UV/Vis+ Photochemistry Database

Courtesy: Elisabeth Noelle Fund for Scientific Data Exchange (non omnis moriar)


UV/Vis+ Photochemistry Database

Literature Service: Organic Nitrogen Compounds

Substances (unsorted):

CH2N, CH4N2, CH3DN2, C2N2, C12N6, C2H5N, C3H4N2, C3H4N4, C3H3N3, C3HN, HC5N, C3H4N2, C3H8N2, C3H9N, C4H3N, C4H4N2, C4H6N2, C6H9N, C8H7N, C9H7N, C10H9N, C10H11N, C10H17N, C10H19N, C13H9N, C14H9N, C14H11N, C15H11N, C17H13N, C18H13N, C20H13N, C8H6ClN, C4H6ClNO2, C9H8ClNO2, C4N2, C6N4, C2HNO, CH3COCN, CO(CN)2, C2H4N2O4, C3H6N2O4, C4H8N8O8, C5H10N2O4, C6H12N2O4, C6H12N2O6, C4H4N2O, C4H4N2O2, NCC(O)C(CH3)3, NCC(O)CH(CH3)2, CH3OC(O)CN, HCONH2, C2H5NO, N2H4, N2CO, CH3NHNH2, (CH3)2NNH2, C2H3NO, C3H3NO, C4H8ClNO, C6H10ClNO, C2H2N2O, CH5N, C2H7N, CH4N2O, C2H6N2O, C3H5N3O, C3H8N2O, C4H8N2O, C4H10N2O, C5H10N2O, C7H6N2O, C2H6N4O2, C3H6N6O3, C3H8N4O2, C4H10N4O2, C5H12N4O2, C6H14N4O2, C6H14N2O, C8H18N2O, DMF, DMA, NMP, DMPA, CH3ONO, CH3NO2, CH3NO3, C2H5NO3, BrCH2CH2ONO, C9H11BrN2O6, C3H7N, n-C3H7NO3, i-C3H7NO3, C3H7NO2, C6H7NO2, C4H9NO3, C5H9NO3, (CH3)3CONO, C5H11N, C5H11NO3, C10H7NO3, CH4ClN, CH3Cl2N, C2H5Cl2N, C2H6ClN, C3H8ClN, C4H10ClN, C6H6ClN, C6H14ClN, C2H4ClNO2, CCl3O2NO2, CH3CN, CH3NC, CF3CN, C3H5N, C4H7N, CH2(CN)2, CH3O2NO2, CH3CH(ONO2)CH2(ONO2), CH3CH2CH(ONO2)CH2(ONO2), CH3CH(ONO2)CH(ONO2)CH3, CH2(ONO2)CH(ONO2)CHCH2, CH2(ONO2)CHCHCH2(ONO2), CH3C(O)O2NO2, FC(O)OONO2, CF3OONO2 CF3C(O)O2NO2, CF3CF2CF2OONO2, CF3OC(O)OONO2, ClC(O)OONO2, CH3COCH2(ONO2), CH3CH2COCH2(ONO2), CH3CH(ONO2)COCH3, C6H15N, (CH3)2NNO2, C2H3ClN2, CF3NO, CF3NO2, C3F7NO, C3F7NO2, C2H4FNO, C2H2F3NO, CCl3NO, C3H6ClNO2, C4H3ClN2O2, C4H5N, C4H9N, C4H4N2, C4D4N2, C4H4N2, C2H3N3, C3H5N3, C6H5N3, C5H5N5, C4H4N2O2, C4H3N2O2-, CH2N6O2, CH5N5O2, C5H10N6O2, C6H6N4O, C6H6N4O2, C5H3ClN4, C4H5N3, C5H4N4, C5H5N5, C7H6N2, C4H5N3O, C4H7N3O, C5H5N5O, C6H7N5O, C6H6N4O, C5H8N4O12, C7H9N5O, C3H3N3O, C3H2BrN3O, C3H2FN3O, C3H3N3O2, C3H7N3O2, C4H9N3O2, CH4N2O2, C3H5NO5, C4H10N2O5, C8H9N, C10H13N, C11H15N, C12H11N, H2CNH, C3H5N5O, C3H5N3O9, C3H6N6O6, C5H9N5O, C7H5N3O7, C8H7N3O7, C10H13N5O4, C10H13N5O5, C8H6N4O6, C12H8N4O5, C12H8N2O4, C5H4N4O, C5H4N4O2, C7H5N5O2, C12H10N4O2, C13H12N4O2, C14H14N4O2, C15H16N4O2, C9H12N2O6, C9H13N3O5, C5H6N2O2, C5H6N2O3, C6H8N2O3, C10H13N5O4, C9H13N3O4, H2N2O2, C2H6N2, C4H8N2, C4H10N2, C6H14N2, C7H10N2, C8H6N2, C8H18N2, C9H8N2, C9H11N, C9H8N2, C10H10N2, C12H8N2, C8H9NO, C2H5NO2, C4H5NO, C4H5NO2, C5H5NO2, C5H11NO2, C8H5NO2, C8H7NO2, C8H9NO2, C9H9NO2, C9H9NO3, C10H13NO2, C10H11NO2, C10H7NO2, C9H7NO, C9H7NO4, C4H6N2O, C7H8N2O, C8H6N2O, C9H8N2O, C10H10N2O, C10H10N2O2, C11H12N2O, C11H12N2O6, C12H10N2O, C12H6N6O9, C14H14N2O, C14H14N2O3, C13H12N2O, C14H9NO2, C9H9N, C12H9N, C14H11N, C14H12N+, C14H15N3, C15H9N, C3H7NO, C4H9NO, C5H5NO, C5H4N2O3, C5H9NO2, C6H7NO, C6H11NO2, C6H13NO, C7H7NO, C9H9NO, C9H11NO, C10H9NO, C10H13NO, C12H17NO, C13H9NO, C13H11NO, C14H11NO, C14H13NO, C18H15NO, C20H19NO, C30H23NO, C7H8N2, C8H5N3, C8H6N2, C8H6N2, C8H10N2, C9H10N2, C9H12N2, C10H14N2, C9H7N3, C12H10N2, C12H12N2, C10H14N2O5, C7H11NO3, C7H10N2O3, C7H12N2O3, C8H8N2O3, C10H16N2O3, C8H17NO3, C5H7NO4, C5H11NO4, C6H5NO4, C6H5NO5, C6H4N2O2, C6H4N2O7, C7H3N3O8, C6H3N3O9, C5H11NO6, C6H11NO4, C6H13NO4, C9H15NO4, C11H7NO4, C3H4ClN5, C4Cl4N2, C4H3ClN2, C8H7ClN2, C12H4Cl4N2, C4H2N2O4, C5H7N3, C5H11N3, C10H24N4, C11H14N2, C14H12N2, C15H14N2, C15H16N2, C16H16N2, C18H24N2, C18H13N3, C18H17N3, C20H19N3, C20H27N, C22H21N3, C24H16N2, C24H40N2, C32H18N8, C10H6N4O2, C8H6N2O2, C8H10N2O2, C10H8N2O2, C10H12N4O5, C10H12N4O6, C10H14N6O4, C11H12N2O2, C12H10N4O2, C13H10N2O2, C14H12N2O2, C17H20N2O, C17H25NO2, C20H14N6O, C20H18N2O2, C21H16N2O2, C21H22N2O2, C21H24N2O2, C21H22N2O3, C22H24N2O3, C22H26N2O3, C23H26N2O4, C23H28N2O4, C24H31NO4, C33H38N4O6, C34H34N4O4, C41H60N8O10, C48H66N6O6, (C5H7NO3)x (C6H14N2O2)x (HCl)x

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Authors Journal/Source Title/Paper Data Sheet
CH2N; H2CN; methylene amidogen; amidogen, methylene-; CAS-No.: 15845-29-1; PubChem: CID 139984
H. Buechler, R.E. Buehler, R. Cooper J. Phys. Chem., 80, 14, 1549–1553, (1976) Pulse radiolysis of aqueous cyanide solutions. Kinetics of the transient hydroxyl radical and hydrogen atom adducts and subsequent rearrangements

A. Teslja, P.J. Dagdigian, M. Banck, W. Eisfeld J. Phys. Chem. A, 110, 25, 7826-7834, (2006) Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Electronic Spectrum of the Methylene Amidogen Radical (H2CN): Verification of the 2A1 -- 2B2 Assignment

CH3HN2; methyldiazine; methyldiimide; CAS-No.: 26981-93-1
S.K. Vidyarthi, C. Willis, R.A. Back Can. J. Chem., 55(8), 1396-1400, (1977) The ultraviolet absorption spectrum of methyl diimide vapor

CH3DN2; methyldiazine-d; methyldiimide-d; CAS-No.: 34994-49-5
S.K. Vidyarthi, C. Willis, R.A. Back Can. J. Chem., 55(8), 1396-1400, (1977) The ultraviolet absorption spectrum of methyl diimide vapor

C2N2; cyanogen; ethanedinitrile; CAS-No.: 460-19-5
R.E. Connors, J.L. Roebber, K. Weiss J. Chem. Phys., 60, 5011, (1974) Vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy of cyanogen and cyanoacetylenes

C. Fridh, L. Åsbrink, E. Lindholm Chem. Phys., 27, 169-181, (1978) Valence excitation of linear molecules. II. Excitation and UV spectra of C2N2, CO2 and N2O

J.A. Nuth, S. Glicker J. Quant. Spectr. Rad. Transfer, 28, 223-231, (1982) The vacuum ultraviolet spectra of HCN, C2N2, and CH3CN

J.B. Halpern, S.A. Barts Final Report "XVIIIth Informal Conference on Photochemistry", 231-239, (1989) The UV photochemistry of C2N2

Y. Benilan priv. comm., (2006) LISA; Université Paris 12

J.B. Halpern J. Phys. Chem. A, 122 (39), 7790-7796, (2018) The C~1Bu <-- X~1Sigmag+ Transition of Ethanedinitrile (C2N2): Assignment of the Electronic State Origin and Vibrational Bands

C12N6; hexacyanobenzene; benzenehexacarbonitrile; CAS-No.: 1217-44-3; PubChem: 12902195
A. Sucharda-Sobczyk, L. Syper, L. Sobczyk J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2,71, 1994-2001, (1975) Vibrational and electronic spectra of hexacyanobenzene and its electron donor-acceptor complexes

C2H5N; aziridine; ethylenimine; azacyclopropane; CAS-No.: 151-56-4; PubChem: CID 9033
H. Basch, M.B. Robin, N.A. Kuebler J. Chem. Phys., 51, 52-66, (1969) Optical and Photoelectron Spectra of Small Rings. III. The Saturated Three Membered Rings

R. Locht, B. Leyh, H.-W. Jochims, H. Baumgärtel BESSY Jahresbericht/Annual Report 2004, 39-40, (2004) The Photoionization Mass Spectrometric Study of the Three membered Ring Systems C3H6, C2H4O and C2H4S and their open Chain Isomers

C3H4N2; imidazole; 1,3-diaza-2,4-cyclopentadiene; glyoxaline; CAS-No.: 288-32-4; PubChem: CID 795
A.L. Devine, B. Cronin, M.G.D. Nix, M.N.R. Ashfold J. Chem. Phys., 125, 184302, (2006) High resolution photofragment translational spectroscopy studies of the near ultraviolet photolysis of imidazole

M. Patanen, A.R. Abid, S.T. Pratt, A. Kivimäki, A.B. Trofimov, A.D. Skitnevskaya, E.K. Grigoricheva, E.V. Gromov, I. Powis, D.M.P. Holland J. Chem. Phys., 155 (5), 054304, (2021) Valence shell photoelectron angular distributions and vibrationally resolved spectra of imidazole: A combined experimental–theoretical study

D.M.P. Holland, D.A. Shaw, D. Townsend, I. Powis Molecular Physics, 121 (7-8), (2023) Valence shell electronically excited states of imidazole and 1-methylimidazole

C3H4N4; 2-amino-1,3,5-triazine; 1,3,5-triazin-2-amine; CAS-No.: 4122-04-7; PubChem: CID 20077
X. Li, X. Wang, M. Lv, Z. Zhou, H. Pan, J. Chen Chin. J. Chem. Phys., 35, 747-753, (2022) Direct observation of singlet pipi* and npi* equilibrium state in 2-amino-1,3,5-triazine solution

C3H3N3; s-triazine; 1,3,5-triazine; CAS-No.: 290-87-9; PubChem: CID 9262
D.M.P. Holland, D.A. Shaw, M. Stener, P. Decleva, S. Coriani Chem. Phys., 477, 96-104, (2016) A study of the valence shell electronic states of s-triazine by photoabsorption spectroscopy and ab initio calculations

C3HN; HC≡CCN; HC3N; cyanoacetylene; propiolonitrile; propynenitrile; CAS-No.: 1070-71-9
V.A. Job, G.W. King J. Molecular Spectroscopy, 19, 155-177, (1966) The electronic spectrum of cyanoacetylene : Part I. Analysis of the 2600-Å system

V.A. Job, G.W. King J. Molecular Spectroscopy, 19, 178-184, (1966) The electronic spectrum of cyanoacetylene Part II. Analysis of the 2300-Å system

R.E. Connors, J.L. Roebber, K. Weiss J. Chem. Phys., 60, 5011, (1974) Vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy of cyanogen and cyanoacetylenes

J.A. Halpern, G.E. Miller, H. Okabe, W. Nottingham J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 42, 63-72, (1988) The UV photochemistry of cyanoacetylene

P. Bruston, H. Poncet, F. Raulin, C. Cossart-Magos, R. Courtin Icarus, 78 (1), 38-53, (1989) UV spectroscopy of Titan's atmosphere, planetary organic chemistry, and prebiological synthesis : I. Absorption spectra of gaseous propynenitrile and 2-butynenitrile in the 185- to 250-nm region

M. Khlifi, F. Raulin, E. Arie, G. Graner J. Molecular Spectroscopy, 143 (2), 209-211, (1990) Absolute intensity of the IR bands of propynenitrile

Y. Benilan, P. Bruston, F. Raulin, C. Cossart-Magos, J.-C. Guillemin J. Geophys. Res., 99, E8, 17069-17074, (1994) Mid-UV spectroscopy of propynenitrile at low temperature: Consequences on expected results from observations of Titan's atmosphere

D. Andrieux, Y. Benilan, E. de Vanssay, P. Paillous, M. Khlifi, F. Raulin, P. Bruston, J.-C. Guillemin J. Geophys. Res., 100(E5), 9455–9460, (1995) Absorption coefficient of propynenitrile in the mid-UV range for the study of Titan's atmosphere: Solution to sample contaminations

K. Seki, M. He, R. Liu, H. Okabe J. Phys. Chem., 100 (13), 5349–5353, (1996) Photochemistry of Cyanoacetylene at 193.3 nm

T. Titarchuk, J.B. Halpern Chem. Phys. Lett., 323, 305-311, (2000) The excitation spectrum of cyanoacetylene (HC3N) and emission from C3N fragments

T. Ferradaz, Y. Benilan, N. Fray, A. Jolly, M. Schwell, M.C. Gazeau, H.-W. Jochims Planetary Space Science, 57, 10-22, (2009) Temperature-dependent photoabsorption cross-sections of cyanoacetylene and diacetylene in the mid-and vacuum-UV: Application to Titan’s atmosphere

related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, etc.)
Z. Guennoun, I. Couturier-Tamburelli, N. Piétri, J.P. Aycard Chem. Phys. Lett., 368, 574-583, (2003) UV photoisomerisation of cyano and dicyanoacetylene: the first identification of CCNCH and CCCNCN isomers – matrix isolation, infrared and ab initio study

C5HN; HC5N; H—C≡C—C≡C—C≡N; cyanodiacetylene; 2,4-pentadiynenitrile; CAS-No.: 59866-32-9
A. Coupeaud, M. Turowski, M. Gronowski, N. Pietri, I. Couturier-Tamburelli, R. Kolos, J.-P. Aycard J. Chem. Phys., 126, 164301, (2007) Spectroscopy of cyanodiacetylene in solid argon and the photochemical generation of isocyanodiacetylene

related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, ir spectra, etc.)
Y. Bénilan, A. Jolly, Y. Trolez, F. Raulin, J.-C. Guillemin J. Molecular Spectroscopy, 245, 109-114, (2007) Infrared band intensities of cyanobutadiyne (HC5N) between 400 and 4000 cm-1

C3H4N2; pyrazole; 1,2-diazole; 1H-pyrazole; CAS-No.: 288-13-1; PubChem: CID 1048
I.C. Walker, M.H. Palmer, M.-J. Hubin-Franskin, J. Delwiche Chem. Phys. Lett., 367 (5-6), 517-522, (2003) VUV optical-absorption and near-threshold electron energy-loss spectra of pyrazole

B. Samir, C. Kalalian, E. Roth, R. Salghi, A. Chakir RSC Advances, 9, 27361-27368, (2019) Gas-phase UV absorption spectra and OH-oxidation kinetics of 1H-1,2,3-triazole and pyrazole

C3H8N2; methaneazoethane; methylazoethane; methylethyl diazene; CAS-No.: 3880-48-6; PubChem: 
S. Fujita, S. Kodama, O. Toyama Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 39 (6), 1323-1326, (1966) The studies of the cage effect of solvents. VI. The photolysis of methylazoethane in n-heptane

C3H9N; trimethylamine; N,N-dimethylmethanamine; TMA; CAS-No.: 75-50-3; PubChem: CID 1146
E. Tannenbaum, E.M. Coffin, A.J. Harrison J. Chem. Phys., 21, 311, (1953) The Far Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Simple Alkyl Amines

C4H3N; CH3C3N; methylcyanoacetylene; cyanopropyne; 2-butynenitrile; CAS-No.: 13752-78-8; PubChem: CID 139576
P. Bruston, H. Poncet, F. Raulin, C. Cossart-Magos, R. Courtin Icarus, 78 (1), 38-53, (1989) UV spectroscopy of Titan's atmosphere, planetary organic chemistry, and prebiological synthesis : I. Absorption spectra of gaseous propynenitrile and 2-butynenitrile in the 185- to 250-nm region

N. Lamarre, B. Gans, L.A. Vieira Mendes, M. Gronowski, J.-C. Guillemin, N. De Oliveira, S. Douin, M. Chevalier, C. Crépin, R. Kolos, S. Boyé-Péronne J. Quant. Spectr. Rad. Transfer, 182, 286-295, (2016) Excited electronic structure of methylcyanoacetylene probed by VUV Fourier-transform absorption spectroscopy

C4H4N2; pyrimidine; 1,3-diazine; m-diazine; CAS-No.: 289-95-2; PubChem: CID 9260
F. Halverson, R.C. Hirt J. Chem. Phys., 19, 711-718, (1951) Near Ultraviolet Solution Spectra of the Diazines

L.B. Clark, I. Tinoco Jr. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 87 (1), 11-15, (1965) Correlations in the Ultraviolet Spectra of the Purine and Pyrimidine Bases

J.E. Parkin, K.K. Innes J. Mol. Spectroscopy, 15 (4), 407-434, (1965) The vacuum ultraviolet spectra of pyrazine, pyrimidine, and pyridazine vapors: Part I. Spectra between 1550 Å and 2000 Å

A. Bolovinos, P. Tsekeris, J. Philis, E. Pantos, G. Andritsopoulos J. Mol. Spectroscopy, 103 (2), 240-256, (1984) Absolute vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectra of some gaseous azabenzenes

F. Ferreira da Silva, D. Almeida, G. Martins, A.R. Milosavljevic, B.P. Marinkovic, S.V. Hoffmann, N.J. Mason, Y. Nunes, G. Garcia, P. Limão-Vieira Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 12, 6717-6731, (2010) The electronic states of pyrimidine studied by VUV photoabsorption and electron energy-loss spectroscopy

M. Stener, P. Decleva, D.M.P. Holland, D.A. Shaw J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 44, 075203, (2011) A study of the valence shell electronic states of pyrimidine and pyrazine by photoabsorption spectroscopy and time-dependent density functional theory calculations

B. Samir, C. Kalalian, E. Roth, R. Salghi, A. Chakir Chem. Phys. Lett., 751, 137469, (2020) Gas-phase UV absorption spectra of pyrazine, pyrimidine and pyridazine

C4H4N2; 3-cyanopyrrole; 1H-pyrrole-3-carbonitrile; CAS-No.: 7126-38-7; PubChem: CID
J.N. Apell, N.C. Pflug, K. McNeill Environ. Sci. Technol., 53, 19, 11240–11250, (2019) Photodegradation of fludioxonil and other pyrroles: The importance of indirect photodegradation for understanding environmental fate and photoproduct formation

C4H6N2; 1-methylimidazole; 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; CAS-No.: 616-47-7; PubChem: CID 1390
D.M.P. Holland, D.A. Shaw, D. Townsend, I. Powis Molecular Physics, (2023) Valence shell electronically excited states of imidazole and 1-methylimidazole

C6H9N; 2,5-dimethylpyrrole; 2,5-dimethyl-1H-pyrrole; CAS-No.: 625-84-3; PubChem: CID 12265
B. Cronin, M.G.D. Nix, A.L. Devine, R.N. Dixon, M.N.R. Ashfold Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,8, 599-612, (2006) High resolution photofragment translational spectroscopy studies of the near ultraviolet photolysis of 2,5-dimethylpyrrole

C8H7N; indole; 2,3-benzopyrrole; 1-benzazole; CAS-No.: 120-72-9; PubChem: CID 798
J.M. Kaper, O. Gebhard, C.J. van den Berg, H. Veldstra Archives of Biochem. Biophys., 103 (3), 475-487, (1963) Studies on indolepyruvic acid II. Ultraviolet spectrophotometry

E. Hardin Strickland, J. Horwitz, C. Billups Biochemistry, 9 (25), 4914-4921, (1970) Near-Ultraviolet absorption bands of tryptophan. Studies using indole and 3-methylindole as models

D.C. Merrer, S. Ozcetinkaya, A.E. Shinnar Tetrahedron Letters, 45 (25), 4899-4902, (2004) Experimental and theoretical ultraviolet spectra of haloindoles

