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Physical Constants

The constants and physical constants used by AutoChem are given in the table below. References can be obtained by clicking on the variable name.

π (pi) 3.141 592 653 589 793 238 462 643 383 279 502 884 197
Molar gas constant , R 8.314 472 (15) J mol -1  K -1
Mean molar mass of dry air , m 28.964 g mole
Molar gas constant for air , R/m 287.058 3
Mean surface pressure , Po 1013.25 mb
Specific heat capacity of dry air , Cp 1005.7 J kg -1 k -1
Mean radius of the earth , Re 6371.01 km
Boltzmann Constant , k 1.380 650 5(24) x 10 -23 J K -1
Unified atomic mass unit , u 1.660 538 86(28) x 10 -27 kg
Avogadro constant , Na 6.022 141 5(10) x 10 23 mol -1
Standard acceleration of gravity , g 9.806 65 m s -2

Reaction Databases

Several sources of online kinetic data are available. These include:

Unit Conversions


Contact the Author | 2006 David Lary