; 2,2,2-difluorochloroethylperoxy radical; CAS-No.:
A.A. Jemi-Alade, P.D. Lightfoot, R. Lesclaux Chem. Phys. Lett., 179 (1-2), 119-124, (1991) Measurements of the UV absorption cross-sections of CF3CCl2O2, CF3CHFO2, CFCl2CH2O2, and CF2ClCH2O2 in the gas phase

T.J. Wallington, O.J. Nielsen Int. J. Chem. Kinet., 23 (9), 785-798, (1991) UV absorption spectra and kinetics of the self reaction of CFCl2CH2O2 and CF2ClCH2O2 radicals in the gas phase at 298 K

CFCl2CH2O2; 2,2,2-fluorodichloroethylperoxy radical; CAS-No.:
A.A. Jemi-Alade, P.D. Lightfoot, R. Lesclaux Chem. Phys. Lett., 179 (1-2), 119-124, (1991) Measurements of the UV absorption cross-sections of CF3CCl2O2, CF3CHFO2, CFCl2CH2O2, and CF2ClCH2O2 in the gas phase

T.J. Wallington, O.J. Nielsen Int. J. Chem. Kinet., 23 (9), 785-798, (1991) UV absorption spectra and kinetics of the self reaction of CFCl2CH2O2 and CF2ClCH2O2 radicals in the gas phase at 298 K

CF3CHFO2; 1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethylperoxy radical; CAS-No.:
A.A. Jemi-Alade, P.D. Lightfoot, R. Lesclaux Chem. Phys. Lett., 179 (1-2), 119-124, (1991) Measurements of the UV absorption cross-sections of CF3CCl2O2, CF3CHFO2, CFCl2CH2O2, and CF2ClCH2O2 in the gas phase

T.J. Wallington, O.J. Nielsen Int. J. Chem. Kinet., 23 (9), 785-798, (1991) UV absorption spectra and kinetics of the self reaction of CFCl2CH2O2 and CF2ClCH2O2 radicals in the gas phase at 298 K

CF3CCl2O2; 1,1-dichloro-2,2,2-trifluoroethylperoxy radical; CAS-No.:
A.A. Jemi-Alade, P.D. Lightfoot, R. Lesclaux Chem. Phys. Lett., 179 (1-2), 119-124, (1991) Measurements of the UV absorption cross-sections of CF3CCl2O2, CF3CHFO2, CFCl2CH2O2, and CF2ClCH2O2 in the gas phase

G.D. Hayman, M.E. Jenkin, T.P. Murrels, S.J. Shalliker STEP-HALOCIDE/AFEAS Workshop, Dublin, (1991) Kinetic and mechanistic studies associated with the atmospheric degradation of HCFC-123