C8H7N; phenylacetonitrile; benzylcyanide; 2-phenylacetonitrile; CAS-No.: 140-29-4; PubChem: CID 8794
J.B. Polya PhD Thesis, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, (1937) Absorptionsspektrographische und chemische Untersuchungen über chemische Kampfstoffe

C9H7N; quinoline; 1-azanaphthalene; 1-benzazine; CAS-No.: 91-22-5; PubChem: CID 7047
W.K. Miller, S.B. Knight, A. Roe J. Am. Chem. Soc., 72 (4), 1629-1633, (1950) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of the monofluoropyridines and the monofluoroquinolines

A.W. Sangster, K.L. Stuart Chem. Rev., 65 (1), 69-130, (1965) Ultraviolet Spectra of Alkaloids

C9H7N; isoquinoline; 2-azanaphthalene; benzo[c]pyridine; CAS-No.: 119-65-3; PubChem: CID 8405
G. Coppens, C. Gillet, J. Nasielski, E. Vander Donckt Spectrochim. Acta, 18 (11), 1441-1453, (1962) Proprietes physico-chimiques de composes a caractere aromatique-IV1: Influence de la polarite des solvants sur les transitions N-V et n-pi* de quelques derives monoaza-aromatiques

H.H. Perkampus, I. Sandeman, C.J. Timmons UV atlas of organic compounds, Vol. IV, H 2/1, Butterworth Verlag Chemie, (1968) UV absorption spectrum of isoquinoline

C10H9N; lepidine; 4-methylquinoline; CAS-No.: 491-35-0; PubChem: CID 10285
D. Sutherland, C. Compton J. Org. Chem., 17 (9), 1257-1261, (1952) The absorption spectra of some substituted quinolines and their methiodides

C10H9N; 1-naphthylamine; alpha-naphthylamine; naphthalen-1-amine; 1-aminonaphthalene; CAS-No.: 134-32-7; PubChem: CID 8640
H.H. Hodgson, D.E. Hathway Trans. Faraday Soc., 41, 115-121, (1945) The absorption spectra of some mononitronaphthylamines with observations on their structures

C10H9N; 2-naphthylamine; beta-naphthylamine; naphthalen-2-amine; CAS-No.: 91-59-8
H.H. Hodgson, D.E. Hathway Trans. Faraday Soc., 41, 115-121, (1945) The absorption spectra of some mononitronaphthylamines with observations on their structures

C10H9N; 3-phenylpyrrole; 3-phenyl-1H-pyrrole; CAS-No.: 27649-43-0; PubChem: CID 5324110
J.N. Apell, N.C. Pflug, K. McNeill Environ. Sci. Technol., 53, 19, 11240–11250, (2019) Photodegradation of fludioxonil and other pyrroles: The importance of indirect photodegradation for understanding environmental fate and photoproduct formation

C10H11N; N-benzylidenecyclopropylamine; N-benzylidenecyclopropanamine; CAS-No.: 3187-77-7
S.F. Al-Siaidi, I.T. Ibrahim, M. Shanshal Zeitschrift Naturforschung A, 36 (7), 768-773, (1981) Interaction of the C = N Bond with the Cyclopropyl Ring

C10H19N; cyclohexanamine, N-butylidene-; N-cyclohexylbutan-1-imine; N-cyclohexylbutylideneamine; CAS-No.: 1197-52-0
S.F. Al-Siaidi, I.T. Ibrahim, M. Shanshal Zeitschrift Naturforschung A, 36 (7), 768-773, (1981) Interaction of the C = N Bond with the Cyclopropyl Ring

C10H17N; N-isopropylidene-cyclohexylamine; N-cyclohexylpropan-2-imine; N-cyclohexyl acetonimine; CAS-No.: 6407-36-9
S.F. Al-Siaidi, I.T. Ibrahim, M. Shanshal Zeitschrift Naturforschung A, 36 (7), 768-773, (1981) Interaction of the C = N Bond with the Cyclopropyl Ring

C13H9N; phenanthridine; benzo[c]quinoline; 3,4-benzoquinoline; CAS-No.: 229-87-8; PubChem: CID 9189
H.H. Perkampus, I. Sandeman, C.J. Timmons UV atlas of organic compounds, Vol. IV, H 9/1, Butterworth Verlag Chemie, (1968) UV absorption spectrum of phenanthridine

C14H9N; 4H-benzo[def]carbazole; 4,5-iminophenanthrene; CAS-No.: 203-65-6; PubChem: CID 9148
H.H. Perkampus, I. Sandeman, C.J. Timmons UV atlas of organic compounds, Vol. IV, H 16/12, Butterworth Verlag Chemie, (1968) UV absorption spectrum of 4H-benzo[def]carbazole

C14H11N; N-acetylcarbazole; 9-acetylcarbazole; 1-(9H-carbazol-9-yl)ethanone; CAS-No.: 574-39-0; PubChem: CID 95837
P.B.D. de la Mare, M. Wilson, O.M.H. El Dusouqui J. Chem. Society Perkin Trans. 2, 634-637, (1974) The kinetics and mechanisms of aromatic halogen substitution. Part XXXI. The reaction pathway involved in the chlorination of N-acetylcarbazole

C14H11N; 9-vinylcarbazole; N-vinylcarbazole; 9-vinyl-9H-carbazole; CAS-No.: 1484-13-5; PubChem: CID 15143
H.H. Perkampus, I. Sandeman, C.J. Timmons UV atlas of organic compounds, Vol. IV, H 16/11, Butterworth Verlag Chemie, (1968) UV absorption spectrum of 9-vinylcarbazole

C15H11N; 3-phenylisoquinoline; 3-phenyl-isoquinoline; CAS-No.: 37993-76-3; PubChem: CID 609614
H.H. Perkampus, I. Sandeman, C.J. Timmons UV atlas of organic compounds, Vol. IV, H 2/3, Butterworth Verlag Chemie, (1968) UV absorption spectrum of 3-phenylisoquinoline

C15H11N; 4-phenylisoquinoline; 4-phenyl-isoquinoline; CAS-No.: 19571-30-3; PubChem: CID 609619
H.H. Perkampus, I. Sandeman, C.J. Timmons UV atlas of organic compounds, Vol. IV, H 2/5, Butterworth Verlag Chemie, (1968) UV absorption spectrum of 4-phenylisoquinoline

C17H13N; 2-styrylquinoline; 2-(2-phenylethenyl)quinoline; CAS-No.: 4945-26-0; PubChem: CID 5357469
D. Sutherland, C. Compton J. Org. Chem., 17 (9), 1257-1261, (1952) The absorption spectra of some substituted quinolines and their methiodides

C17H13N; 4-styrylquinoline; 4-[(E)-2-phenylethenyl]quinoline; alpha-benzylidenelepidine; CAS-No.: 4594-84-7
D. Sutherland, C. Compton J. Org. Chem., 17 (9), 1257-1261, (1952) The absorption spectra of some substituted quinolines and their methiodides

C17H13N; trans-4-styrylquinoline; 4-styrylquinoline; trans-4-styrylchinolin; CAS-No.: 13362-63-5; PubChem: CID 13758000
H.H. Perkampus, I. Sandeman, C.J. Timmons UV atlas of organic compounds, Vol. IV, H 1/8, Butterworth Verlag Chemie, (1968) UV absorption spectrum of trans-4-styrylquinoline

C18H13N; 9-phenylcarbazole; N-phenylcarbazole; 9-phenyl-9H-carbazole; CAS-No.: 1150-62-5; PubChem: CID 70851
H.H. Perkampus, I. Sandeman, C.J. Timmons UV atlas of organic compounds, Vol. IV, H 16/1, Butterworth Verlag Chemie, (1968) UV absorption spectrum of 9-phenylcarbazole

C20H13N; 13H-dibenzo[a,i]carbazole; dibenzo[a,i]carbazole; 1,2:7,8-dibenzocarbazole; CAS-No.: 239-64-5; PubChem: CID 9200
H.H. Perkampus, I. Sandeman, C.J. Timmons UV atlas of organic compounds, Vol. IV, H 16/2, Butterworth Verlag Chemie, (1968) UV absorption spectrum of dibenzo[a,i]carbazole

C20H13N; 5H-naphtho[2,3-b]carbazole; naphtho[2,3-b]carbazole; CAS-No.: 248-96-4; PubChem: CID 136057
H.H. Perkampus, I. Sandeman, C.J. Timmons UV atlas of organic compounds, Vol. IV, H 16/4, Butterworth Verlag Chemie, (1968) UV absorption spectrum of naphtho[2,3-b]carbazole

C8H6ClN; 4-chloroindole; 4-chloro-1H-indole; CAS-No.: 25235-85-2; PubChem: CID 91345
D.C. Merrer, S. Ozcetinkaya, A.E. Shinnar Tetrahedron Letters, 45 (25), 4899-4902, (2004) Experimental and theoretical ultraviolet spectra of haloindoles

C8H6ClN; 5-chloroindole; 5-chloro-1H-indole; CAS-No.: 17422-32-1; PubChem: CID 87110
D.C. Merrer, S. Ozcetinkaya, A.E. Shinnar Tetrahedron Letters, 45 (25), 4899-4902, (2004) Experimental and theoretical ultraviolet spectra of haloindoles

C8H6ClN; 6-chloroindole; 6-chloro-1H-indole; CAS-No.: 17422-33-2; PubChem: CID 87111
D.C. Merrer, S. Ozcetinkaya, A.E. Shinnar Tetrahedron Letters, 45 (25), 4899-4902, (2004) Experimental and theoretical ultraviolet spectra of haloindoles

C8H6ClN; 7-chloroindole; 7-chloro-1H-indole; CAS-No.: 53924-05-3; PubChem: CID 104644
D.C. Merrer, S. Ozcetinkaya, A.E. Shinnar Tetrahedron Letters, 45 (25), 4899-4902, (2004) Experimental and theoretical ultraviolet spectra of haloindoles

C4H6ClNO2; N-acetyl-2-chloroacetamide; N-acetyl-chloroacetamide; CAS-No.: 17368-73-9; PubChem: CID 2366697
J.B. Polya, T.M. Spotswood Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 68 (6), 573-578, (1949) Amides V: Ultraviolet absorption spectra of diacylimines

C9H8ClNO2; chloroacetylbenzamide; N-(2-chloroacetyl)benzamide; CAS-No.: 7218-27-1; PubChem: CID 2431959
J.B. Polya, T.M. Spotswood Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 68 (6), 573-578, (1949) Amides V: Ultraviolet absorption spectra of diacylimines

C4N2; dicyanoacetylene; CAS-No.: 1071-98-3
F.A. Miller, R.B. Hannan, Jr. Spectrochim. Acta, 12, 321-331, (1958) The ultraviolet absorption spectrum of dicyanoacetylene

R.E. Connors, J.L. Roebber, K. Weiss J. Chem. Phys., 60, 5011, (1974) Vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy of cyanogen and cyanoacetylenes

related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, etc.)
Z. Guennoun, I. Couturier-Tamburelli, N. Piétri, J.P. Aycard Chem. Phys. Lett., 368, 574-583, (2003) UV photoisomerisation of cyano and dicyanoacetylene: the first identification of CCNCH and CCCNCN isomers – matrix isolation, infrared and ab initio study

C6N4; tetracyanoethylene; TCNE; ethenetetracarbonitrile; CAS-No.: 670-54-2; PubChem: 12635
M. Itoh J. Am. Chem. Soc., 92 (4), 886-889, (1970) Formation and spectrum of tetracyanoethylene dimer anion (TCNE)2-

C2HNO; formyl cyanide; CAS-No.: 4471-47-0
R.H. Judge, D.C. Moule, A. Biernacki, M. Benkel, J.M. Ross, J. Rustenburg J. Mol. Spectroscopy, 116, 364-370, (1986) Laser Excitation Spectrum and the Long Path Length Absorption Spectrum of Formyl Cyanide, CHOCN

D. J. Clouthier, D. C. Moule J. Am. Chem. Soc., 109 (21), 6259-6261, (1987) Spectroscopic identification of formyl cyanide (CHOCN) in the flash pyrolysis of methoxyacetonitrile

CH3COCN; acetyl cyanide; CAS-No.: 631-57-2
A. Furlan, H.A. Scheld, J.R. Huber J. Phys. Chem. A, 104, 1920-1929, (2000) The two competitive photodissociation channels in cyano carbonyls (NCC(O)X, X = CH3, CH(CH3)2, C(CH3)3, OCH3) at 193 nm. A study by photofragment translational energy spectroscopy

CO(CN)2; carbonyl cyanide; CAS-No.: 1115-12-4
J. Prochorow, A. Tramer, K.L. Wierzchowski J. Mol. Spectroscopy, 19 (1-4), 45-62, (1966) n-pi* Transitions in Carbonyl Group: Electronic Spectrum of Carbonyl Cyanide

A.B.F. Duncan, R. F. Whitlook Spectrochim. Acta A: Mol. Spec., 27, 2539-2541, (1971) Vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectrum of carbonyl cyanide

H.A. Scheld, A. Furlan, J.R. Huber J. Chem. Phys., 111, 923-930, (1999) The photodissociation of carbonyl cyanide CO(CN)2 at 193 nm studied by photofragment translational energy spectroscopy

related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, ir spectra, etc.)
Q. Li, R. T. Carter, J. R. Huber Chem. Phys. Lett., 323, 105-110, (2000) 193 nm photodissociation of carbonyl cyanide CO(CN)2 probed by the CN(v,J) fragment

H.U. Suter, R. Pfister, A. Furlan, J. R. Huber J. Phys. Chem. A, 111 (5), 764-769, (2007) Dissociation and Recombination in the Photochemical Decay of Carbonyl Cyanide CO(CN)2 in Cryogenic Matrixes

C2H4N2O4; 1,1-dinitroethane; ethane, 1,1-dinitro-; CAS-No.: 600-40-8; PubChem: 61150
H.E. Ungnade, L.W. Kissinger J. Org. Chem., 22 (9), 1088-1090, (1957) Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Dinitro Compounds

C3H6N2O4; 1,1-dinitropropane; propane, 1,1-dinitro-; CAS-No.: 601-76-3
H.E. Ungnade, L.W. Kissinger J. Org. Chem., 22 (9), 1088-1090, (1957) Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Dinitro Compounds

C3H6N2O4; 2,2-dinitropropane; propane, 2,2-dinitro-; CAS-No.: 595-49-3
H.E. Ungnade, L.W. Kissinger J. Org. Chem., 22 (9), 1088-1090, (1957) Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Dinitro Compounds

C4H8N8O8; HMX; octogen; octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine; CAS-No.: 2691-41-0; PubChem: CID 17596
J.K. Cooper, C.D. Grant, J.Z. Zhang J. Phys. Chem. A, 117 (29), 6043-6051, (2013) Experimental and TD-DFT Study of Optical Absorption of Six Explosive Molecules: RDX, HMX, PETN, TNT, TATP, and HMTD

C5H10N2O4; 1,1-dinitropentane; pentane, 1,1-dinitro-; CAS-No.: 3759-56-6
H.E. Ungnade, L.W. Kissinger J. Org. Chem., 22 (9), 1088-1090, (1957) Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Dinitro Compounds

C6H12N2O4; 2,3-dimethyl-2,3-dinitrobutane; DMDNB; DMNB; CAS-No.: 3964-18-9; PubChem: 77577
H.E. Ungnade, L.W. Kissinger J. Org. Chem., 22 (9), 1088-1090, (1957) Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Dinitro Compounds

C6H12N2O6; hexamethylenetriperoxidediamine; HMTD; CAS-No.: 283-66-9; PubChem: CID 61101
J.K. Cooper, C.D. Grant, J.Z. Zhang J. Phys. Chem. A, 117 (29), 6043-6051, (2013) Experimental and TD-DFT Study of Optical Absorption of Six Explosive Molecules: RDX, HMX, PETN, TNT, TATP, and HMTD

C4H4N2O; pyrazine 1-oxide; 1-oxidopyrazin-1-ium; CAS-No.: 2423-65-6; PubChem: 24885421
T. Kubota Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 35 (6), 946-955, (1962) Electronic Spectra and Electronic Structures of Some Basic Heterocyclic N-Oxides

C4H4N2O2; pyrazine di-N-oxide; 4-oxidopyrazin-1-ium 1-oxide; pyrazine 1,4-dioxide; CAS-No.: 2423-84-9
T. Kubota Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 35 (6), 946-955, (1962) Electronic Spectra and Electronic Structures of Some Basic Heterocyclic N-Oxides

C6H9NO; NCC(O)C(CH3)3; pivaloyl cyanide; CAS-No.: 42867-40-3
A. Furlan, H.A. Scheld, J.R. Huber J. Phys. Chem. A, 104, 1920-1929, (2000) The two competitive photodissociation channels in cyano carbonyls (NCC(O)X, X = CH3, CH(CH3)2, C(CH3)3, OCH3) at 193 nm. A study by photofragment translational energy spectroscopy

C5H7NO; NCC(O)CH(CH3)2; isobutyryl cyanide; 3-methyl-2-oxobutanenitrile; 2-methylpropanoyl cyanide; CAS-No.: 42867-39-0; PubChem: CID 12502754
A. Furlan, H.A. Scheld, J.R. Huber J. Phys. Chem. A, 104, 1920-1929, (2000) The two competitive photodissociation channels in cyano carbonyls (NCC(O)X, X = CH3, CH(CH3)2, C(CH3)3, OCH3) at 193 nm. A study by photofragment translational energy spectroscopy

C2H3NO; methylisocyanat; MIC; CAS-No.: 624-83-9; PubChem: CID 12228
I. Tokue, A. Hiraya, K. Shobatake Chem. Phys., 117 (2), 315-324, (1987) Photoexcitation of CH3NCO, CH3NCS and CH3SCN in the vacuum ultraviolet: Rydberg states and photofragment emission

D.K. Papanastasiou, F. Bernard, J.B. Burkholder ACS Earth Space Chem., 4, 9, 1626-1637, (2020) Atmospheric Fate of Methyl Isocyanate, CH3NCO: OH and Cl Reaction Kinetics and Identification of Formyl Isocyanate, HC(O)NCO

C3H3NO2; CH3OC(O)CN; methyl cyanoformate; CAS-No.: 17640-15-2
A. Furlan, H.A. Scheld, J.R. Huber J. Phys. Chem. A, 104, 1920-1929, (2000) The two competitive photodissociation channels in cyano carbonyls (NCC(O)X, X = CH3, CH(CH3)2, C(CH3)3, OCH3) at 193 nm. A study by photofragment translational energy spectroscopy

CH3NO; HCONH2; formamide; methanamide; CAS-No.: 75-12-7; PubChem: 713
H.D. Hunt, W.T. Simpson J. Am. Chem. Soc., 75 (18), 4540-4543, (1953) Spectra of Simple Amides in the Vacuum Ultraviolet

K. Kaya, S. Nagakura Theor. Chimica Acta, 7 (2), 117-123, (1967) Vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectra of simple amides

H. Basch, M.B. Robin, N.A. Kuebler J. Chem. Phys., 49, 5007-5018, (1968) Electronic Spectra of Isoelectronic Amides, Acids, and Acyl Fluorides

J.M. Heller, L.R. Painter, R.D. Birkhoff J. Chem. Phys., 71 (11), 4641-4645, (1979) Optical studies of liquid formamide in the vacuum ultraviolet

J.M. Gingell, N.J. Mason, H. Zhao, I.C. Walker, M.R.F. Siggel Chem. Phys., 220, 191-205, (1997) VUV optical-absorption and electron-energy-loss spectroscopy of formamide

B. Sivaraman, B.N. Raja Sekhar, N.C. Jones, S.V. Hoffmann, N.J. Mason Chem. Phys. Lett., 554, 57-59, (2012) VUV spectroscopy of formamide ices

B. Sivaraman, B.G. Nair, B.N. Raja Sekhar, N.C. Jones, S.V. Hoffmann, N.J. Mason Chem. Phys. Lett., 608, 404-407, (2014) Electron impact dissociation and VUV photoabsorption of frozen formamide

C2H5NO; N-methylformamide; methylformamide; CAS-No.: 123-39-7; PubChem: CID 31254
K. Kaya, S. Nagakura Theor. Chimica Acta, 7 (2), 117-123, (1967) Vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectra of simple amides

C2H5NO; acetamide; ethanamide; CAS-No.: 60-35-5; PubChem: CID 178
K. Kaya, S. Nagakura Theor. Chimica Acta, 7 (2), 117-123, (1967) Vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectra of simple amides

N2H4; hydrazine; CAS-No.: 302-01-2
G.L. Vaghjiani J. Chem. Phys., 98, 2123-2131, (1993) Ultraviolet absorption cross sections for N2H4 vapor between 191-291 nm and H(2S) quantum yield in 248 nm photodissociation at 296 K

G.L. Vaghjiani J. Phys. Chem. A, 101 (23), 4167-4171, (1997) UV Absorption Cross Sections, Laser Photodissociation Product Quantum Yields, and Reactions of H Atoms with Methylhydrazines at 298 K

related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, etc.)
R.R. Wenner, A.O. Beckman J. Am. Chem. Soc., 54 (7), 2787-2797, (1932) The quantum yield in the photochemical decomposition of gaseous Hydrazine

L.J. Stief, V.J. DeCarlo, R.J. Mataloni Journal of Chemical Physics, 46, Issue 2, 592-598, (1967) Vacuum-Ultraviolet Photochemistry. VII. Photolysis of Hydrazine at 1236 and 1470 A

P. Lindberg, D. Raybone, J.A. Salthouse, T.M. Watkinson, J.C. Whitehead Molecular Physics, Volume 62, Issue 6, 1297 - 1306, (1987) The production of electronically-excited species from the photolysis of N2H4 and N2D4 at 193 nm

G.L. Vaghjiani Int. J. Chem. Kinetics, 27, 777-790, (1995) Laser photolysis studies of hydrazine vapor: 193 and 222-nm H-atom primary quantum yields at 296 K, and the kinetics of H + N2H4 reaction over the temperature range 222-657 K

N2CO; CN2O; diazirinone; 3H-diaziren-3-one; CAS-No.:
X. Zeng, H. Beckers, H. Willner, J.F. Stanton Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2012, 21, 3403-3409, (2012) Fascinating Diazirinone: A Violet Gas

related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, etc.)
X. Zeng, H. Beckers, H. Willner, J.F. Stanton Angewandte Chemie, 50 (7), 1720-1723, (2011) Elusive Diazirinone, N2CO

CH6N2; CH3NHNH2; monomethylhydrazin; CAS-No.: 60-34-4
G.L. Vaghjiani J. Phys. Chem. A, 101 (23), 4167-4171, (1997) UV Absorption Cross Sections, Laser Photodissociation Product Quantum Yields, and Reactions of H Atoms with Methylhydrazines at 298 K

C2H8N2; (CH3)2NNH2; dimethylhydrazine; CAS-No.: 57-14-7
G.L. Vaghjiani J. Phys. Chem. A, 101 (23), 4167-4171, (1997) UV Absorption Cross Sections, Laser Photodissociation Product Quantum Yields, and Reactions of H Atoms with Methylhydrazines at 298 K

C3H3NO; isoxazole; 1-oxa-2-azacyclopentadiene; CAS-No.: 288-14-2
M. Dampc, B. Mielewska, M.R.F. Siggel-King, G.C. King, B. Sivaraman, S. Ptasinska, N. Mason, M. Zubek Chem. Phys., 367, 75-79, (2010) Threshold photoelectron studies of isoxazolenext term over the energy range 9.9-30 eV

C4H8ClNO; N-chloromorpholine; 4-chloromorpholine; CAS-No.: 23328-69-0; PubChem: CID 90067
W.S. Metcalf J. Chem. Soc., 148-150, (1942) The absorption spectra of mono-, di-, and tri-chloroamines and some aliphatic derivatives

C6H10ClNO; 1-chloro-1-nitrosocyclohexane; alpha-chloronitrosocyclohexane; CAS-No.: 695-64-7; PubChem: CID 637562
M. Tanaka, J. Tanaka, S. Nagakura Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 39, 766-771, (1966) The Electronic Structures and Electronic Spectra of Some Aliphatic Nitroso Compounds

C2H2N2O; 1,2,5-oxadiazole; furazan; CAS-No.: 288-37-9
B.J. Forrest, A.W. Richardson Can. J. Chem., 50, 2088-2091, (1972) The ultraviolet absorption spectrum of furazan

M.H. Palmer Chem. Phys., 360, 150-161, (2009) The electronic states of 1,2,5-oxadiazole studied by VUV absorption spectroscopy and CI, CCSD(T) and DFT methods

CH5N; methylamine; methanamine; aminomethane; CAS-No.: 74-89-5; PubChem: CID 6329
E. Tannenbaum, E.M. Coffin, A.J. Harrison J. Chem. Phys., 21, 311-318, (1953) The Far Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Simple Alkyl Amines

M. Tsuboi, A.Y. Hirakawa, H. Kawashima J. Molecular Spectroscopy, 29, 216-219, (1969) The structure of the methylamine molecule in an excited electronic state

L. Lagesson-Andrasko, V. Lagesson, J. Andrasko Anal. Chem., 70 (5), 819-826, (1998) The use of gas-phase UV spectra in the 168-330 nm wavelength region for analytical purposes. 1. Qualitative measurements

M.-J. Hubin-Franskin, J. Delwiche, A. Giuliani, M.-P. Ska, F. Motte-Tollet, I.C. Walker, N.J. Mason, J.M. Gingell, N.C. Jones J. Chem. Phys., 116, 9261-9268, (2002) Electronic excitation and optical cross sections of methylamine and ethylamine in the UV-VUV spectral region

P.D. Holtom, A. Dawes, M.P. Davis, S.V. Hoffmann, R.J. Mukerji, N.J. Mason Rad. Phys. Chem., 76 (5), 745-749, (2007) The ultraviolet spectrum of condensed methylamine at 25 K

B. Yang, J. Wang, T.A. Cool, N. Hansen, S. Skeen, D.L. Osborn Int. J. Mass Spectr., 309, 118-128, (2012) Absolute photoionization cross-sections of some combustion intermediates

related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, etc.)
C.L. Reed, M. Kono, M.N.R. Ashfold J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 92(24), 4897-4904, (1996) Near-UV photolysis of methylamine studied by H-atom photofragment translational spectroscopy

C2H7N; ethylamine; ethanamine; aminoethane; CAS-No.: 75-04-7; PubChem: CID 6341
M.-J. Hubin-Franskin, J. Delwiche, A. Giuliani, M.-P. Ska, F. Motte-Tollet, I.C. Walker, N.J. Mason, J.M. Gingell, N.C. Jones J. Chem. Phys., 116, 9261-9268, (2002) Electronic excitation and optical cross sections of methylamine and ethylamine in the UV-VUV spectral region

B. Yang, J. Wang, T.A. Cool, N. Hansen, S. Skeen, D.L. Osborn Int. J. Mass Spectr., 309, 118-128, (2012) Absolute photoionization cross-sections of some combustion intermediates

CH4N2O; formhydrazide; formohydrazide; formic acid hydrazide; CAS-No.: 624-84-0
M. Mashima, F. Ikeda Chemistry Letters, 209-214, (1972) UV spectra of hydrazides

C2H6N2O; N-nitrosodimethylamine; N,N-dimethylnitrosamine; NDMA; CAS-No.: 62-75-9; PubChem: CID 6124
M. Piskorz, T. Urbanski Bull. l'Academie Pol. Sciences, Chimiques, 11, 607-613, (1963) Ultraviolet and Infrared Spectra of Some Nitrosamines

M. Tanaka, J. Tanaka, S. Nagakura Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 39, 766-771, (1966) The Electronic Structures and Electronic Spectra of Some Aliphatic Nitroso Compounds

M.I. Stefan, J.R. Bolton Helv. Chim. Acta, 85 (5), 1416-1426, (2002) UV Direct Photolysis of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA): Kinetic and Product Study

C.M. Sharpless, K.G. Linden Environ. Sci. Technol., 37 (9), 1933-1940, (2003) Experimental and Model Comparisons of Low- and Medium-Pressure Hg Lamps for the Direct and H2O2 Assisted UV Photodegradation of N-Nitrosodimethylamine in Simulated Drinking Water

M.H. Plumlee, M. Reinhard Environ. Sci. Technol., 41 (17), 6170-6176, (2007) Photochemical Attenuation of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and Other Nitrosamines in Surface Water

I. Velo-Gala, M.J. Farre, J. Radjenovic, W. Gernjak Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett., 6 (2), 106-111, (2019) N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) Degradation by the Ultraviolet/Peroxodisulfate Process

C2H6N2O; acethydrazide; acetohydrazide; acetyl hydrazide; CAS-No.: 1068-57-1; PubChem: CID 14039
M. Mashima, F. Ikeda Chemistry Letters, 209-214, (1972) UV spectra of hydrazides

C3H5N3O; cyanoacetohydrazide; cyanoacethydrazide; cyacetacide; CAS-No.: 140-87-4; PubChem: CID 8820
M. Mashima, F. Ikeda Chemistry Letters, 209-214, (1972) UV spectra of hydrazides

C3H8N2O; N-nitrosomethylethylamine; CAS-No.: 10595-95-6
M.H. Plumlee, M. Reinhard Environ. Sci. Technol., 41 (17), 6170-6176, (2007) Photochemical Attenuation of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and Other Nitrosamines in Surface Water

C4H8N2O; NPYR; N-nitrosopyrrolidine; CAS-No.: 930-55-2
M.H. Plumlee, M. Reinhard Environ. Sci. Technol., 41 (17), 6170-6176, (2007) Photochemical Attenuation of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and Other Nitrosamines in Surface Water

C4H10N2O; N-nitrosodiethylamine; NDEA; CAS-No.: 55-18-5
M.H. Plumlee, M. Reinhard Environ. Sci. Technol., 41 (17), 6170-6176, (2007) Photochemical Attenuation of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and Other Nitrosamines in Surface Water

C5H10N2O; N-nitrosopiperidine; NPIP; CAS-No.: 100-75-4
M.H. Plumlee, M. Reinhard Environ. Sci. Technol., 41 (17), 6170-6176, (2007) Photochemical Attenuation of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and Other Nitrosamines in Surface Water

C7H6N2O; indazolone; 3H-indazol-3-one; CAS-No.: 5686-93-1
B.D. Chernokal'skii, A.T. Groisberg, N.F. Rakova, R.R. Shagidullin Chem. Heterocyclic Compounds, 2 (1), 68-71, (1966) Structure and ultraviolet absorption spectra of indazolones

C2H6N4O2; ethanedihydrazide; oxalhydrazide; ethanedioic acid, dihydrazide; CAS-No.: 996-98-5
M. Mashima, F. Ikeda Chemistry Letters, 209-214, (1972) UV spectra of hydrazides

C3H6N6O3; 1,3,5-cyclotrimethylenetrinitrosamine; TRDX; trinitrosotrimethylenetriamine; CAS-No.: 13980-04-6
M. Piskorz, T. Urbanski Bull. l'Academie Pol. Sciences, Chimiques, 11, 607-613, (1963) Ultraviolet and Infrared Spectra of Some Nitrosamines

C3H8N4O2; malonic acid, dihydrazide; malonhydrazide; propanedioic acid dihydrazide; CAS-No.: 3815-86-9
M. Mashima, F. Ikeda Chemistry Letters, 209-214, (1972) UV spectra of hydrazides

C4H10N4O2; butanedihydrazide; succinhydrazide; butanedioyl dihydrazide; CAS-No.: 4146-43-4
M. Mashima, F. Ikeda Chemistry Letters, 209-214, (1972) UV spectra of hydrazides

C5H12N4O2; glutarhydrazide; pentanedioic acid,1,5-dihydrazide; glutaric acid hydrazide; CAS-No.: 1508-67-4
M. Mashima, F. Ikeda Chemistry Letters, 209-214, (1972) UV spectra of hydrazides

C6H14N4O2; adipinhydrazide; adipic dihydrazide; hexanedihydrazide; CAS-No.: 1071-93-8; PubChem: CID 66117
M. Mashima, F. Ikeda Chemistry Letters, 209-214, (1972) UV spectra of hydrazides

C6H14N2O; N-nitrosodi-n-propylamine; NDPA; CAS-No.: 621-64-7
M.H. Plumlee, M. Reinhard Environ. Sci. Technol., 41 (17), 6170-6176, (2007) Photochemical Attenuation of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and Other Nitrosamines in Surface Water

C8H18N2O; NDBA; N-nitrosodi-n-butylamine; CAS-No.: 924-16-3
M.H. Plumlee, M. Reinhard Environ. Sci. Technol., 41 (17), 6170-6176, (2007) Photochemical Attenuation of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and Other Nitrosamines in Surface Water

C3H7NO; O=CN(C)C; DMF; N,N-dimethylformamide; N,N-dimethylmethanamide; CAS-No.: 68-12-2; PubChem: CID 6228
H.D. Hunt, W.T. Simpson J. Am. Chem. Soc., 75 (18), 4540-4543, (1953) Spectra of Simple Amides in the Vacuum Ultraviolet

K. Kaya, S. Nagakura Theor. Chimica Acta, 7 (2), 117-123, (1967) Vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectra of simple amides

A. Chakir, G. Solignac, A. Mellouki, D. Daumont Chem. Phys. Let., 404, 74 - 78, (2005) Gas phase UV absorption cross-sections for a series of amides

A. Shastri, A.K. Das, S. Krishnakumar, P.J. Singh, B.N. Raja Sekhar J. Chem. Phys., 147, 224305, (2017) Spectroscopy of N,N-dimethylformamide in the VUV and IR regions: Experimental and computational studies

C4H9NO; CH3CON(CH3)2; DMA; DMAC; dimethylacetamide; N,N-dimethylacetamide; CAS-No.: 127-19-5; PubChem: CID 31374
K. Kaya, S. Nagakura Theor. Chimica Acta, 7 (2), 117-123, (1967) Vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectra of simple amides

H. Basch, M.B. Robin, N.A. Kuebler J. Chem. Phys., 49, 5007-5018, (1968) Electronic Spectra of Isoelectronic Amides, Acids, and Acyl Fluorides

A. Chakir, G. Solignac, A. Mellouki, D. Daumont Chem. Phys. Let., 404, 74 - 78, (2005) Gas phase UV absorption cross-sections for a series of amides

P.J. Singh, A.K. Das, K.K. Gorai, A. Shastri, Sunanda K., D.V. Udupa, B.N. Rajasekhar J. Quant. Spectr. Rad. Transfer, 280, 108092, (2022) Synchrotron based spectroscopic investigation of N,N-dimethylacetamide

C5H9NO; NMP; n-methyl pyrrolidone; 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone; CAS-No.: 872-50-4; PubChem: CID 13387
H. Basch, M.B. Robin, N.A. Kuebler J. Chem. Phys., 49, 5007-5018, (1968) Electronic Spectra of Isoelectronic Amides, Acids, and Acyl Fluorides

A. Chakir, G. Solignac, A. Mellouki, D. Daumont Chem. Phys. Let., 404, 74 - 78, (2005) Gas phase UV absorption cross-sections for a series of amides

C5H9NO; (CH3)2NC(O)CCH3; DMPA; N,N-dimethylpropionamide; CAS-No.: 758-96-3
A. Chakir, G. Solignac, A. Mellouki, D. Daumont Chem. Phys. Let., 404, 74 - 78, (2005) Gas phase UV absorption cross-sections for a series of amides

related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, etc.)
G. El Dib, A. Chakir Atmospheric Environment, 41, 5887–5896, (2007) Temperature-dependence study of the gas-phase reactions of atmospheric NO3 radicals with a series of amides

CH3NO2; methyl nitrite; CAS-No.: 624-91-9; PubChem: CID 12231
M. Tanaka, J. Tanaka, S. Nagakura Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 39, 766-771, (1966) The Electronic Structures and Electronic Spectra of Some Aliphatic Nitroso Compounds

I.M. Napier, R.G.W. Norrish Proc. Roy. Soc. London A, 299, 317-336, (1967) The photolysis and pyrolysis of nitromethane and methyl nitrite

H.A. Wiebe, J. Heicklen J. Am. Chem. Soc., 95, 1-7, (1973) Photolysis of methyl nitrite

W.D. Taylor, T.D. Allston, M.J. Moscato, G.B. Fazekas, R. Koslowski, G.A. Takacs Int. J. Chem. Kinetics, 12, 231-240, (1980) Atmospheric photodissociation lifetimes for nitromethane, methyl nitrite, and methyl nitrate

F. Lahmani, C. Lardeux, M. Lavollée, D. Solgadi J. Chem. Phys., 73, 1187-1192, (1980) Photodissociation of methylnitrite in the vacuum ultraviolet. I. Identification and quantum yields of electronically excited NO products

F. Lahmani, C. Lardeux, D. Solgadi Laser Chemistry, 3, 97-106, (1983) Energy partitioning in molecular photodissociation: Methyl nitrite photolysis

M. Hippler, M.R.S. McCoustra, J. Pfab Chem. Phys. Lett., 198, 168-176, (1992) Structured absorption spectrum and vibrational state-selectivity in the photodissociation of methylnitrite in the near-UV

M. Hippler, J. Pfab J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 88, 2109 - 2110, (1992) Faraday communications. Electronic absorption spectrum of methyl nitrite in the near-ultraviolet

Dianxun Wang, Sheng Li, Ying Li, Shijun Zheng, Chuanfan Ding, Yiqin Gao, Wenwu Chen J. Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 82, 19-22, (1996) HeI photoelectron spectroscopic (PES) studies of the electronic structure for alkyl nitrites CH3(CH2)nONO (n = 0, 1, 2, 3)

related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, etc.)
J.A. Gray, D.W.G. Style Trans. Faraday Soc.,48, 1137-1142, (1952) The photolysis of methyl nitrite

R.A. Cox, R.G. Derwent, S.V. Kearsey, L. Batt, K.G. Patrick J. Photochem., 13 (2), 149-163, (1980) Photolysis of methylnitrite: kinetics of the reaction of the methoxy radical with O2

F. Lahmani, C. Lardeux, D. Solgadi Il Nuovo Cimento B (1971-1996), 63, 233-240, (1981) Photodissociation of organic nitrites in the vacuum ultraviolet

M.R.S. McCoustra, M. Hippler, J. Pfab Chem. Phys. Lett., 200, 451-458, (1992) The 355 nm laser photolysis of jet-cooled methyl nitrite (CH3ONO). Internal energy distributions of the NO fragment

Xian-fang Yue, Ju-long Sun, Zhen-feng Liu, Qiang Wei, Ke-li Han Chem. Phys. Lett., 426, 57-60, (2006) Photodissociation dynamics of the S2 state of CH3ONO: LIF observation of nascent OH State distributions

CH3NO2; nitromethane; CAS-No.: 75-52-5; PubChem: CID 6375
N.S. Bayliss, C.J. Brackenridge J. Am. Chem. Soc., 77 (15), 3959-3963, (1955) The Perturbation of the Ultraviolet Spectrum of Nitromethane in Mixed Solvents, with a Note on Complex Formation

S. Nagakura Mol. Phys., 3, 152-162, (1960) Ultra-violet absorption spectra and pi-electron structures of nitromethane and the nitromethyl anion

I.M. Napier, R.G.W. Norrish Proc. Roy. Soc. London A, 299, 317-336, (1967) The photolysis and pyrolysis of nitromethane and methyl nitrite

W.D. Taylor, T.D. Allston, M.J. Moscato, G.B. Fazekas, R. Koslowski, G.A. Takacs Int. J. Chem. Kinet., 12, 231-240, (1980) Atmospheric photodissociation lifetimes for nitromethane, methyl nitrite, and methyl nitrate

C.P. Constantinou, J.M. Winey, Y.M. Gupta J. Phys. Chem., 98 (32), 7767-7776, (1994) UV/Visible Absorption Spectra of Shocked Nitromethane and Nitromethane-Amine Mixtures up to a Pressure of 14 GPa

A. Shastri, A. Kumar Das, K. Sunanda, B.N. Rajasekhar J. Quant. Spectr. Rad. Transfer, 276, 107933, (2021) Electronic states of nitromethane: Experimental and theoretical studies

L.V.S. Dalagnol, M.H.F. Bettega, N.C. Jones, S.V. Hoffmann, A. Souza Barbosa, P. Limão-Vieira J. Phys. Chem. A, 127, 6, 1445–1457, (2023) Electronic State Spectroscopy of Nitromethane and Nitroethane

related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, etc.)
S. Paszyc Photochem. and Photobiol., 4 (5), 841-848, (1965) Photolysis and radiolysis of nitromethane and nitroethane

J.C. Mialocq Translated from: Journal de Physique, 48 (9), C4-163 - C4-178, (1987) Photodecomposition of energetic nitro compounds

CH3NO3; CH3ONO2; methyl nitrate; nitric acid, methyl ester; CAS-No.: 598-58-3
V. McMillan John Wiley & Sons, London, p. 454, (1966) Calvert and Pitts, Photochemistry

H.J. Maria , J.R. McDonald , S.P. McGlynn J. Am. Chem. Soc., 95 (4), 1050-1056, (1973) Electronic absorption spectrum of nitrate ion and boron trihalides

W.D. Taylor, T.D. Allston, M.J. Moscato, G.B. Tazekas, R. Koslowski, G.A. Takacs Int. J. Chem. Kin., 12, 231-240, (1980) Atmospheric Photodissociation Lifetimes for Nitromethane, Methyl Nitrite, and Methyl Nitrate

J.M. Roberts, R.W. Fajer Environm. Sci. Technol., 23, 945-951, (1989) UV Absorption Cross Sections of Organic Nitrates of Potential Atmospheric Importance and Estimation of Atmospheric Lifetimes

O. Rattigan, E. Lutman, R.L. Jones, R.A. Cox, K. Clemitshaw, J. Williams J. Photochem. Photobiol., 66, 313-326, (1992) Temperature-Dependent Absorption Cross-Sections of Gaseous Nitric Acid and Methyl Nitrate

H.G. Libuda, F. Zabel Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem., 99, 1205-1213, (1995) UV Absorption Cross Section of Acetyl Peroxynitrate and Trifuoroacetyl Peroxynitrate at 298 K

R.K. Talukdar, J.B. Burkholder, M. Hunter, M.K. Gilles, J.M. Roberts, A.R. Ravishankara  J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 93, 16, 2797-2805, (1997) Atmospheric fate of several alkyl nitrates

C.M. Higgins, L.A. Evans, G.C. Lloyd-Jones, D.E. Shallcross, D.P. Tew, A.J. Orr-Ewing J. Phys. Chem. A, 118 (15), 2756-2764, (2014) Quantum Yields for Photochemical Production of NO2 from Organic Nitrates at Tropospherically Relevant Wavelengths

related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, etc.)
X. Yang, P. Felder, J.R. Huber J. Phys. Chem., 97 (42), 10903-10910, (1993) Photodissociation of methyl nitrate in a molecular beam

P. Gorrotxategi Carbajo, A.J. Orr-Ewing Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 12, 6084-6091, (2010) NO2 quantum yields from ultraviolet photodissociation of methyl and isopropyl nitrate

C2H5NO3; C2H5ONO2; ethyl nitrate; nitric acid, ethyl ester; CAS-No.: 625-58-1
K. Kaya, K. Kuwata, S. Nagakura Bulletin Chem. Soc. Japan, 37 (7), (1964) The Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Nitramide and Ethyl Nitrate

V. McMillan John Wiley & Sons, London, p. 454, (1966) Calvert and Pitts, Photochemistry

J.M. Roberts, R.W. Fajer Environ. Sci. Technol., 23, 945-951, (1989) UV absorption cross sections of organic nitrates of potential atmospheric importance and estimation of atmospheric lifetimes

M.P. Turberg, D.M. Giolando, C. Tilt, T. Soper, S. Mason, M. Davies, P. Klingensmith, G.A. Takacs J. Photochem. Photobiol. A. Chem., 51, 281-292, (1990) Atmospheric chemistry of alkyl nitrates

K.C. Clemitshaw, J. Williams, O.V. Rattigan, D.E. Shallcross, K.S. Law, R.A. Cox J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 102, 117-126, (1996) Gas-phase ultraviolet absorption cross-sections and atmospheric lifetimes of several C2-C5 alkyl nitrates

L. Zhu, C.F. Ding Chem. Phys. Lett., 265, 177-184, (1997) Temperature Dependence of the Near UV Absorption Spectra and Photolysis Products of Ethyl Nitrate

R.K. Talukdar, J.B. Burkholder, M. Hunter, M.K. Gilles, J.M. Roberts, A.R. Ravishankara J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 93, 16, 2797-2805, (1997) Atmospheric fate of several alkyl nitrates

C.M. Higgins, L.A. Evans, G.C. Lloyd-Jones, D.E. Shallcross, D.P. Tew, A.J. Orr-Ewing J. Phys. Chem. A, 118 (15), 2756-2764, (2014) Quantum Yields for Photochemical Production of NO2 from Organic Nitrates at Tropospherically Relevant Wavelengths

C2H4BrNO2; BrCH2CH2ONO; 2-bromoethyl nitrite; nitrous acid 2-bromoethyl ester; CAS-No.: 10311-10-1
L. Wang, C.-S. Lam, R. Chhantyal-Pun, M.D. Brynteson, L.J. Butler, T.A. Miller J. Phys. Chem. A, 118 (2), 404-416, (2014) Imaging and Scattering Studies of the Unimolecular Dissociation of the BrCH2CH2O Radical from BrCH2CH2ONO Photolysis at 351 nm

C9H11BrN2O6; 5-bromouridine; bromouridine; CAS-No.: 957-75-5; PubChem: CID 91494
F. Kaspar, R.T. Giessmann, S.Westarp, K.F. Hellendahl, N. Krausch, I. Thiele, M.C. Walczak, P. Neubauer, A. Wagner ChemBioChem, 21 (18), 2604-2610, (2020) Spectral Unmixing-Based Reaction Monitoring of Transformations between Nucleosides and Nucleobases

C3H7N; cyclopropylamine; cyclopropanamine; CAS-No.: 765-30-0; PubChem: CID 69828
P. Papp, M. Danko, S. Matejcik Int. J. Mass Spectrometry, 455, 116390, (2020) Electron ionization and photoionization of cyclopropylamine

C3H7NO3; C3H7ONO2; n-propyl nitrate; CAS-No.: 627-13-4
M.P. Turberg, D.M. Giolando, C. Tilt, T. Soper, S. Mason, M. Davies, P. Klingensmith, G.A. Takacs J. Photochem. Photobiol. A. Chem., 51, 281-292, (1990) Atmospheric chemistry of alkyl nitrates

K.C. Clemitshaw, J. Williams, O.V. Rattigan, D.E. Shallcross, K.S. Law, R.A. Cox J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 102, 117-126, (1996) Gas-phase ultraviolet absorption cross-sections and atmospheric lifetimes of several C2-C5 alkyl nitrates

L. Zhu, D. Kellis Chem. Phys. Lett., 278, 41-48, (1997) Temperature dependence of the UV absorption cross sections and photodissociation products of C3-C5 alkyl nitrates

C.M. Higgins, L.A. Evans, G.C. Lloyd-Jones, D.E. Shallcross, D.P. Tew, A.J. Orr-Ewing J. Phys. Chem. A, 118 (15), 2756-2764, (2014) Quantum Yields for Photochemical Production of NO2 from Organic Nitrates at Tropospherically Relevant Wavelengths

C3H7NO3; i-C3H7ONO2; i-propyl nitrate; 2-propyl nitrate; nitric acid, 1-methylethyl ester; IPN; CAS-No.: 1712-64-7; PubChem: 15575
J.M. Roberts, R.W. Fajer Environ. Sci. Technol., 23, 945-951, (1989) UV absorption cross sections of organic nitrates of potential atmospheric importance and estimation of atmospheric lifetimes

M.P. Turberg, D.M. Giolando, C. Tilt, T. Soper, S. Mason, M. Davies, P. Klingensmith, G.A. Takacs J. Photochem. Photobiol. A. Chem., 51, 281-292, (1990) Atmospheric chemistry of alkyl nitrates

K.C. Clemitshaw, J. Williams, O.V. Rattigan, D.E. Shallcross, K.S. Law, R.A. Cox J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 102, 117-126, (1996) Gas-phase ultraviolet absorption cross-sections and atmospheric lifetimes of several C2-C5 alkyl nitrates

R.K. Talukdar, J.B. Burkholder, M. Hunter, M.K. Gilles, J.M. Roberts, A.R. Ravishankara J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 93, 16 (1997), 2797-2805 Atmospheric fate of several alkyl nitrates

L. Zhu, D. Kellis Chem. Phys. Lett., 278, 41-48, (1997) Temperature dependence of the UV absorption cross sections and photodissociation products of C3-C5 alkyl nitrates

C.M. Higgins, L.A. Evans, G.C. Lloyd-Jones, D.E. Shallcross, D.P. Tew, A.J. Orr-Ewing J. Phys. Chem. A, 118 (15), 2756-2764, (2014) Quantum Yields for Photochemical Production of NO2 from Organic Nitrates at Tropospherically Relevant Wavelengths

D.E. Romonosky, L.Q. Nguyen, D. Shemesh, T.B. Nguyen, S.A. Epstein, D.B.C. Martin, C.D. Vanderwal, R.B. Gerber, S.A. Nizkorodov Mol. Phys., 113 (15-16), 2179-2190, (2015) Absorption spectra and aqueous photochemistry of beta-hydroxyalkyl nitrates of atmospheric interest

F. Xiong, C.H. Borca, L.V. Slipchenko, P.B. Shepson Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 5595-5610, (2016) Photochemical degradation of isoprene-derived 4,1-nitrooxy enal

related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, etc.)
P. Gorrotxategi Carbajo, A.J. Orr-Ewing Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 12, 6084-6091, (2010) NO2 quantum yields from ultraviolet photodissociation of methyl and isopropyl nitrate

C3H7NO2; iso-propyl nitrite; CAS-No.: 541-42-4
J.D. Raff, B.J. Finlayson-Pitts Environ. Sci. Technol., 44 (21), 8150-8155, (2010) Hydroxyl Radical Quantum Yields from Isopropyl Nitrite Photolysis in Air

C3H7NO2; 2-nitropropane; dimethylnitromethane; isonitropropane; CAS-No.: 79-46-9; PubChem: CID 398
R.N. Haszeldine, J. Jander J. Chem. Soc., 691-695, (1954) Studies in spectroscopy. Part VI. Ultra-violet and infra-red spectra of nitrosamines, nitrites, and related compounds

C6H7NO2; 2-acetyl-3-oxobutanenitrile; cyanoacetylacetone; CAS-No.: 3141-59-1
L. Wierzchowski, D. Shugar Spectrochim. Acta, 21 (5), 931-941, (1965) The ultra-violet absorption spectra of cyanoacetylacetone and its aza-analogues

C4H9NO3; 1-butyl nitrate; CAS-No.: 928-45-0
M.P. Turberg, D.M. Giolando, C. Tilt, T. Soper, S. Mason, M. Davies, P. Klingensmith, G.A. Takacs J. Photochem. Photobiol. A. Chem. 51, 281-292 (1990) Atmospheric chemistry of alkyl nitrates

K.C. Clemitshaw, J. Williams, O.V. Rattigan, D.E. Shallcross, K.S. Law, R.A. Cox J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 102, 117-126, (1996) Gas-phase ultraviolet absorption cross-sections and atmospheric lifetimes of several C2-C5 alkyl nitrates

L. Zhu, D. Kellis Chem. Phys. Lett., 278, 41-48, (1997) Temperature dependence of the UV absorption cross sections and photodissociation products of C3-C5 alkyl nitrates

C4H9NO3; tert-butyl nitrate; CAS-No.: 926-05-6
J.M. Roberts, R.W. Fajer Env. Sci. Tech., 23 (8), 945-951, (1989) UV Absorption Cross Sections of Organic Nitrates of Potential Atmospheric Importance and Estimation of Atmospheric Lifetimes

C5H9NO3; cyclopentyl nitrate; nitric acid cyclopentyl ester; CAS-No.: 21823-29-0; PubChem: 534255
J.M. Roberts, R.W. Fajer Env. Sci. Tech., 23 (8), 945-951, (1989) UV Absorption Cross Sections of Organic Nitrates of Potential Atmospheric Importance and Estimation of Atmospheric Lifetimes

C4H9NO2; (CH3)3CONO; t-butyl nitrite; CAS-No.: 540-80-7
H.W. Thompson, F.S. Dainton Trans. Faraday Soc., 33, 1546-1555, (1937) The photochemistry of alkyl nitrites. III

related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, etc.)
G.R. McMillan J. Am. Chem. Soc., 84, 4007-4011, (1962) Photolysis of Alkyl Nitrites. I. tert-Butyl Nitrite

C5H11N; piperidine; hexahydropyridine; CAS-No.: 110-89-4; PubChem: CID 8082
B. Yang, J. Wang, T.A. Cool, N. Hansen, S. Skeen, D.L. Osborn Int. J. Mass Spectr., 309, 118-128, (2012) Absolute photoionization cross-sections of some combustion intermediates

C5H11NO3; 1-pentyl nitrate; CAS-No.: 1002-16-0
K.C. Clemitshaw, J. Williams, O.V. Rattigan, D.E. Shallcross, K.S. Law, R.A. Cox J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 102, 117-126, (1996) Gas-phase ultraviolet absorption cross-sections and atmospheric lifetimes of several C2-C5 alkyl nitrates

L. Zhu, D. Kellis Chem. Phys. Lett., 278, 41-48, (1997) Temperature dependence of the UV absorption cross sections and photodissociation products of C3-C5 alkyl nitrates

C10H7NO3; 1-acetylisatin; N-acetylisatin; 1-acetyl-1H-indole-2,3-dione; CAS-No.: 574-17-4; PubChem: CID 11321
A. Kuboyama, R. Yamazaki, S. Sanae, Y. Uehara Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 42 (1), 10-15, (1969) The n -> pi* Bands of Phenyl Carbonyl Compounds, alpha-Diketones, and Quinones at Low Temperatures

CH4ClN; methylchloramine; N-chloromethanamine; N-chloromethylamine; CAS-No.: 6154-14-9; PubChem: CID 80260
W.S. Metcalf J. Chem. Soc., 148-150, (1942) The absorption spectra of mono-, di-, and tri-chloroamines and some aliphatic derivatives

M. Ferriol, J. Gazet, R. Rizk-Ouaini Analytica Chimica Acta, 231, 161-163, (1990) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of some alkylchloramines

CH3Cl2N; methyldichloramine; N,N-dichloromethylamine; CAS-No.: 7651-91-4; PubChem: CID 123255
W.S. Metcalf J. Chem. Soc., 148-150, (1942) The absorption spectra of mono-, di-, and tri-chloroamines and some aliphatic derivatives

C2H5Cl2N; ethyldichloroamine; N,N-dichloroethanamine; CAS-No.: 24948-83-2; PubChem: CID 13181257
W.S. Metcalf J. Chem. Soc., 148-150, (1942) The absorption spectra of mono-, di-, and tri-chloroamines and some aliphatic derivatives

C2H6ClN; dimethylchloramine; N-chlorodimethylamine; CAS-No.: 1585-74-6; PubChem: CID 123122
W.S. Metcalf J. Chem. Soc., 148-150, (1942) The absorption spectra of mono-, di-, and tri-chloroamines and some aliphatic derivatives

M. Ferriol, J. Gazet, R. Rizk-Ouaini Analytica Chimica Acta, 231, 161-163, (1990) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of some alkylchloramines

C2H6ClN; ethylchloramine; CAS-No.: 
M. Ferriol, J. Gazet, R. Rizk-Ouaini Analytica Chimica Acta, 231, 161-163, (1990) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of some alkylchloramines

C3H8ClN; isopropylchloramine; N-chloroisopropylamine; CAS-No.: 26245-56-7
M. Ferriol, J. Gazet, R. Rizk-Ouaini Analytica Chimica Acta, 231, 161-163, (1990) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of some alkylchloramines

C4H10ClN; diethylchloramine; N,N-diethylchloramine; N-chloro-N-ethylethanamine; CAS-No.: 5775-33-7
W.S. Metcalf J. Chem. Soc., 148-150, (1942) The absorption spectra of mono-, di-, and tri-chloroamines and some aliphatic derivatives

M. Ferriol, J. Gazet, R. Rizk-Ouaini Analytica Chimica Acta, 231, 161-163, (1990) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of some alkylchloramines

C6H6ClN; 4-(chloromethyl)pyridine; 4-picolyl chloride; 4-pyridylmethyl chloride; CAS-No.: 10445-91-7
Sang Chul Shim, Sung Sik Kim Bull. Korean Chem. Soc., 3 (3), 110-115, (1982) Photochemistry and thermochemistry of picolyl chlorides

C6H6ClN; 3-(chloromethyl)pyridine; 3-picolyl chloride; 3-pyridylmethyl chloride; CAS-No.: 3099-31-8; PubChem: CID 18358
Sang Chul Shim, Sung Sik Kim Bull. Korean Chem. Soc., 3 (3), 110-115, (1982) Photochemistry and thermochemistry of picolyl chlorides

C6H6ClN; 2-(chloromethyl)pyridine; 2-picolyl chloride; 2-pyridylmethyl chloride; CAS-No.: 4377-33-7
Sang Chul Shim, Sung Sik Kim Bull. Korean Chem. Soc., 3 (3), 110-115, (1982) Photochemistry and thermochemistry of picolyl chlorides

C6H14ClN; N,N-dipropylchloramine; di-N-propylchloramine; CAS-No.: 5775-34-8
W.S. Metcalf J. Chem. Soc., 148-150, (1942) The absorption spectra of mono-, di-, and tri-chloroamines and some aliphatic derivatives

C2H4ClNO2; N-chloroglycine; glycine chloramine; CAS-No.: 35065-59-9; PubChem: CID 161853
W.S. Metcalf J. Chem. Soc., 148-150, (1942) The absorption spectra of mono-, di-, and tri-chloroamines and some aliphatic derivatives

CCl3O2NO2; trichloromethyl peroxynitrate; CAS-No.: 70490-93-6
O. Morel, R. Simonaitis, J. Heicklen Chem. Phys. Lett., 73, 38-42, (1980) Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of HO2NO2, CCl3O2NO2, CCl2FO2NO2, and CH3O2NO2

C2H3N; CH3CN; acetonitrile; methyl cyanide; CAS-No.: 75-05-8; PubChem: 6342
M.F. Fox, E. Hayon J. Phys. Chem., 76 (19), 2703-2706, (1972) Far-ultraviolet solvent spectroscopy

M.N.R. Ashfold, J.P. Simons J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 2, 74, 1263-1274, (1978) Vacuum ultraviolet photodissociation spectroscopy of CH3CN, CD3CN, CF3CN and CH3NC

M.E. Jacox J. Mol. Spectroscopy, 71, 369-385, (1978) Matrix isolation study of the vacuum ultraviolet photolysis of methyl cyanide: Vibrational and electronic spectra of the CNC free radical

J.A. Nuth, S. Glicker J. Quant. Spectr. Radiat. Transfer, 28, 223-231, (1982) The vacuum ultraviolet spectra of HCN, C2N2, and CH3CN

M.S. Suto, L.C. Lee J. Geophys. Res., 90, 13037-13040, (1985) Photoabsorption Cross Section of CH3CN: Photodissociation Rates by Solar Flux and Interstellar Radiation

C. Zetzsch Ozone in the Atmosphere (R.D. Boikov and P. Fabian, Eds.), DEEPAK Publishing, 685-689, (1989) UV absorption cross sections of sulfur hexafluoride and acetonitrile

M. Gochel-Dupuis, J. Delwiche, M.-J. Hubin-Franskin, J.E. Collin Chem. Phys. Lett., 193, 41-48, (1992) High-resolution HeI photoelectron spectrum of acetonitrile

S. Eden, P. Limão-Vieira, P. Kendall, N.J. Mason, S.V. Hoffmann, S.M. Spyrou Eur. Phys. J. D, 26, 201-210, (2003) High resolution photo-absorption studies of acrylonitrile, C2H3CN, and acetonitrile, CH3CN

S. Leach, M. Schwell, Sun Un, H.-W. Jochims, H. Baumgärtel Chem. Phys., 344, 147-163, (2008) VUV absorption spectroscopy of acetonitrile between 7 and 20 eV: A revisionist study

B. Sivaraman, S. Pavithraa, J.-I. Lo, B.N. Raja Sekhar, H. Hill, B.-M. Cheng, N.J. Mason Astrophys. J., 825, 141, (2016) Vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption spectra of nitrile ices for their identification on Pluto

related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, etc.)
M. Schwell, H.-W. Jochims, H. Baumgärtel, S. Leach Chem. Phys., 344, 164-175, (2008) VUV photophysics of acetonitrile: Fragmentation, fluorescence and ionization in the 7–22 eV region

C2H3N; CH3NC; methyl isonitrile; methyl isocyanide; CAS-No.: 593-75-9
M.N.R. Ashfold, J.P. Simons J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 2, 74, 1263-1274, (1978) Vacuum ultraviolet photodissociation spectroscopy of CH3CN, CD3CN, CF3CN and CH3NC

C2F3N; CF3CN; trifluoroacetonitrile; cyanotrifluoromethane; CAS-No.: 353-85-5; PubChem: 24878290
M.N.R. Ashfold, J.P. Simons J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 2, 74, 1263-1274, (1978) Vacuum ultraviolet photodissociation spectroscopy of CH3CN, CD3CN, CF3CN and CH3NC

T. Ibuki, K. Okada Chem. Phys. Lett., 263, 173-177, (1996) Photoabsorption and fluorescence excitation spectra of CF3CN in the region 6 - 41 eV

C3H5N; ethylcyanide; propionitrile; propanenitrile; CAS-No.: 107-12-0; PubChem: CID 7854
M.F. Fox, E. Hayon J. Phys. Chem., 76 (19), 2703-2706, (1972) Far-ultraviolet solvent spectroscopy

B. Sivaraman, S. Pavithraa, J.-I. Lo, B.N. Raja Sekhar, H. Hill, B.-M. Cheng, N.J. Mason Astrophys. J., 825, 141, (2016) Vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption spectra of nitrile ices for their identification on Pluto

C4H7N; butyronitrile; propylcyanide; butanenitrile; 1-cyanopropane; CAS-No.: 109-74-0; PubChem: CID 8008
M.F. Fox, E. Hayon J. Phys. Chem., 76 (19), 2703-2706, (1972) Far-ultraviolet solvent spectroscopy

B. Sivaraman, S. Pavithraa, J.-I. Lo, B.N. Raja Sekhar, H. Hill, B.-M. Cheng, N.J. Mason Astrophys. J., 825, 141, (2016) Vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption spectra of nitrile ices for their identification on Pluto

C4H7N; isobutyronitrile; 2-methylpropanenitrile; isopropyl cyanide; CAS-No.: 78-82-0; PubChem: CID 6559
B. Sivaraman, S. Pavithraa, J.-I. Lo, B.N. Raja Sekhar, H. Hill, B.-M. Cheng, N.J. Mason Astrophys. J., 825, 141, (2016) Vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption spectra of nitrile ices for their identification on Pluto

C4H7N; heptafluoroisobutyronitrile; perfluoroisobutyronitrile; CAS-No.: 42532-60-5; PubChem:
T. Ovad, M. Sapunar, S. Srsen, P. Slavicek, Z. Masin, N.C. Jones, S.V. Hoffmann, M. Rankovic, J. Fedor J. Chem. Phys., 158, 014303, (2023) Excitation and fragmentation of the dielectric gas C4F7N: Electrons vs photons

C3H2N2; CH2(CN)2; malononitrile; CAS-No.: 109-77-3
J. Mendelson, J.H. Mendelson, B.J. Fax, R.G. Grenell Science,120 (3111), 266-269, (1954) Stability and Absorption Spectrum of Malononitrile

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CH3NO4; CH3O2NO2; methyl peroxynitrate; CAS-No.: 42829-59-4
R.A. Cox, G.S. Tyndall Chem. Phys. Lett., 65, 357-360, (1979) Rate Constants for Reactions of CH3O2 in the Gas Phase

O. Morel, R. Simonaitis, J. Heicklen Chem. Phys. Lett., 73, 38-42, (1980) Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of HO2NO2, CCl3O2NO2, CCl2FO2NO2, and CH3O2NO2

S.P. Sander, R.T. Watson J. Phys. Chem., 84, 1664-1674, (1980) Kinetic studies of the reactions of methyldioxy with nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and methyldioxy at 298 K

I. Bridier, R. Lesclaux, B. Veyret Chem. Phys. Lett., 191, 259-263, (1992) Flash photolysis kinetic study of the equilibrium CH3O2 + NO2 <--> CH3O2NO2

J.B. Burkholder, S.P. Sander, J.P.D. Abbatt, J.R. Barker, R.E. Huie, C.E. Kolb, M.J. Kurylo, V.L. Orkin, D.M. Wilmouth, P.H. Wine JPL Publication 15-10, Evaluation No. 18, 4-114, (2015) Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Atmospheric Studies

C3H6N2O6; CH3CH(ONO2)CH2(ONO2); 1,2-propanediol dinitrate; CAS-No.: 6423-43-4
I. Barnes, K.H. Becker, T. Zhu J. Atmos. Chem., 17, 353-373, (1993) Near UV Absorption Spectra and Photolysis Products of Difunctional Organic Nitrates: Possible Importance as NOx Reservoir

C4H8N2O6; CH3CH2CH(ONO2)CH2(ONO2); 1,2-butanediol dinitrate; CAS-No.: 20280-41-1
I. Barnes, K.H. Becker, T. Zhu J. Atmos. Chem., 17, 353-373, (1993) Near UV Absorption Spectra and Photolysis Products of Difunctional Organic Nitrates: Possible Importance as NOx Reservoir

C4H8N2O6; CH3CH(ONO2)CH(ONO2)CH3; 2,3-butanediol dinitrate; CAS-No.: 6423-45-6
I. Barnes, K.H. Becker, T. Zhu J. Atmos. Chem., 17, 353-373, (1993) Near UV Absorption Spectra and Photolysis Products of Difunctional Organic Nitrates: Possible Importance as NOx Reservoir 

C4H6N2O6; CH2(ONO2)CH(ONO2)CHCH2; 3,4-dinitrooxy-1-butene; but-3-ene-1,2-diyl dinitrate
I. Barnes, K.H. Becker, T. Zhu J. Atmos. Chem., 17, 353-373, (1993) Near UV Absorption Spectra and Photolysis Products of Difunctional Organic Nitrates: Possible Importance as NOx Reservoir

C.M. Higgins, L.A. Evans, G.C. Lloyd-Jones, D.E. Shallcross, D.P. Tew, A.J. Orr-Ewing J. Phys. Chem. A, 118 (15), 2756-2764, (2014) Quantum Yields for Photochemical Production of NO2 from Organic Nitrates at Tropospherically Relevant Wavelengths

C4H6N2O6; CH2(ONO2)CHCHCH2(ONO2); cis 1,4-dinitrooxy-2-butene; (Z)-but-2-ene-1,4-diyl dinitrate; CAS-No.: 
I. Barnes, K.H. Becker, T. Zhu J. Atmos. Chem., 17, 353-373, (1993) Near UV Absorption Spectra and Photolysis Products of Difunctional Organic Nitrates: Possible Importance as NOx Reservoir

C.M. Higgins, L.A. Evans, G.C. Lloyd-Jones, D.E. Shallcross, D.P. Tew, A.J. Orr-Ewing J. Phys. Chem. A, 118 (15), 2756-2764, (2014) Quantum Yields for Photochemical Production of NO2 from Organic Nitrates at Tropospherically Relevant Wavelengths

C2H3NO5; CH3COO2NO2; peroxyacetyl nitrate; PAN; CAS-No.: 2278-22-0
E.R. Stephens priv. comm., (1981) University of California, (298 K)

D.L. Baulch, R.A. Cox, P.J. Crutzen, R.F. Hampson, J.A. Kerr, J. Troe, R.T. Watson J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 11 (2), 327-496, (1982) Evaluated kinetic and photochemical data for atmospheric chemistry: Supplement I

G.I. Senum, Y.-N. Lee, J.S. Gaffney J. Phys. Chem., 88, 1269-1270, (1984) Ultraviolet Absorption Spectrum of Peroxyacetyl Nitrate and Peroxypropionyl Nitrate 

N. Basco and S.S. Parmar Int. J. Chem. Kinet. 19, 115-128 (1987) The reaction of acetylperoxy radicals with NO2

N. Tsalkani, G. Toupance Atmos. Env., 23, 1849-1854, (1989) Infrared absorptivities and integrated band intensities for gaseous peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN)

H.G. Libuda, F. Zabel Proceedings of an International Scientific Colloquium, Collogne, Germany DLR 94-06, (1994) UV Absorption Spectra of Peroxynitrates

H.G. Libuda, F. Zabel Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem., 99, 1205-1213, (1995) UV Absorption Cross Section of Acetyl Peroxynitrate and Trifuoroacetyl  Peroxynitrate at 298 K

R.K. Talukdar, J.B. Burkholder, A.-M. Schmoltner, J.M. Roberts, R.R. Wilson, A.R. Ravishankara J. Geophys. Res., 100, 14163-14173, (1995) Investigation of the Loss Processes for Peroxyacetyl Nitrate in the Atmosphere: UV Photolysis and Reaction with OH

G. Allen, J. J. Remedios, D. A. Newnham, K. M. Smith, P. S. Monks Atmos. Chem. Phys., 5, 47–56, (2005) Improved mid-infrared cross-sections for peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) vapour

G. Allen, J.J. Remedios, K.M. Smith Atmos. Chem. Phys., 5, 3153–3158, (2005) Low temperature mid-infrared cross-sections for peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) vapour

related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, etc.)
T.L. Mazely, R.R. Friedl, S.P. Sander J. Phys. Chem., 99 (20), 8162–8169, (1995) Production of NO2 from Photolysis of Peroxyacetyl Nitrate

T.L. Mazely, R.R. Friedl, S.P. Sander J. Phys. Chem. A, 101 (38), 7090–7097, (1997) Quantum Yield of NO3 from Peroxyacetyl Nitrate Photolysis

M.H. Harwood, J.M. Roberts, G.J. Frost, A.R. Ravishankara, J.B. Burkholder J. Phys. Chem. A, 107 (8), 1148–1154, (2003) Photochemical Studies of CH3C(O)OONO2 (PAN) and CH3CH2C(O)OONO2 (PPN): NO3 Quantum Yields

S.A. Nizkorodov, J.D. Crounse, J.L. Fry, C.M. Roehl, P.O.Wennberg Atmos. Chem. Phys., 5, 385–392, (2005) Near-IR photodissociation of peroxy acetyl nitrate

B.A. Flowers, M.E. Angerhofer, W.R. Simpson, T. Nakayama, Y. Matsumi J. Phys. Chem. A, 109 (11), 2552-2558, (2005) Nitrate radical quantum yield from peroxyacetyl nitrate photolysis

B.A. Flowers, J.F. Stanton, W.R. Simpson J. Phys. Chem. A, 111 (45), 11602 -11607, (2007) Wavelength Dependence of Nitrate Radical Quantum Yield from Peroxyacetyl Nitrate Photolysis: Experimental and Theoretical Studies

C3H5NO5; peroxypropionyl nitrate; PPN; CAS-No.: 5796-89-4
G.I. Senum, Y.-N. Lee, J.S. Gaffney J. Phys. Chem., 88, 1269-1270, (1984) Ultraviolet Absorption Spectrum of Peroxyacetyl Nitrate and Peroxypropionyl Nitrate 

CFNO5; FC(O)OONO2; fluorocarbonyl peroxynitrate; CAS-No.: 
D. Scheffler, I. Schaper, H. Willner, H.-G. Mack, H. Oberhammer Inorg. Chemistry, 36, 339-344, (1997) Properties of Fluorocarbonyl Peroxynitrate

F.E. Malanca, M.S. Chiappero, G.A. Arguello J. Photochem. Photobio. A: Chemistry, 184, 212-215, (2006) Fluorocarbonyl peroxynitrate (FC(O)OONO2): temperature dependence of the UV absorption spectrum

CF3NO4; CF3OONO2; trifluoromethyl peroxynitrate; CAS-No.: 50311-48-3
R. Kopitzky, H. Willner, H.-G. Mack, A. Pfeiffer, H. Oberhammer Inorg. Chem., 37, 6208-6213, (1998) IR and UV absorption cross sections, vibrational analysis, and the molecular structure of trifluoromethyl peroxynitrate, CF3OONO2

F.E. Malanca, M.S. Chiappero, G.A. Argüello, T.J. Wallington Atmospheric Environment, 39, 5051-5057, (2005) Trifluoro methyl peroxynitrate (CF3OONO2): Temperature dependence of the UV absorption spectrum and atmospheric implications

C2F3NO5; CF3C(O)O2NO2; trifluoroacetyl peroxynitrate; CAS-No.: 
H.G. Libuda, F. Zabel Proceedings of an International Scientific Colloquium, Collogne, Germany DLR 94-06, (1994) UV Absorption Spectra of Peroxynitrates

H.G. Libuda, F. Zabel Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem., 99, 1205-1213, (1995) UV Absorption Cross Section of Acetyl Peroxynitrate and Trifuoroacetyl  Peroxynitrate at 298 K

R. Kopitzky, M. Beuleke, G. Balzer, H. Willner Inorg. Chemistry, 36, 1994-1997, (1997) Properties of Trifluoroacetyl Peroxynitrate, CF3C(O)OONO2

C3F7NO4; CF3CF2CF2OONO2; heptafluoropropyl peroxynitrate; HFPN: CAS-No.: 
A.G. Bossolasco , F.E. Malanca, M.A. Burgos Paci, G.A. Argüello J. Phys. Chem. A, 116 (40), 9904–9910, (2012) Mechanism of Photo-Oxidation of Heptafluorobutyric Anhydride in the Presence of NO2. Synthesis and Characterization of Heptafluoropropyl Peroxynitrate, CF3CF2CF2OONO2

C2F3NO6; CF3OC(O)OONO2; trifluoromethoxycarbonyl peroxynitrate
S. von Ahsen, P. Garcia, H. Willner, G.A. Arguello Inorg. Chem., 44, 5713-5718, (2005) Trifluoromethoxycarbonyl Peroxynitrate, CF3OC(O)OONO2

F.E. Malanca, M.D. Manetti, M.S. Chiappero, P. Gallay, G.A. Argüello J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 205, 44-50, (2009) Photochemistry and absorption cross-sections temperature dependence of trifluoromethoxycarbonyl peroxy nitrate (CF3OC(O)OONO2)

CClNO5; ClC(O)OONO2; chloroformyl peroxynitrate; chlorocarbonyl nitroperoxide; CAS-No.: 68299-69-4
P. Garcia, H. Pernice, H. Willner, H. Oberhammer, G.A. Arguello Inorg. Chem., 44, 4415-4420, (2005) Properties of Chloroformyl Peroxynitrate, ClC(O)OONO2

C3H5NO4; CH3COCH2(ONO2); alpha-nitrooxy acetone; 2-propanone,1-(nitrooxy); CAS-No.: 6745-71-7
I. Barnes, K.H. Becker, T. Zhu J. Atmos. Chem., 17, 353-373, (1993) Near UV Absorption Spectra and Photolysis Products of Difunctional Organic Nitrates: Possible Importance as NOx Reservoir 

C4H7NO4; CH3CH2COCH2(ONO2); 1-nitrooxy-2-butanone; 2-butanone,1-(nitrooxy); CAS-No.: 138779-12-1; PubChem: 
I. Barnes, K.H. Becker, T. Zhu J. Atmos. Chem., 17, 353-373, (1993) Near UV Absorption Spectra and Photolysis Products of Difunctional Organic Nitrates: Possible Importance as NOx Reservoir 

C4H7NO4; CH3CH(ONO2)COCH3; 3-nitrooxy-2-butanone; 2-butanone,1-(nitrooxy); CAS-No.: 124855-10-3
I. Barnes, K.H. Becker, T. Zhu J. Atmos. Chem., 17, 353-373, (1993) Near UV Absorption Spectra and Photolysis Products of Difunctional Organic Nitrates: Possible Importance as NOx Reservoir 

C6H15N; triethylamine; N,N-diethylethanamine; CAS-No.: 121-44-8; PubChem: CID 8471
E. Tannenbaum, E.M. Coffin, A.J. Harrison J. Chem. Phys., 21, 311-318, (1953) The Far Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Simple Alkyl Amines

R.E. Buckles, K.G. Bremer J. Am. Chem. Soc., 77 (3), 805-806, (1955) The effect of base on the ultraviolet absorption spectra of phenylacetic acids

H. Tsubomura, K. Kimura, K. Kaya, J. Tanaka, S. Nagakura Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 37 (3), 417-423, (1964) Vacuum Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Saturated Organic Compounds with Non-bonding Electrons

H. Tsubomura, T. Yagishita, H. Toi Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 46 (10), 3051-3055, (1973) Intermediates and mechanism of photo-oxygenation reaction of triethylamine

C2H6N2O2; (CH3)2NNO2; dimethylnitramine; CAS-No.: 4164-28-7
M.J. McQuaid, R.C. Sausa Appl. Spectrosc., 45, 916-917, (1991) Absorption Cross Sections of Gaseous Dimethylnitramine at Selected Wavelengths between 185 and 325 nm

R.C. Sausa, M.J. McQuaid Final technical rept. Jun 90-Jun 91; A366242; (1992) UV Absorption Cross Sections of Gaseous Dimethylnitramine

related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, etc.)
M.J. McQuaid, A.W. Miziolek, R.C. Sausa, C.N. Merrow J. Phys. Chem., 95 (7), 2713-2718, (1991) Photodissociation of dimethylnitramine at 248 nm

C2H3ClN2; 3-chloro-3-methyldiazirine; CAS-No.: 4222-21-3
related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, etc.)
W.E. Jones, J.S. Wasson, M.T.H. Liu J. Photochem., 5 (3), 194-195, (1976) The photochemistry of 3-Chloro-3-methyl-diazirine

J.M. Figuera, A. Tobar J. Photochem., 10 (5), 473-482, (1979) Photodecomposition quantum yields of 3-chloro-3-methyldiazirine in the gas phase 

CF3NO; trifluoronitrosomethane; CAS-No.: 334-99-6
J. Jander, R.N. Haszeldine J. Chem. Soc., 912-919, (1954) Reactions of fluorocarbon radicals. Part XIII. Alternative syntheses, properties, and spectra of trifluoro-nitroso- and -nitro-methane

J. Mason, J. Banus J. Chem. Soc., 3904-3912, (1957) Perfluoroalkyl compounds of nitrogen. Part IV. Electronic absorption spectra of perfluoro-nitroso- and -nitro-alkanes, and related molecules

T.D. Allston, M.L. Fedyk, G.A. Takacs Chem. Phys. Lett., 60, 97-101, (1978) Photoabsorption spectra of gaseous CF3NO, CCl3NO, and CCl3NO2

F. Lahmani, C. Lardeux, D. Solgadi J. Photochemistry, 15 (1), 37-45, (1981) NO(A2 SIGMA+) production by photodissociation of nitrites and of CF3NO in the 1200 - 1700 Å region

J.A. Dyet, M.R.S. McCoustra, J. Pfab Chem. Phys. Lett., 135, 534-538, (1987) The visible spectrum of jet-cooled CF3NO

CF3NO2; trifluoronitromethane; nitrotrifluoromethane; CAS-No.: 335-02-4; PubChem: CID 9551
J. Mason, J. Banus J. Chem. Soc., 3904-3912, (1957) Perfluoroalkyl compounds of nitrogen. Part IV. Electronic absorption spectra of perfluoro-nitroso- and -nitro-alkanes, and related molecules

C3F7NO; perfluoronitrosomethane; CAS-No.: 423-26-7
J. Mason, J. Banus J. Chem. Soc., 3904-3912, (1957) Perfluoroalkyl compounds of nitrogen. Part IV. Electronic absorption spectra of perfluoro-nitroso- and -nitro-alkanes, and related molecules

C3F7NO2; heptafluoro-1-nitropropane; CAS-No.: 423-33-6
J. Mason, J. Banus J. Chem. Soc., 3904-3912, (1957) Perfluoroalkyl compounds of nitrogen. Part IV. Electronic absorption spectra of perfluoro-nitroso- and -nitro-alkanes, and related molecules

C2H4FNO; fluoroacetamide; 2-fluoroacetamide; CAS-No.: 640-19-7; PubChem: 12542
H. Basch, M.B. Robin, N.A. Kuebler J. Chem. Phys., 49, 5007-5018, (1968) Electronic Spectra of Isoelectronic Amides, Acids, and Acyl Fluorides

C2H2F3NO; CF3CONH2; trifluoroacetamide; CAS-No.: 354-38-1; PubChem: 24848677
H. Basch, M.B. Robin, N.A. Kuebler J. Chem. Phys., 49, 5007-5018, (1968) Electronic Spectra of Isoelectronic Amides, Acids, and Acyl Fluorides

CCl3NO; trichloronitrosomethane; CAS-No.: 3711-49-7
A.R. Briden, D. Price, H. Sutcliffe J. Chem. Soc. B, 387 - 389, (1968) Trichloronitrosomethane. Part I. Physicochemical studies

T.D. Allston, M.L. Fedyk, G.A. Takacs Chem. Phys. Lett., 60, 97-101, (1978) Photoabsorption spectra of gaseous CF3NO, CCl3NO, and CCl3NO2

C3H6ClNO2; N-chloroalanine; 3-chloroalanine; CAS-No.: 3981-36-0; PubChem: CID 78
W.S. Metcalf J. Chem. Soc., 148-150, (1942) The absorption spectra of mono-, di-, and tri-chloroamines and some aliphatic derivatives

C4H3ClN2O2; 5-chlorouracil; 5-chloro-2,4-dihydroxypyrimidine; CAS-No.: 1820-81-1; PubChem: CID 15758
G.R. Southworth, C.W. Gehrs Water Research, 10 (11), 967-971, (1976) Photolysis of 5-chlorouracil in natural waters

C4H5N; pyrrole; azole; CAS-No.: 109-97-7; PubChem: CID 8027
P.A. Mullen, M.K. Orloff J. Chem. Phys., 51, 2276-2278, (1969) Ultraviolet Absorption Spectrum of Pyrrole Vapor Including the Observation of Low-Energy Transitions in the Far Ultraviolet

M. Bavia, F. Bertinelli, C. Taliani, C. Zauli Molecular Physics, 31 (2), 479-489, (1976) The electronic spectrum of pyrrole in the vapour and crystal

M.H. Palmer, I.C. Walker, M.F. Guest Chem. Phys., 238 (2), 179 - 199, (1998) The electronic states of pyrrole studied by optical (VUV) absorption, near-threshold electron energy-loss (EEL) spectroscopy and ab initio multi-reference configuration interaction calculations

E.E. Rennie, C.A.F. Johnson, J.E. Parker, R. Ferguson, D.M.P. Holland, D.A. Shaw Chem. Phys., 250, 217-236, (1999) A photoabsorption and mass spectrometry study of pyrrole

B. Cronin, M.G.D. Nix, A.L. Devine, R.N. Dixon, M.N.R. Ashfold Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,8, 599-612, (2006) High resolution photofragment translational spectroscopy studies of the near ultraviolet photolysis of 2,5-dimethylpyrrole

T.J. Dillon, M.E. Tucceri, K. Dulitz, A. Horowitz, L. Vereecken, J.N. Crowley J. Phys. Chem. A, 116 (24), 6051-6058, (2012) Reaction of Hydroxyl Radicals with C4H5N (Pyrrole): Temperature and Pressure Dependent Rate Coefficients

J.N. Apell, N.C. Pflug, K. McNeill Environ. Sci. Technol., 53, 19, 11240–11250, (2019) Photodegradation of fludioxonil and other pyrroles: The importance of indirect photodegradation for understanding environmental fate and photoproduct formation

C4H9N; pyrrolidine; tetrahydropyrrole; CAS-No.: 123-75-1; PubChem: 31268
J. Doucet, P. Sauvageau, C. Sandorfy Chem. Phys. Lett., 17 (3), 316-319, (1972) The vacuum ultraviolet spectrum of tetrahydrofuran

C4H4N2; pyrazine; 1,4-diazine; CAS-No.: 290-37-9; PubChem: CID 9261
F. Halverson, R.C. Hirt J. Chem. Phys., 19, 711-718, (1951) Near Ultraviolet Solution Spectra of the Diazines

J.E. Parkin, K.K. Innes J. Mol. Spectroscopy, 15 (4), 407-434, (1965) The vacuum ultraviolet spectra of pyrazine, pyrimidine, and pyridazine vapors: Part I. Spectra between 1550 Å and 2000 Å

A. Bolovinos, P. Tsekeris, J. Philis, E. Pantos, G. Andritsopoulos J. Mol. Spectroscopy, 103 (2), 240-256, (1984) Absolute vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectra of some gaseous azabenzenes

M. Stener, P. Decleva, D.M.P. Holland, D.A. Shaw J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 44, 075203, (2011) A study of the valence shell electronic states of pyrimidine and pyrazine by photoabsorption spectroscopy and time-dependent density functional theory calculations

M.J. Wilhelm, G.A. Petersson, J.M. Smith, D. Behrendt, J. Ma, L. Letendre, H.-L. Dai J. Phys. Chem. A, 122 (46), 9001-9013, (2018) UV Photolysis of Pyrazine and the Production of Hydrogen Isocyanide

B. Samir, C. Kalalian, E. Roth, R. Salghi, A. Chakir Chem. Phys. Lett., 751, 137469, (2020) Gas-phase UV absorption spectra of pyrazine, pyrimidine and pyridazine

C4D4N2; pyrazine-d4; CAS-No.: 1758-62-9
J.E. Parkin, K.K. Innes J. Mol. Spectroscopy, 15 (4), 407-434, (1965) The vacuum ultraviolet spectra of pyrazine, pyrimidine, and pyridazine vapors: Part I. Spectra between 1550 Å and 2000 Å

M. Stener, P. Decleva, D.M.P. Holland, D.A. Shaw J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 44, 075203, (2011) A study of the valence shell electronic states of pyrimidine and pyrazine by photoabsorption spectroscopy and time-dependent density functional theory calculations

C4H4N2; pyridazine; 1,2-diazine; CAS-No.: 289-80-5; PubChem: CID 9259
R.C. Evans, F.Y. Wiselogle J. Am. Chem. Soc., 67 (1), 60-62, (1945) Studies in the pyrimidine series: The absorption spectrum of pyridazine

F. Halverson, R.C. Hirt J. Chem. Phys., 19, 711-718, (1951) Near Ultraviolet Solution Spectra of the Diazines

R.H. Linnell J. Chem. Phys., 34, 698-699, (1961) Near-Ultraviolet Solution Spectra of Pyridazine

J.E Parkin, K.K Innes J. Mol. Spectroscopy, 15 (4), 407-434, (1965) The vacuum ultraviolet spectra of pyrazine, pyrimidine, and pyridazine vapors: Part I. Spectra between 1550 Å and 2000 Å

J.R. Fraser, L.H. Low, N.A. Weir Can. J. Chem., 53, 1456-1460, (1975) Photolysis of Pyridazine in the Gas Phase

B. Samir, C. Kalalian, E. Roth, R. Salghi, A. Chakir Chem. Phys. Lett., 751, 137469, (2020) Gas-phase UV absorption spectra of pyrazine, pyrimidine and pyridazine

C2H3N3; 1,2,3-triazole; 1H-1,2,3-triazole; CAS-No.: 288-36-8; PubChem: CID 67516
M.H. Palmer, P.J. Camp, S.V. Hoffmann, N.C. Jones, A.R. Head, D.L. Lichtenberger J. Chem. Phys., 134, 084309, (2011) The electronic states of 1,2,3-triazole studied by vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy, and a comparison with ab initio configuration interaction methods

B. Samir, C. Kalalian, E. Roth, R. Salghi, A. Chakir RSC Advances, 9, 27361-27368, (2019) Gas-phase UV absorption spectra and OH-oxidation kinetics of 1H-1,2,3-triazole and pyrazole

C3H5N3; 1-methyl-1,2,4-triazole; CAS-No.: 6086-21-1
M.H. Palmer, P.J. Camp, S.V. Hoffmann, N.C. Jones, A.R. Head, D.L. Lichtenberger J. Chem. Phys., 136, 094310, (2012) The electronic states of 1,2,4-triazoles: A study of 1H- and 1-methyl-1,2,4-triazole by vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy and a comparison with ab initio configuration interaction computations

C6H5N3; benzotriazole; 1H-benzotriazole; CAS-No.: 95-14-7
H.-W. Yu, M. Park, S. Wu, I.J. Lopez, W. Ji, J. Scheideler, S.A. Snyder Water Research, 166, 115030, (2019) Strategies for selecting indicator compounds to assess attenuation of emerging contaminants during UV advanced oxidation processes

C5H5N5; adenine; 9H-purin-6-amine; 6-aminopurine; CAS-No.: 73-24-5; PubChem: 190
L.B. Clark, I. Tinoco Jr. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 87 (1), 11-15, (1965) Correlations in the Ultraviolet Spectra of the Purine and Pyrimidine Bases

L. Li, D.M. Lubman Anal. Chem., 59 (20), 2538-2541, (1987) Ultraviolet-Visible Absorption Spectra of Biological Molecules in the Gas Phase Using Pulsed Laser-Induced Volatilization Enhancement in a Diode Array  Spectrophotometer

L. Rover Jr., J.C.B. Fernandes, G. de Oliveira Neto, L.T. Kubota, E. Katekawa, S.H.P.Serrano Analytical Biochemistry, 260 (1), 50-55, (1998) Study of NADH Stability Using Ultraviolet–Visible Spectrophotometric Analysis and Factorial Design

M. Sapunar, W. Domcke, N. Doslic PCCP, 41, 22782-22793, (2019) UV absorption spectra of DNA bases in the 350-190 nm range: Assignment and state specific analysis of solvation effects

F. Kaspar, R.T. Giessmann, S.Westarp, K.F. Hellendahl, N. Krausch, I. Thiele, M.C. Walczak, P. Neubauer, A. Wagner ChemBioChem, 21 (18), 2604-2610, (2020) Spectral Unmixing-Based Reaction Monitoring of Transformations between Nucleosides and Nucleobases

C4H4N2O2; uracil; 2-oxy-4-oxy pyrimidine; 2,4-pyrimidinediol; CAS-No.: 66-22-8; PubChem: CID 1174
J. McT. Ploeser, H.S. Loring J. Biol. Chem., 178, 431-437, (1949) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of the pyrimidine ribonucleosides and ribonucleotides

L.B. Clark, I. Tinoco Jr. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 87 (1), 11-15, (1965) Correlations in the Ultraviolet Spectra of the Purine and Pyrimidine Bases

M. Sapunar, W. Domcke, N. Doslic PCCP, 41, 22782-22793, (2019) UV absorption spectra of DNA bases in the 350-190 nm range: Assignment and state specific analysis of solvation effects

F. Kaspar, R.T. Giessmann, S.Westarp, K.F. Hellendahl, N. Krausch, I. Thiele, M.C. Walczak, P. Neubauer, A. Wagner ChemBioChem, 21 (18), 2604-2610, (2020) Spectral Unmixing-Based Reaction Monitoring of Transformations between Nucleosides and Nucleobases

C4H3N2O2-; uracil anion; CAS-No.:
L.B. Clark, I. Tinoco Jr. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 87 (1), 11-15, (1965) Correlations in the Ultraviolet Spectra of the Purine and Pyrimidine Bases

CH2N6O2; 5-nitroaminotetrazole; N-(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)nitramide; CAS-No.: 18588-16-4; PubChem: 5462960
E. Lieber, E. Sherman, S.H. Patinkin J. Am. Chem. Soc., 73 (5), 2329-2331, (1951) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of 5-nitroaminotetrazole and its salts

CH5N5O2; nitroaminoguanidine; 2-amino-1-nitroguanidine; N-nitrocarbazamidine; CAS-No.: 18264-75-0
E. Lieber, E. Sherman, S.H. Patinkin J. Am. Chem. Soc., 73 (5), 2329-2331, (1951) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of 5-nitroaminotetrazole and its salts

C5H10N6O2; dinitrosopentamethylenetetramine; micropor; dipentax; CAS-No.: 101-25-7; PubChem: CID 7549
M. Piskorz, T. Urbanski Bull. l'Academie Pol. Sciences, Chimiques, 11, 607-613, (1963) Ultraviolet and Infrared Spectra of Some Nitrosamines

C6H6N4O, 6-methoxy purine; CAS-No.: 1074-89-1
L.B. Clark, I. Tinoco Jr. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 87 (1), 11-15, (1965) Correlations in the Ultraviolet Spectra of the Purine and Pyrimidine Bases

C6H6N4O2; 7-methylxanthine; heteroxanthine; 2,6-dihydroxy-7-methylpurine; CAS-No.: 552-62-5; PubChem: CID 68374
A.W. Sangster, K.L. Stuart Chem. Rev., 65 (1), 69-130, (1965) Ultraviolet Spectra of Alkaloids

C5H8N4O12; pentaerythritol tetranitrate; PETN; nitropenta; CAS-No.: 78-11-5; PubChem: CID 6518
P.A. Mullen, M.K. Orloff J. Phys. Chem., 77 (7), 910-911, (1973) Ultraviolet absorption spectrum of pentaerythritol tetranitrate

J.K. Cooper, C.D. Grant, J.Z. Zhang J. Phys. Chem. A, 117 (29), 6043-6051, (2013) Experimental and TD-DFT Study of Optical Absorption of Six Explosive Molecules: RDX, HMX, PETN, TNT, TATP, and HMTD

C5H3ClN4; 6-chloropurine; CAS-No.: 87-42-3
L.B. Clark, I. Tinoco Jr. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 87 (1), 11-15, (1965) Correlations in the Ultraviolet Spectra of the Purine and Pyrimidine Bases

C4H5N3; 2-aminopyrimidine; pyrimidin-2-amine; CAS-No.: 109-12-6; PubChem: 7978
M.M. Stimson, M.A. Reuter J. Am. Chem. Soc., 67 (12), 2191-2193, (1945) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of cytosine and isocytosine

C5H4N4; purine; 9H-purine; CAS-No.: 120-73-0
L.B. Clark, I. Tinoco Jr. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 87 (1), 11-15, (1965) Correlations in the Ultraviolet Spectra of the Purine and Pyrimidine Bases

C5H5N5; 2-aminopurine; 7H-purin-2-amine; CAS-No.: 452-06-2
A. Holmen, B. Norden, B. Albinsson J. Am. Chem. Soc., 119, 3114-3121, (1997) Electronic Transition Moments of 2-Aminopurine

C7H6N2; 4-cyanoaniline; 4-aminobenzonitrile; CAS-No.: 873-74-5; PubChem: CID 13396
F. Leresche, U. von Gunten, S. Canonica Environ. Sci. Technol., 50 (20), 10997-11007, (2016) Probing the Photosensitizing and Inhibitory Effects of Dissolved Organic Matter by Using N,N-dimethyl-4-cyanoaniline (DMABN)

C7H6N2; benzimidazole; 1H-benzimidazole; 1H-benzo[d]imidazole; 1,3-benzodiazole; CAS-No.: 51-17-2; PubChem: CID 5798
H.H. Perkampus, I. Sandeman, C.J. Timmons UV atlas of organic compounds, Vol. IV, H 11/1, Butterworth Verlag Chemie, (1968) UV absorption spectrum of benzimidazole

C4H5N3O; cytosine; 4-amino-2-hydroxypyrimidine; 4-amino-1H-pyrimidine-2-one; CAS-No.: 71-30-7; PubChem: CID 597
M.M. Stimson, M.A. Reuter J. Am. Chem. Soc., 67 (12), 2191-2193, (1945) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of cytosine and isocytosine

J. McT. Ploeser, H.S. Loring J. Biol. Chem., 178, 431-437, (1949) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of the pyrimidine ribonucleosides and ribonucleotides

H. Iwasaki J. Pharm. Soc. Japan, 82 (10), 1358-1361, (1962) Studies on the Structure of Gougerotin. (1) Properties of Gougerotin

L.B. Clark, I. Tinoco Jr. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 87 (1), 11-15, (1965) Correlations in the Ultraviolet Spectra of the Purine and Pyrimidine Bases

F. Zaloudek, J.S. Novros, L.B. Clark J. Am. Chem. Soc., 107 (25), 7344-7351, (1985) The electronic spectrum of cytosine

M. Sapunar, W. Domcke, N. Doslic PCCP, 41, 22782-22793, (2019) UV absorption spectra of DNA bases in the 350-190 nm range: Assignment and state specific analysis of solvation effects

F. Kaspar, R.T. Giessmann, S.Westarp, K.F. Hellendahl, N. Krausch, I. Thiele, M.C. Walczak, P. Neubauer, A. Wagner ChemBioChem, 21 (18), 2604-2610, (2020) Spectral Unmixing-Based Reaction Monitoring of Transformations between Nucleosides and Nucleobases

C4H7N3O; creatinine; 2-imino-1-methylimidazolidin-4-one; 1-methylglycocyamidine; CAS-No.: 60-27-5; PubChem: CID 588
H.H. Berlet, A. Voelkl Z. Klin. Chem. Klin. Biochem., 13, 53-59, (1975) Die Ultraviolett-Absorption von Kreatinin und Glykocyamidin im Vergleich mit anderen Guanidinverbindungen und analogen Hydantoinen

C4H5N3O; isocytosine; 2-amino-3H-pyrimidin-4-one; 2-aminouracil; CAS-No.: 108-53-2; PubChem: 66950
M.M. Stimson, M.A. Reuter J. Am. Chem. Soc., 67 (12), 2191-2193, (1945) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of cytosine and isocytosine

C5H5N5O; guanine; 2-amino-9H-purin-6(1H)-one; CAS-No.: 73-40-5; PubChem: CID 764
M.M. Stimson, M.A. Reuter J. Am. Chem. Soc., 67 (12), 2191-2193, (1945) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of cytosine and isocytosine

A.W. Sangster, K.L. Stuart Chem. Rev., 65 (1), 69-130, (1965) Ultraviolet Spectra of Alkaloids

M. Sapunar, W. Domcke, N. Doslic PCCP, 41, 22782-22793, (2019) UV absorption spectra of DNA bases in the 350-190 nm range: Assignment and state specific analysis of solvation effects

K.R. Koswattage, Y. Izumi, K. Nakagawa Quantum Beam Sci., 4(3), 30, (2020) Optical Absorption Cross-Section of DNA Bases - Thymine and Guanine - in the Energy Region from 3.1 to 250 eV (5–400 nm)

F. Kaspar, R.T. Giessmann, S.Westarp, K.F. Hellendahl, N. Krausch, I. Thiele, M.C. Walczak, P. Neubauer, A. Wagner ChemBioChem, 21 (18), 2604-2610, (2020) Spectral Unmixing-Based Reaction Monitoring of Transformations between Nucleosides and Nucleobases

C6H7N5O; 1-methylguanine; 2-amino-6-hydroxy-1-methylpurine; CAS-No.: 938-85-2; PubChem: CID 70315
A.W. Sangster, K.L. Stuart Chem. Rev., 65 (1), 69-130, (1965) Ultraviolet Spectra of Alkaloids

C6H7N5O; 7-methylguanine; 2-amino-7-methylhypoxanthine; epiguanine; CAS-No.: 578-76-7; PubChem: CID 11361
A.W. Sangster, K.L. Stuart Chem. Rev., 65 (1), 69-130, (1965) Ultraviolet Spectra of Alkaloids

C6H7N5O; 9-methylguanine; 2-amino-6-hydroxy-9-methylpurine; CAS-No.: 5502-78-3; PubChem: CID 79639
A.W. Sangster, K.L. Stuart Chem. Rev., 65 (1), 69-130, (1965) Ultraviolet Spectra of Alkaloids

C6H6N4O; 9-methylhypoxanthine; 9-methyl-9H-purin-6-ol; CAS-No.: 875-31-0
L.B. Clark, I. Tinoco Jr. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 87 (1), 11-15, (1965) Correlations in the Ultraviolet Spectra of the Purine and Pyrimidine Bases

C7H9N5O; 9-ethylguanine; 2-amino-9-ethyl-6-hydroxypurine; CAS-No.: 879-08-3
L.B. Clark, I. Tinoco Jr. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 87 (1), 11-15, (1965) Correlations in the Ultraviolet Spectra of the Purine and Pyrimidine Bases

C3H3N3O; acryloyl azide; 2-propenoyl azide; CAS-No.: 50830-56-3; PubChem: CID 11528333
B. Lu, Y. Qin, Y. Lu, Q. Liu, X. Zeng J. Phys. Chem. A, 124, 31, 6319–6329, (2020) Acryloylnitrenes: Spectroscopic Characterization, Spin Multiplicities, and Rearrangement to Vinyl Isocyanates

C3H2BrN3O; 2-bromoacryloyl azide; CAS-No.:
B. Lu, Y. Qin, Y. Lu, Q. Liu, X. Zeng J. Phys. Chem. A, 124, 31, 6319–6329, (2020) Acryloylnitrenes: Spectroscopic Characterization, Spin Multiplicities, and Rearrangement to Vinyl Isocyanates

C3H2FN3O; 2-fluoroacryloyl azide; CAS-No.:
B. Lu, Y. Qin, Y. Lu, Q. Liu, X. Zeng J. Phys. Chem. A, 124, 31, 6319–6329, (2020) Acryloylnitrenes: Spectroscopic Characterization, Spin Multiplicities, and Rearrangement to Vinyl Isocyanates

C3H3N3O2; 6-azauracil; 1,2,4-triazine-3,5(2H,4H)-dione; CAS-No.: 461-89-2
L.B. Clark, I. Tinoco Jr. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 87 (1), 11-15, (1965) Correlations in the Ultraviolet Spectra of the Purine and Pyrimidine Bases

C3H7N3O2; glycocyamine; guanidinoacetate; guanidinoacetic acid; CAS-No.: 352-97-6; PubChem: CID 763
H.H. Berlet, A. Voelkl Z. Klin. Chem. Klin. Biochem., 13, 53-59, (1975) Die Ultraviolett-Absorption von Kreatinin und Glykocyamidin im Vergleich mit anderen Guanidinverbindungen und analogen Hydantoinen

C4H9N3O2; creatine; N-amidinosarcosine; CAS-No.: 57-00-1; PubChem: CID 586
H.H. Berlet, A. Voelkl Z. Klin. Chem. Klin. Biochem., 13, 53-59, (1975) Die Ultraviolett-Absorption von Kreatinin und Glykocyamidin im Vergleich mit anderen Guanidinverbindungen und analogen Hydantoinen

CH4N2O2; methyl nitramine; nitromethanamine; CAS-No.: 598-57-2
M. Carmack, J.J. Leavitt J. Am. Chem. Soc., 71 (4), 1221-1223, (1949) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of tris-(hydroxymethyl)-methylnitrosohydroxylamine, tris-(hydroxymethyl)-methylnitramine, and their salts

C4H10N2O5; tris-(hydroxymethyl)-methylnitrosohydroxylamin; CAS-No.:
M. Carmack, J.J. Leavitt J. Am. Chem. Soc., 71 (4), 1221-1223, (1949) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of tris-(hydroxymethyl)-methylnitrosohydroxylamine, tris-(hydroxymethyl)-methylnitramine, and their salts

C4H10N2O5; tris-(hydroxymethyl)-methylnitramine; CAS-No.: 
M. Carmack, J.J. Leavitt J. Am. Chem. Soc., 71 (4), 1221-1223, (1949) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of tris-(hydroxymethyl)-methylnitrosohydroxylamine, tris-(hydroxymethyl)-methylnitramine, and their salts

C8H9N; benzaldehyde methyl imide; CAS-No.: 
P. Brocklehurst Tetrahedron, 18 (3), 299-304, (1962) The ultra-violet spectra of azomethines and related compounds

C10H13N; n-butylideneaniline; butyraldehyde aniline; CAS-No.: 4275-07-4; PubChem: CID 94851
N. Ebara Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 34 (8), 1151-1158, (1961) Benzylideneaniline. III. Anils of substituted benzaldehydes

C11H15N; butylbenzylideneamine; N-benzylidene-n-butylamine; CAS-No.: 1077-18-5; PubChem: CID 296031
N. Ebara Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 34 (8), 1151-1158, (1961) Benzylideneaniline. III. Anils of substituted benzaldehydes

C12H11N; diphenylamine; N-phenylbenzenamine; DPA; CAS-No.: 122-39-4
W.W. Robertson, F.A. Matsen J. Am. Chem. Soc., 72 (4), 1543-1544, (1950) The near ultraviolet absorption spectra of N-substituted anilines

B.G. Gowenlock, J. Trotman J. Chem. Soc., 1454-1458, (1955) Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Some Mercury Compounds

CH3N; H2CNH; methyleneimine; methanimine; formaldimine; CAS-No.: 2053-29-4
A. Teslja , B. Nizamov , P.J. Dagdigian J. Phys. Chem. A, 108 (20), 4433-4439, (2004) The Electronic Spectrum of Methyleneimine

C3H5N5O; atrazine-desethyl-desisopropyl-2-hydroxy; 4,6-diamino-2-hydroxy-1,3,5-triazine; ammeline; CAS-No.: 645-92-1
A.J. Moreira, A.C. Borges, L.F.C. Gouvea, T.C.O. MacLeod, G.P.G. Freschi J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 347, 160-167, (2017) The process of atrazine degradation, its mechanism, and the formation of metabolites using UV and UV/MW photolysis

C3H5N3O9; 2,4,6-trinitroglycerin; nitroglycerin; propane-1,2,3-triyl trinitrate; TNG; CAS-No.: 55-63-0; PubChem: CID 4510
R.J. Spanggord, T. Mill, T.-W. Chou, W.R. Mabey, J.H. Smith, S. Lee SRI Project No. LSU-7934, SRI International, USA, (1980) Environmental Fate Studies on Certain Munition Wastewater Constituents, Final Report, Phase II - Laboratory Studies

C3H6N6O6; 1,3,5-trinitroperhydro-1,3,5-triazine; RDX; hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-s-triazine; CAS-No.: 121-82-4; PubChem: CID 8490
M.K. Orloff, P.A. Mullen, F.C. Rauch J. Phys. Chem., 74 (10), 2189-2192, (1970) Molecular orbital study of the electronic structure and spectrum of hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-s-triazine

R.J. Spanggord, T. Mill, T.-W. Chou, W.R. Mabey, J.H. Smith, S. Lee SRI Project No. LSU-7934, SRI International, USA, (1980) Environmental Fate Studies on Certain Munition Wastewater Constituents, Final Report, Phase II - Laboratory Studies

J.K. Cooper, C.D. Grant, J.Z. Zhang J. Phys. Chem. A, 117 (29), 6043-6051, (2013) Experimental and TD-DFT Study of Optical Absorption of Six Explosive Molecules: RDX, HMX, PETN, TNT, TATP, and HMTD

S.K. Singh, V. Vuppuluri, S.F. Son, R.I. Kaiser J. Phys. Chem. A, 124, 34, 6801–6823, (2020) Investigating the Photochemical Decomposition of Solid 1,3,5-Trinitro-1,3,5-triazinane (RDX)

C5H9N5O; atrazine-desisopropyl-2-hydroxy; deisopropylhydroxyatrazine; CAS-No.: 7313-54-4; PubChem: CID 81748
A.J. Moreira, A.C. Borges, L.F.C. Gouvea, T.C.O. MacLeod, G.P.G. Freschi J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 347, 160-167, (2017) The process of atrazine degradation, its mechanism, and the formation of metabolites using UV and UV/MW photolysis

C7H5N3O7; 2,4,6-trinitro-m-cresol; cresylite; methylpicric acid; CAS-No.: 602-99-3; PubChem: CID 11772
M. Maclean Davis; M. Paabo J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. - A, 64 A (6), 533-534, (1960) Spectrophotometric Determination of the Ionization Constant of 2,4,6-Trinitro-m-cresol in Water at 25 °C

C8H7N3O7; dimethylpicric acid; 2,4,6-trinitro-3,5-xylenol; 3,5-dimethyl-2,4,6-trinitrophenol; CAS-No.: 6538-39-2; PubChem: CID 12338915
M. Maclean Davis, M. Paabo, R.A. Robinson J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand., 64 A (6), 531-532, (1960) Spectrophotometric Determination of the Ionization Constant of Dimethylpicric Acid (2,4,6-Trinitro-3,5-xylenol) in Water at 25 °C

C10H13N5O4; adenosine; CAS-No.: 58-61-7; PubChem: 60961
M.M. Stimson, M.A. Reuter J. Am. Chem. Soc., 67 (12), 2191-2193, (1945) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of cytosine and isocytosine

F. Kaspar, R.T. Giessmann, S.Westarp, K.F. Hellendahl, N. Krausch, I. Thiele, M.C. Walczak, P. Neubauer, A. Wagner ChemBioChem, 21 (18), 2604-2610, (2020) Spectral Unmixing-Based Reaction Monitoring of Transformations between Nucleosides and Nucleobases

C10H13N5O5; guanosine; guanine riboside; CAS-No.: 118-00-3; PubChem: CID 765
M.M. Stimson, M.A. Reuter J. Am. Chem. Soc., 67 (12), 2191-2193, (1945) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of cytosine and isocytosine

D. Voet, W.B. Gratzer, R.A. Cox, P. Doty Biopolymers, 1 (3), 193-208, (1963) Absorption Spectra of Nucleotides, Polynucleotides, and Nucleic Acids in the Far Ultraviolet

F. Kaspar, R.T. Giessmann, S.Westarp, K.F. Hellendahl, N. Krausch, I. Thiele, M.C. Walczak, P. Neubauer, A. Wagner ChemBioChem, 21 (18), 2604-2610, (2020) Spectral Unmixing-Based Reaction Monitoring of Transformations between Nucleosides and Nucleobases

C8H6N4O6; glyoxylate 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone; acetic acid, ((2,4-dinitrophenyl)hydrazono)-; CAS-No.: 3158-42-7
M. Grootveld, B. Halliwell Biochem. J., 243(3), 803-808, (1987) Measurement of allantoin and uric acid in human body fluids. A potential index of free-radical reactions in vivo?

C12H8N4O5; 3,3'-dinitroazoxybenzene; CAS-No.: 
P.H. Gore, O.H. Wheeler J. Am. Chem. Soc., 78 (10), 2160-2163, (1956) The absorption spectra of aromatic azo and related compounds: I. Azoxybenzenes

C12H8N4O5; 4,4'-dinitroazoxybenzene; CAS-No.: 
P.H. Gore, O.H. Wheeler J. Am. Chem. Soc., 78 (10), 2160-2163, (1956) The absorption spectra of aromatic azo and related compounds: I. Azoxybenzenes

C12H8N2O4; 2,2'-dinitrobiphenyl; 2,2-dinitro-1,1-biphenyl; CAS-No.: 2436-96-6; PubChem: CID 75529
B. Williamson, W.H. Rodebush J. Am. Chem. Soc., 63, 11, 3018-3025, (1941) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of organic molecules: II. The effect of substituent groups upon the absorption of biphenyl

C12H8N2O4; 3,3'-dinitrobiphenyl; 3,3-dinitro-1,1-biphenyl; CAS-No.: 958-96-3; PubChem: CID 70395
B. Williamson, W.H. Rodebush J. Am. Chem. Soc., 63, 11, 3018-3025, (1941) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of organic molecules: II. The effect of substituent groups upon the absorption of biphenyl

C12H8N2O4; 4,4'-dinitrobiphenyl; 4,4'-dinitro-1,1-biphenyl; CAS-No.: 1528-74-1; PubChem: CID 15216
B. Williamson, W.H. Rodebush J. Am. Chem. Soc., 63, 11, 3018-3025, (1941) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of organic molecules: II. The effect of substituent groups upon the absorption of biphenyl

C5H4N4O; hypoxanthine; 6-hydroxypurine; CAS-No.: 68-94-0; PubChem: CID 135398638
F. Kaspar, R.T. Giessmann, S.Westarp, K.F. Hellendahl, N. Krausch, I. Thiele, M.C. Walczak, P. Neubauer, A. Wagner ChemBioChem, 21 (18), 2604-2610, (2020) Spectral Unmixing-Based Reaction Monitoring of Transformations between Nucleosides and Nucleobases

C5H4N4O2; xanthine; 2,6-dihydroxypurine; CAS-No.: 69-89-6; PubChem: CID 1188
A.W. Sangster, K.L. Stuart Chem. Rev., 65 (1), 69-130, (1965) Ultraviolet Spectra of Alkaloids

F. Kaspar, R.T. Giessmann, S.Westarp, K.F. Hellendahl, N. Krausch, I. Thiele, M.C. Walczak, P. Neubauer, A. Wagner ChemBioChem, 21 (18), 2604-2610, (2020) Spectral Unmixing-Based Reaction Monitoring of Transformations between Nucleosides and Nucleobases

C7H5N5O2; 6-formylpterin; 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-formylpteridine; CAS-No.: 712-30-1; PubChem: CID 150847
A.H. Thomas, G. Suárez, F.M. Cabrerizo, A.L. Capparelli Helv. Chim. Acta, 84 (12), 3849-3860, (2001) Photochemistry of 6-Formylpterin in Alkaline Medium

C12H10N4O2; 3,10-dimethylisoalloxazine; benzo(g)pteridine-2,4(3H,10H)-dione,3,10-dimethyl-; CAS-No.: 4074-59-3; PubChem: CID 138106
A.J.W.G. Visser, F. Mueller Helv. Chim. Acta, 62 (2), 593-608, (1979) Absorption and Fluorescence Studies on Neutral and Cationic Isoalloxazines

C13H12N4O2; 3,7,10-trimethylisoalloxazine; CAS-No.: 
A.J.W.G. Visser, F. Mueller Helv. Chim. Acta, 62 (2), 593-608, (1979) Absorption and Fluorescence Studies on Neutral and Cationic Isoalloxazines

C14H14N4O2; 3,7,8,10-tetramethylisoalloxazine; 3-methyllumiflavin; CAS-No.: 18636-32-3; PubChem: CID 87733
H.A. Harbury, K.F. LaNoue, P.A. Loach, R.M. Amick Proc. National Academy of Sciences USA, 45 (12), 1708-1717, (1959) Molecular interaction of isoalloxazine derivatives. II

A.J.W.G. Visser, F. Mueller Helv. Chim. Acta, 62 (2), 593-608, (1979) Absorption and Fluorescence Studies on Neutral and Cationic Isoalloxazines

C15H16N4O2; 3,7,8,9,10-pentamethylisoalloxazine; 3,7,8,9,10-pmiao; CAS-No.: 62738-36-7; PubChem: CID 194152
A.J.W.G. Visser, F. Mueller Helv. Chim. Acta, 62 (2), 593-608, (1979) Absorption and Fluorescence Studies on Neutral and Cationic Isoalloxazines

C15H16N4O2; 3,6,7,8,10-pentamethylisoalloxazine; 3,6,7,8,10-pmiao; CAS-No.: 
A.J.W.G. Visser, F. Mueller Helv. Chim. Acta, 62 (2), 593-608, (1979) Absorption and Fluorescence Studies on Neutral and Cationic Isoalloxazines

C9H12N2O6; uridine; 1-[(3R,4S,5R)-3,4-dihydroxy-5-(hydroxymethyl)oxolan-2-yl]pyrimidine-2,4-dione; CAS-No.: 58-96-8; PubChem: CID 6029
D. Voet, W.B. Gratzer, R.A. Cox, P. Doty Biopolymers, 1 (3), 193-208, (1963) Absorption Spectra of Nucleotides, Polynucleotides, and Nucleic Acids in the Far Ultraviolet

F. Kaspar, R.T. Giessmann, S.Westarp, K.F. Hellendahl, N. Krausch, I. Thiele, M.C. Walczak, P. Neubauer, A. Wagner ChemBioChem, 21 (18), 2604-2610, (2020) Spectral Unmixing-Based Reaction Monitoring of Transformations between Nucleosides and Nucleobases

L. de Brito Anton, A.I. Silverman, J.N. Apell Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts,26, 1052-1063, (2024) Determining wavelength-dependent quantum yields of photodegradation: importance of experimental setup and reference values for actinometers

C9H13N3O5; cytidine; cytosine riboside; CAS-No.: 65-46-3; PubChem: CID 6175
J. McT. Ploeser, H.S. Loring J. Biol. Chem., 178, 431-437, (1949) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of the pyrimidine ribonucleosides and ribonucleotides

H. Iwasaki J. Pharm. Soc. Japan, 82 (10), 1358-1361, (1962) Studies on the Structure of Gougerotin. (1) Properties of Gougerotin

D. Voet, W.B. Gratzer, R.A. Cox, P. Doty Biopolymers, 1 (3), 193-208, (1963) Absorption Spectra of Nucleotides, Polynucleotides, and Nucleic Acids in the Far Ultraviolet

F. Kaspar, R.T. Giessmann, S.Westarp, K.F. Hellendahl, N. Krausch, I. Thiele, M.C. Walczak, P. Neubauer, A. Wagner ChemBioChem, 21 (18), 2604-2610, (2020) Spectral Unmixing-Based Reaction Monitoring of Transformations between Nucleosides and Nucleobases

C5H6N2O2; thymine; 5-methyluracil; 5-methylpyrimidine-2,4(1H,3H)-dione; CAS-No.: 65-71-4; PubChem: CID 1135
D. Voet, W.B. Gratzer, R.A. Cox, P. Doty Biopolymers, 1 (3), 193-208, (1963) Absorption Spectra of Nucleotides, Polynucleotides, and Nucleic Acids in the Far Ultraviolet

S.L. Davis, I. Tinoco jun. Nature, 210, 1286, (1966) Ultra-violet absorption spectrum of thymine in ice

M. Sapunar, W. Domcke, N. Doslic PCCP, 41, 22782-22793, (2019) UV absorption spectra of DNA bases in the 350-190 nm range: Assignment and state specific analysis of solvation effects

K.R. Koswattage, Y. Izumi, K. Nakagawa Quantum Beam Sci., 4(3), 30, (2020) Optical Absorption Cross-Section of DNA Bases - Thymine and Guanine - in the Energy Region from 3.1 to 250 eV (5–400 nm)

F. Kaspar, R.T. Giessmann, S.Westarp, K.F. Hellendahl, N. Krausch, I. Thiele, M.C. Walczak, P. Neubauer, A. Wagner ChemBioChem, 21 (18), 2604-2610, (2020) Spectral Unmixing-Based Reaction Monitoring of Transformations between Nucleosides and Nucleobases

C5H6N2O3; 1-methylbarbituric acid; N-methylbarbituric acid; CAS-No.: 2565-47-1; PubChem: CID 75722
J.J. Fox, D. Shugar Bull. Soc. Chim. Belges, 61 (1-2), 44-63, (1952) Absorption spectra and structure of barbituric acid derivatives as a function of pH

C6H8N2O3; 1,3-dimethylbarbituric acid; N,N'-dimethylbarbituric acid; CAS-No.: 769-42-6; PubChem: CID 69860
J.J. Fox, D. Shugar Bull. Soc. Chim. Belges, 61 (1-2), 44-63, (1952) Absorption spectra and structure of barbituric acid derivatives as a function of pH

C10H13N5O4; deoxyguanosine; 2-Amino-9-[(2R,4S,5R)-4-hydroxy-5-(hydroxymethyl)oxolan-2-yl]-3H-purin-6-one; CAS-No.: 961-07-9; PubChem: 638
D. Voet, W.B. Gratzer, R.A. Cox, P. Doty Biopolymers, 1 (3), 193-208, (1963) Absorption Spectra of Nucleotides, Polynucleotides, and Nucleic Acids in the Far Ultraviolet

C9H13N3O4; deoxycytidine; dC; CAS-No.: 951-77-9; PubChem: 637
D. Voet, W.B. Gratzer, R.A. Cox, P. Doty Biopolymers, 1 (3), 193-208, (1963) Absorption Spectra of Nucleotides, Polynucleotides, and Nucleic Acids in the Far Ultraviolet

H2N2O2; nitramide; nitramine; CAS-No.: 7782-94-7; PubChem: 24534
K. Kaya, K. Kuwata, S. Nagakura Bulletin Chem. Soc. Japan, 37 (7), (1964) The Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Nitramide and Ethyl Nitrate

C2H6N2; azomethane; (E)-dimethyldiazene; CAS-No.: 503-28-6; PubChem: 10421
M.B. Robin, R.R. Hart, N.A. Kuebler J. Am. Chem. Soc., 89 (7), 1564-1572, (1967) Electronic States of the Azoalkanes

C4H8N2; 3-methyl-1-pyrazoline; 3-methyl-4,5-dihydro-3H-pyrazole; CAS-No.: 2721-25-7
M.B. Robin, R.R. Hart, N.A. Kuebler J. Am. Chem. Soc., 89 (7), 1564-1572, (1967) Electronic States of the Azoalkanes

C4H10N2; azoethane; diethyldiazene; (E)-diethyldiazene; CAS-No.: 821-14-7; PubChem: 13183
M.B. Robin, R.R. Hart, N.A. Kuebler J. Am. Chem. Soc., 89 (7), 1564-1572, (1967) Electronic States of the Azoalkanes

C4H10N2; piperazine; 1,4-diazacyclohexane; diethylenediamine; CAS-No.: 110-85-0; PubChem: CID 4837
L. Onel, M. Dryden, M.A. Blitz, P.W. Seakins Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett., 1 (9), 367-371, (2014) Atmospheric Oxidation of Piperazine by OH has a Low Potential To Form Carcinogenic Compounds

C6H14N2; azoisopropane; 2,2'-azobispropane; CAS-No.: 23201-84-5; PubChem: CID 123204
M.B. Robin, R.R. Hart, N.A. Kuebler J. Am. Chem. Soc., 89 (7), 1564-1572, (1967) Electronic States of the Azoalkanes

C7H10N2; o-tolylhydrazine; 2-tolylhydrazine; (2-methylphenyl)hydrazine; CAS-No.: 529-27-1; PubChem: CID 68256
S. Mannen, H.A. Itano Tetrahedron, 29 (22), 3497-3502, (1973) Stoichiometry of the oxidation of arylhydrazines with ferricyanide : Quantitative measurements of absorption spectra of aryldiazenes

C7H10N2; m-tolylhydrazine; 3-tolylhydrazine; (3-methylphenyl)hydrazine; CAS-No.: 536-89-0; PubChem: CID 68308
S. Mannen, H.A. Itano Tetrahedron, 29 (22), 3497-3502, (1973) Stoichiometry of the oxidation of arylhydrazines with ferricyanide : Quantitative measurements of absorption spectra of aryldiazenes

C7H10N2; p-tolylhydrazine; 4-tolylhydrazine; (4-methylphenyl)hydrazine; CAS-No.: 539-44-6; PubChem: CID 10875
S. Mannen, H.A. Itano Tetrahedron, 29 (22), 3497-3502, (1973) Stoichiometry of the oxidation of arylhydrazines with ferricyanide : Quantitative measurements of absorption spectra of aryldiazenes

C8H6N2; quinazoline; benzopyrimidine; 1,3-benzodiazine; 1,3-diazanaphthalene; CAS-No.: 253-82-7; PubChem: CID 9210
Y. Hasegawa, Y. Amako, H. Azumi Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 41 (11), 2608-2611, (1968) The Ultraviolet Absorption Spectrum of Quinazoline Vapor Due to the n -pi* Transition

H.H. Perkampus, I. Sandeman, C.J. Timmons UV atlas of organic compounds, Vol. IV, H 18/4, Butterworth Verlag Chemie, (1968) UV absorption spectrum of quinazoline

C8H6N2; 1,3-diazaazulene; cycloheptaimidazole; DAA; CAS-No.: 275-94-5
T. Mukai, H. Tsuruta, Y. Momotari Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 40 (8), 1967-1972, (1967) The Grignard Reaction of 1,3-Diazaazulene

C8H10N2; benzaldehyde methyl hydrazone; N-(benzylideneamino)methanamine; CAS-No.: 13466-29-0; PubChem: CID 5383724
G. Adembri, P. Sarti-Fantoni, E. Belgodere Tetrahedron, 22 (9), 3149-3156, (1966) Ultraviolet spectra of hydrazones - I

C8H10N2; 1-phenylethanone hydrazone; acetophenone hydrazone; CAS-No.: 13466-30-3; PubChem: CID 5749243
G. Adembri, P. Sarti-Fantoni, E. Belgodere Tetrahedron, 22 (9), 3149-3156, (1966) Ultraviolet spectra of hydrazones - I

H.H. Perkampus, I. Sandeman, C.J. Timmons UV atlas of organic compounds, Vol. IV, H 18/7, Butterworth Verlag Chemie, (1968) UV absorption spectrum of quinoxaline

C9H10N2; N,N-dimethyl-4-cyanoaniline; 4-cyano-N,N-dimethylaniline; DMABN; CAS-No.: 1197-19-9
F. Leresche, U. von Gunten, S. Canonica Environ. Sci. Technol., 50 (20), 10997-11007, (2016) Probing the Photosensitizing and Inhibitory Effects of Dissolved Organic Matter by Using N,N-dimethyl-4-cyanoaniline (DMABN)

C9H12N2; benzaldehyde N,N-dimethylhydrazone; (2E)-2-benzylidene-1,1-dimethylhydrazine; CAS-No.: 1075-70-3; PubChem: CID 9569654
G. Adembri, P. Sarti-Fantoni, E. Belgodere Tetrahedron, 22 (9), 3149-3156, (1966) Ultraviolet spectra of hydrazones - I

C10H14N2; acetophenone N,N-dimethylhydrazone; acetophenone dimethylhydrazone; CAS-No.: 13466-32-5; PubChem: CID 6172446
G. Adembri, P. Sarti-Fantoni, E. Belgodere Tetrahedron, 22 (9), 3149-3156, (1966) Ultraviolet spectra of hydrazones - I

C9H7N3; 1-methyl-3-cyanoindazole; CAS-No.: 
V. Rousseau, H.G. Lindwall J. Am. Chem. Soc., 72 (7), 3047-3051, (1950) Structure and ultraviolet absorption spectra of indazole, 3-substituted indazole and some of their derivatives

C9H7N3; 2-methyl-3-cyanoindazole; CAS-No.: 
V. Rousseau, H.G. Lindwall J. Am. Chem. Soc., 72 (7), 3047-3051, (1950) Structure and ultraviolet absorption spectra of indazole, 3-substituted indazole and some of their derivatives

C12H10N2; trans-1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethylene; 4,4'-vinylenedipyridine; CAS-No.: 13362-78-2; PubChem: CID 776222
C. Avendano, A. Briceno CrystEngComm, 11, 408-411, (2009) Concomitant [2 + 2] cycloaddition solid state reactions from co-crystals self-assembled via mechanochemistry

C12H12N2; hydrazobenzene; 1,2-diphenylhydrazine; CAS-No.: 122-66-7; PubChem: ID 24847740
C. Tosi Spectrochim. Acta, 22 (3), 399-402, (1966) On the absorption spectrum of hydrazobenzene

C12H12N2; 1,1-diphenyl hydrazine; 1,1-diphenylhydrazine; CAS-No.: 530-50-7; PubChem: CID 10739
C. Tosi Spectrochim. Acta, 22 (3), 399-402, (1966) On the absorption spectrum of hydrazobenzene

C12H12N2; 2,2'-diaminobiphenyl; CAS-No.: 1454-80-4; PubChem:
B. Williamson, W.H. Rodebush J. Am. Chem. Soc., 63, 11, 3018-3025, (1941) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of organic molecules: II. The effect of substituent groups upon the absorption of biphenyl

C12H12N2; 4,4'-diaminobiphenyl; CAS-No.: 92-87-5; PubChem: CID 66911489
B. Williamson, W.H. Rodebush J. Am. Chem. Soc., 63, 11, 3018-3025, (1941) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of organic molecules: II. The effect of substituent groups upon the absorption of biphenyl

C8H18N2; azoisobutane; 2,2'-azoisobutane ; ditert-butyldiazene; CAS-No.: 927-83-3
M.B. Robin, R.R. Hart, N.A. Kuebler J. Am. Chem. Soc., 89 (7), 1564-1572, (1967) Electronic States of the Azoalkanes

C9H8N2; 2-methylquinoxaline; 2-methyl quinoxaline; CAS-No.: 7251-61-8; PubChem: CID 23686
H. Otomasu, R. Yamaguchi, K. Ishigo-Oka, H. Takashi J. Pharm. Soc. Japan, 82, 1434-1440, (1962) Studies on the Structures of Diazine N-Oxides. I. Dipole Moments and U.V. Absorption Spectra of Quinoxaline Compounds

C9H8N2; 2-aminoquinoline; 2-quinolinamine; 2-aminochinolin; CAS-No.: 580-22-3; PubChem: CID 11379
H.H. Perkampus, I. Sandeman, C.J. Timmons UV atlas of organic compounds, Vol. IV, H 1/7, Butterworth Verlag Chemie, (1968) UV absorption spectrum of 2-aminoquinoline

C9H11N; tetrahydroisoquinoline; 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline; CAS-No.: 91-21-4; PubChem: CID 7046
A.W. Sangster, K.L. Stuart Chem. Rev., 65 (1), 69-130, (1965) Ultraviolet spectra of alkaloids

C9H8N2; 1-phenylimidazole; 1-phenyl-1H-imidazole; CAS-No.: 7164-98-9; PubChem: CID 795
I. Powis, D.A. Shaw, D. Townsend, D.M.P. Holland Molecular Physics, (2024) Valence shell electronically excited states of 1-phenylimidazole and 1-benzylimidazole

C10H10N2; 1-benzylimidazole; 1-benzyl-1H-imidazole; CAS-No.: 4238-71-5; PubChem: CID 77918
I. Powis, D.A. Shaw, D. Townsend, D.M.P. Holland Molecular Physics, (2024) Valence shell electronically excited states of 1-phenylimidazole and 1-benzylimidazole

C8H9NO; acetanilide; N-phenylacetamide; N-phenylethanamide; CAS-No.: 103-84-4; PubChem: CID 904
H.E. Ungnade J. Am. Chem. Soc., 76 (20), 5133-5135, (1954) Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Acetanilides

W.B. Crummett Anal. Chem., 28 (3), 410-412, (1956) Ultraviolet Spectrophotometric Determination of Phosgene with Aniline

C8H9NO; acetophenone oxime; methyl phenyl ketone oxime; CAS-No.: 613-91-2; PubChem: CID 5464950
R.F. Rekker, J.U. Veenland Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 78 (10), 739-753, (1959) The use of UV absorption spectra for the determination of configurations of some aromatic oximes

C2H5NO2; glycine; aminoethanoic acid; 2-aminoacetic acid; CAS-No.: 56-40-6; PubChem: CID 750
G.A. Anslow, M.L. Forster, C. Klingler J. Biol. Chem., 103 (1), 81-92, (1933) The absorption spectra of glycine solutions and their interpretation

L.J. Saidel, A.R. Goldfarb, S. Waldman J. Biol. Chem., 197, 285-291, (1952) The absorption spectra of amino acids in the region 200 - 230 millimicrons

C2H5NO2; nitroethane; CAS-No.: 79-24-3; PubChem: CID 6587
J. Wallace-Goodeve Trans. Faraday Soc., 30, 504-508, (1934) The absorption spectra of ethyl nitrate, ethyl nitrite, and nitroethane

L.V.S. Dalagnol, M.H.F. Bettega, N.C. Jones, S.V. Hoffmann, A. Souza Barbosa, P. Limão-Vieira J. Phys. Chem. A, 127, 6, 1445–1457, (2023) Electronic State Spectroscopy of Nitromethane and Nitroethane

C4H5NO; 3-methoxyacrylonitrile; (E)-3-methoxyprop-2-enenitrile; CAS-No.: 60838-50-8; PubChem: CID 5324713
A. Roeder, N. de Oliveira, F. Grolau, J.-M. Mestdagh, M.-A. Gaveau, M. Briant J. Phys. Chem. A, 124, 45, 9470–9477, (2020) Vacuum-Ultraviolet Absorption Spectrum of 3-Methoxyacrylonitrile

C4H5NO2; succinimide; pyrrolidine-2,5-dione; CAS-No.: 123-56-8; PubChem: 11439
G. Choudhary, A.M. Cameron, R.A. Back J. Phys. Chem., 72 (7), 2289-2292, (1968) The photolysis and pyrolysis of succinimide vapor

C5H5NO2; 4-hydroxypyridine 1-oxide; 1-hydroxypyridin-4-one; CAS-No.: 6890-62-6; PubChem: CID 23321
H.H. Jaffe J. Am. Chem. Soc., 77 (17), 4451-4453, (1955) The Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Substituted Pyridine 1-Oxides and their Conjugate Acids

C5H11NO2; isoamyl nitrite; isopentyl nitrite; 3-methylbutyl nitrite; CAS-No.: 110-46-3; PubChem: CID 8053
D.H. Szulczewski, M. Yunker, T. Higuchi J. Pharmaceutical Sciences, 45 (12), 776-779, (1956) Physical chemical properties and ultraviolet spectral characteristics of amyl nitrite

C8H5NO2; phthalimide; isoindole-1,3-dione; 1H-isoindole-1,3(2H)-dione; CAS-No.: 85-41-6; PubChem: CID 6809
H.H. Perkampus, I. Sandeman, C.J. Timmons UV atlas of organic compounds, Vol. IV, H 12/1, Butterworth Verlag Chemie, (1968) UV absorption spectrum of phthalimide

C8H7NO2; 5,6-dihydroxyindole; dopamine lutine; 5,6-dihydroxy-1H-indole; DHI; CAS-No.: 3131-52-0; PubChem: CID 114683
D.N. Peles, J.D. Simon J. Phys. Chem. B, 115 (43), 12624-12631, (2011) UV-Absorption Spectra of Melanosomes Containing Varying 5,6-Dihydroxyindole and 5,6-Dihydroxyindole-2-Carboxylic Acid Content

C8H9NO2; p-nitrosophenetole; 1-ethoxy-4-nitrosobenzene; CAS-No.: 3420-97-1
K. Tabei, S. Nagakura Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 38 (6), 965-971, (1965) Near and Vacuum Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra and Electronic Structures of Nitrosobenzene and Its Derivatives

C8H9NO2; methyl anthranilate; methyl 2-aminobenzoate; 2-aminobenzoic acid methyl ester; CAS-No.: 134-20-3; PubChem: CID 8635
N.D.N. Rodrigues, N.C. Cole-Filipiak, M.D. Horbury, M. Staniforth, T.N.V. Karsili, Y. Peperstraete, V.G. Stavros J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 353, 376-384, (2018) Photophysics of the sunscreen ingredient menthyl anthranilate and its precursor methyl anthranilate: A bottom-up approach to photoprotection

C9H9NO2; N-acetylbenzamide; CAS-No.: 1575-95-7; PubChem: CID 74090
J.B. Polya, T.M. Spotswood Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 68 (6), 573-578, (1949) Amides V: Ultraviolet absorption spectra of diacylimines

C9H9NO3; 1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-2-nitroethylene; 1-methoxy-4-(2-nitroethenyl)benzene; CAS-No.: 3179-10-0; PubChem: CID
T. Ya. Paperno, V.V. Perekalin, A.S. Sopova J. Applied Spectroscopy, 19 (4), 1299-1302, (1973) The infrared and ultraviolet spectra of various substituted nitroalkenes

C10H13NO2; 1-tert-butyl-2-nitrobenzene; o-nitro-t-butylbenzene; CAS-No.: 1886-57-3; PubChem: CID 74674
W.G. Brown, H. Reagan J. Am. Chem. Soc., 69 (5), 1032-1033, (1947) Steric Effects in the Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Aromatic Nitro Compounds

C10H13NO2; 1-tert-butyl-3-nitrobenzene; m-nitro-t-butylbenzene; CAS-No.: 23132-52-7; PubChem: CID 90005
W.G. Brown, H. Reagan J. Am. Chem. Soc., 69 (5), 1032-1033, (1947) Steric Effects in the Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Aromatic Nitro Compounds

C10H13NO2; 1-tert-butyl-4-nitrobenzene; p-nitro-t-butylbenzene; CAS-No.: 3282-56-2; PubChem: CID 76773
W.G. Brown, H. Reagan J. Am. Chem. Soc., 69 (5), 1032-1033, (1947) Steric Effects in the Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Aromatic Nitro Compounds

C10H7NO2; 1-nitroso-2-naphthol; a-nitroso-b-naphthol; CAS-No.: 131-91-9; PubChem: CID 24847189
K.K. Chatterjee Analytica Chimica Acta, 20, 423-427, (1959) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of alpha-nitroso beta-naphthol and its copper chelate

C10H11NO2; N-propionylbenzamide; N-propanoylbenzamide; N-benzoylpropanamide; CAS-No.: 28358-79-4; PubChem: CID 193630
J.B. Polya, T.M. Spotswood Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 68 (6), 573-578, (1949) Amides V: Ultraviolet absorption spectra of diacylimines

C9H7NO; isoquinoline 2-oxide; isoquinoline N-oxide; CAS-No.: 1532-72-5; PubChem: CID 290378
H.H. Jaffe J. Am. Chem. Soc., 77 (17), 4451-4453, (1955) The Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Substituted Pyridine 1-Oxides and their Conjugate Acids

H.H. Perkampus, I. Sandeman, C.J. Timmons UV atlas of organic compounds, Vol. IV, H 2/2, Butterworth Verlag Chemie, (1968) UV absorption spectrum of trans-4-styrylquinoline

C9H7NO; indole-3-aldehyde; indole-3-carboxaldehyde; 3-formylindole; CAS-No.: 487-89-8; PubChem: CID 10256
J.M. Kaper, O. Gebhard, C.J.van den Berg, H.Veldstra Archives Biochem. Biophys., 103 (3), 475-487, (1963) Studies on indolepyruvic acid II. Ultraviolet spectrophotometry

C9H7NO4; 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid; 5,6-dihydroxy-1H-indole-2-carboxylic acid; DHICA; CAS-No.: 4790-08-3; PubChem: CID 119405
D.N. Peles, J.D. Simon J. Phys. Chem. B, 115 (43), 12624-12631, (2011) UV-Absorption Spectra of Melanosomes Containing Varying 5,6-Dihydroxyindole and 5,6-Dihydroxyindole-2-Carboxylic Acid Content

C4H6N2O; 3-amino-5-methylisoxazole; 5-methyl-3-isoxazolamine; CAS-No.: 1072-67-9; PubChem: CID 66172
S. Willach, H.V. Lutze, K. Eckey, K. Loeppenberg, M. Lueling, J.-B. Wolbert, D.M. Kujawinski, M.A. Jochmann, U. Karst, T.C. Schmidt Environ. Sci. Technol., 52 (3), 1225-1233, (2018) Direct Photolysis of Sulfamethoxazole Using Various Irradiation Sources and Wavelength Ranges-Insights from Degradation Product Analysis and Compound-Specific Stable Isotope Analysis

C7H8N2O; N-nitrosomethylaniline; N-methyl-N-nitrosoaniline; CAS-No.: 614-00-6; PubChem: CID 11957
J.C. Earl, R.J.W. Le Fèvre, I.R. Wilson J. Chem. Soc.,0, S103-S106, (1949) Ultra-violet absorption spectra of N-nitrosophenylglycine and its benzyl ester, and of six sydnones

C8H6N2O; quinoxaline N-oxide; quinoxaline N-oxide; CAS-No.: 6935-29-1; PubChem: CID 23363
H. Otomasu, R. Yamaguchi, K. Ishigo-Oka, H. Takashi J. Pharm. Soc. Japan, 82, 1434-1440, (1962) Studies on the Structures of Diazine N-Oxides. I. Dipole Moments and U.V. Absorption Spectra of Quinoxaline Compounds

C9H8N2O; 2-methylquinoxaline N-oxide; 2-methyl-quinoxaline 1-oxide; CAS-No.: 18916-44-4
H. Otomasu, R. Yamaguchi, K. Ishigo-Oka, H. Takashi J. Pharm. Soc. Japan, 82, 1434-1440, (1962) Studies on the Structures of Diazine N-Oxides. I. Dipole Moments and U.V. Absorption Spectra of Quinoxaline Compounds

C10H10N2O; 2-ethoxyquinoxaline; quinoxaline, 2-ethoxy-; CAS-No.: 57315-47-6; PubChem: CID 12231761
H. Otomasu, R. Yamaguchi, K. Ishigo-Oka, H. Takashi J. Pharm. Soc. Japan, 82, 1434-1440, (1962) Studies on the Structures of Diazine N-Oxides. I. Dipole Moments and U.V. Absorption Spectra of Quinoxaline Compounds

C10H10N2O2; 2-ethoxyquinoxaline N-oxide; 2-ethoxyquinoxaline 1-oxide; CAS-No.: 
H. Otomasu, R. Yamaguchi, K. Ishigo-Oka, H. Takashi J. Pharm. Soc. Japan, 82, 1434-1440, (1962) Studies on the Structures of Diazine N-Oxides. I. Dipole Moments and U.V. Absorption Spectra of Quinoxaline Compounds

C11H12N2O; 2-ethoxy-3-methylquinoxaline; CAS-No.: 57315-42-1
H. Otomasu, R. Yamaguchi, K. Ishigo-Oka, H. Takashi J. Pharm. Soc. Japan, 82, 1434-1440, (1962) Studies on the Structures of Diazine N-Oxides. I. Dipole Moments and U.V. Absorption Spectra of Quinoxaline Compounds

C11H12N2O6; 5-ethynyluridine; 5-ethynyl uridine; 5-EU; CAS-No.: 69075-42-9; PubChem: CID 14885960
F. Kaspar, R.T. Giessmann, S.Westarp, K.F. Hellendahl, N. Krausch, I. Thiele, M.C. Walczak, P. Neubauer, A. Wagner ChemBioChem, 21 (18), 2604-2610, (2020) Spectral Unmixing-Based Reaction Monitoring of Transformations between Nucleosides and Nucleobases

C12H10N2O; azoxybenzene; fentoxan; CAS-No.: 495-48-7
P.E. Fanta, T.R. Hughes J. Am. Chem. Soc., 72 (11), 5343-5343, (1950) New compounds - 2,2'-Diphenyl-5,5'-azoxypyrimidine

C. Tosi Spectrochim. Acta, 22 (10), 1701-1706, (1966) The assignment of the electronic transitions of azoxybenzene

C12H6N6O9; 3,3',5,5'-tetranitroazoxybenzene; CAS-No.: 
P.H. Gore, O.H. Wheeler J. Am. Chem. Soc., 78 (10), 2160-2163, (1956) The absorption spectra of aromatic azo and related compounds: I. Azoxybenzenes

C14H14N2O; 4,4'-dimethylazoxybenzene; 4,4'-azoxytoluene; CAS-No.: 955-98-6
P.H. Gore, O.H. Wheeler J. Am. Chem. Soc., 78 (10), 2160-2163, (1956) The absorption spectra of aromatic azo and related compounds: I. Azoxybenzenes

C14H14N2O; 2,2'-dimethylazoxybenzene; 2,2'-azoxytoluene; CAS-No.: 956-31-0
P.H. Gore, O.H. Wheeler J. Am. Chem. Soc., 78 (10), 2160-2163, (1956) The absorption spectra of aromatic azo and related compounds: I. Azoxybenzenes

C14H14N2O3; p-azoxyanisole; 1-methoxy-4-[(4-methoxyphenyl)-NNO-azoxy]benzene; 4,4'-dimethoxyazoxybenzene; 4,4'-azoxyanisole; PAA; CAS-No.: 1562-94-3; PubChem: CID 15277
P.H. Gore, O.H. Wheeler J. Am. Chem. Soc., 78 (10), 2160-2163, (1956) The absorption spectra of aromatic azo and related compounds: I. Azoxybenzenes

C. Tosi Spectrochim. Acta, 22 (10), 1701-1706, (1966) The assignment of the electronic transitions of azoxybenzene

C14H14N2O3; 2,2'-dimethoxyazoxybenzene; 2,2'-azoxyanisole; CAS-No.: 13620-57-0
P.H. Gore, O.H. Wheeler J. Am. Chem. Soc., 78 (10), 2160-2163, (1956) The absorption spectra of aromatic azo and related compounds: I. Azoxybenzenes

C13H12N2O; 1,3-diphenylurea; N,N'-diphenylurea; carbanilide; CAS-No.: 102-07-8; PubChem: 7595
W.B. Crummett Anal. Chem., 28 (3), 410-412, (1956) Ultraviolet Spectrophotometric Determination of Phosgene with Aniline

C13H12N2O; 4,4'-diaminobenzophenone; bis(4-aminophenyl)methanone; CAS-No.: 611-98-3; PubChem: CID 69149
E.E. Sager, I.J. Siewers J. Res. Natl. Bureau Stand., 45 (6), 489-496, (1950) Dissociation Constants of 4-Aminobenzophenone Calculated From Ultraviolet Spectra at Several Temperatures

E.E. Sager, F.C. Byers J. Res. Nat. Bureau Standards, 57 (1), 33-36, (1957) Spectral absorbance of some aqueous solutions in the range 10° to 40° C

C14H9NO2; 9-nitroanthracene; CAS-No.: 602-60-8; PubChem: 11767
R.N. Jones Chem. Rev., 41 (2), 353-371, (1947) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of anthracene derivatives

C9H9N; 3-methylindole; 3-methyl-1H-indole; skatole; CAS-No.: 83-34-1; PubChem: CID 6736
E. Hardin Strickland, J. Horwitz, C. Billups Biochemistry, 9 (25), 4914-4921, (1970) Near-Ultraviolet absorption bands of tryptophan. Studies using indole and 3-methylindole as models

C9H9N; 1-methylindole; 1-methyl-1H-indole; CAS-No.: 603-76-9; PubChem: CID 11781
M.M. Lindic, M. Schmitt J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 406, 112984, (2021) Ground and excited state dipole moments of 1-methylindole from thermochromic shifts in absorption and emission spectra

C12H9N; carbazole; 9H-carbazole; dibenzopyrrole; CAS-No.: 86-74-8; PubChem: CID 6854
H.H. Perkampus, I. Sandeman, C.J. Timmons UV atlas of organic compounds, Vol. IV, H 16/6, Butterworth Verlag Chemie, (1968) UV absorption spectrum of carbazole

P.B.D. de la Mare, M. Wilson, O.M.H. El Dusouqui J. Chem. Society Perkin Trans. 2, 634-637, (1974) The kinetics and mechanisms of aromatic halogen substitution. Part XXXI. The reaction pathway involved in the chlorination of N-acetylcarbazole

S.-A. Yamamoto, K. Kikuchi, H. Kokubun Chem. Lett., 6 (10), 1173-1176, (1977) Direct evidence of photodissociation of carbazole via the higher excited triplet state by double excitation method

S. Marzooghi, B.E. Finch, W.A. Stubblefield, D.M. Di Toro Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 37 (8), 2165-2174, (2018) Predicting phototoxicity of alkylated PAHs, mixtures of PAHs, and water accommodated fractions (WAF) of neat and weathered petroleum with the phototoxic target lipid model

related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, linear dichroism spectroscopy etc.)
D.D. Nguyen, J. Trunk, L. Nakhimovsky, J. Spanget-Larsen J. Mol. Spectroscopy, 264 (1), 19-25, (2010) Electronic transitions of fluorene, dibenzofuran, carbazole, and dibenzothiophene: From the onset of absorption to the ionization threshold

C14H11N; 2-aminoanthracene; 2-anthramine; CAS-No.: 613-13-8; PubChem: 24890821
R.N. Jones Chem. Rev., 41 (2), 353-371, (1947) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of anthracene derivatives

C14H12N+; 2-aminoanthracene hydrochloride; CAS-No.: 
R.N. Jones Chem. Rev., 41 (2), 353-371, (1947) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of anthracene derivatives

C14H15N3; p-dimethylaminoazobenzene; methyl yellow; DAB; N,N-dimethyl-4-phenylazoaniline; CAS-No.: 60-11-7; PubChem: CID 6053
L. Pentimalli Tetrahedron, 5 (1), 27-37, (1959) Researches on the aromatic azocompounds: The oxidation of the 4-dimethylamino-azobenzene

C15H9N; 9-cyanoanthracene; 9-anthracenecarbonitrile; CAS-No.: 1210-12-4; PubChem: 24849258
R.N. Jones Chem. Rev., 41 (2), 353-371, (1947) The ultraviolet absorption spectra of anthracene derivatives

C3H7NO; N-methylacetamide; methylacetamide; CAS-No.: 79-16-3; PubChem: 6582
L.J. Saidel Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 54 (1), 184-200, (1955) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of peptides. I. Compounds containing a single monoalkyl-substituted amide link

K. Kaya, S. Nagakura Theor. Chimica Acta, 7 (2), 117-123, (1967) Vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectra of simple amides

C4H9NO; morpholine; diethylenimide oxide; 1,4-oxazinane; CAS-No.: 110-91-8
S. SenGupta, A. Kumar, P.D. Naik, P. Bajaj Chem. Phys. Lett., 465 (4-6), 197-202, (2008) The dynamics of OH generation by photodissociation of morpholine molecule at 193 nm

T.A.A. Oliver, G.A. King, M.N.R. Ashfold Chem. Science, 1, 89-96, (2010) The conformer resolved ultraviolet photodissociation of morpholine

M. Al Rashidi, A. El Masri, E. Roth, A. Chakir Atmos. Env., 88, 261-268, (2014) UV spectra and OH-oxidation kinetics of gaseous phase morpholinic compounds

C5H9NO2; N-formylmorpholine; 4-morpholinecarbaldehyde; CAS-No.: 4394-85-8; PubChem: 24855051
M. Al Rashidi, A. El Masri, E. Roth, A. Chakir Atmos. Env., 88, 261-268, (2014) UV spectra and OH-oxidation kinetics of gaseous phase morpholinic compounds

C5H9NO2; N-acetylpropionamide; N-acetylpropanamide; CAS-No.: 19264-34-7; PubChem: CID 536086
J.B. Polya, T.M. Spotswood Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 68 (6), 573-578, (1949) Amides V: Ultraviolet absorption spectra of diacylimines

C5H5NO; 2-pyridone; pyridin-2(1H)-one; 2-hydroxypyridine; CAS-No.: 142-08-5; PubChem: CID 8871
A. Fujimoto, K. Inuzuka, R. Shiba Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 54 (9), 2802-2806, (1981) Electronic Properties and pi-pi* Absorption Spectrum of 2-Pyridone

C5H5NO; pyridine 1-oxide; pyridine-N-oxide; CAS-No.: 694-59-7; PubChem: CID 12753
M. Ito, N. Hata Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 28 (4), 260-263, (1955) The Ultra-violet Absorption Spectrum of Pyridine Noxide

H.H. Jaffe J. Am. Chem. Soc., 77 (17), 4451-4453, (1955) The Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Substituted Pyridine 1-Oxides and their Conjugate Acids

M.H. Palmer, S.V. Hoffmann, N.C. Jones, E.R. Smith, D.L. Lichtenberger J. Chem. Phys., 138, 214317, (2013) The electronic states of pyridine-N-oxide studied by VUV photoabsorption and ab initio configuration interaction computations

C5H4N2O3; 4-nitropyridine 1-oxide; 4-nitropyridine N-oxide; CAS-No.: 1124-33-0; PubChem: CID 14300
H.H. Jaffe J. Am. Chem. Soc., 77 (17), 4451-4453, (1955) The Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Substituted Pyridine 1-Oxides and their Conjugate Acids

C5H5NO; 4-pyridone; 4-hydroxypyridine; CAS-No.: 626-64-2; PubChem: CID 12290
N. Ishibe, H. Sugimoto, J.B. Gallivan J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2,71, 1812-1822, (1975) Electronic absorption and emission spectra of 4-pyrones, 4-thiopyrones and 4-pyridones

C6H7NO; 1-methyl-2-pyridone; 1-methylpyridin-2(1H)-one; CAS-No.: 694-85-9; PubChem: CID 12755
A. Fujimoto, K. Inuzuka, R. Shiba Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 54 (9), 2802-2806, (1981) Electronic Properties and pi-pi* Absorption Spectrum of 2-Pyridone

C6H11NO2; N-acetylmorpholine; 4-acetylmorpholine; CAS-No.: 1696-20-4; PubChem: 24890598
M. Al Rashidi, A. El Masri, E. Roth, A. Chakir Atmos. Env., 88, 261-268, (2014) UV spectra and OH-oxidation kinetics of gaseous phase morpholinic compounds

C6H13NO; N,N-diethylacetamide; acetamide, N,N-diethyl-; CAS-No.: 685-91-6; PubChem: 12703
L.J. Saidel J. Am. Chem. Soc., 77 (14), 3892-3895, (1955) Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Peptides. III. N,N-Dialkylamides Including Polyvinylpyrrolidone

C6H7NO; 3-aminophenol; m-aminophenol; m-hydroxyaniline; CAS-No.: 591-27-5; PubChem: CID 11568
J.C. Dearden, W.F. Forbes Can. J. Chem., 37(8), 1294-1304, (1959) Light absorption studies: Part XIV. The ultraviolet absorption spectra of phenols

C6H7NO; 2-aminophenol; o-aminophenol; o-hydroxyaniline; CAS-No.: 95-55-6; PubChem: CID 5801
J.C. Dearden, W.F. Forbes Can. J. Chem., 37(8), 1294-1304, (1959) Light absorption studies: Part XIV. The ultraviolet absorption spectra of phenols

C6H7NO; 4-aminophenol; p-aminophenol; 4-hydroxyaniline; CAS-No.: 123-30-8; PubChem: CID 403
J. Xu, C.-H. Huang Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett., 10, 6, 543-548, (2023) Enhanced Direct Photolysis of Organic Micropollutants by Far-UVC Light at 222 nm from KrCl* Excilamps

C9H9NO; 2,6-dimethylbenzonitrile N-oxide; CAS-No.: 
M. Yamakawa, T. Kubota, H. Akazawa, I. Tanaka Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 41 (5), 1046-1055, (1968) Electronic Spectra and Electronic Structures of Benzonitrile N-Oxide and Its Derivatives

C9H11NO; 4-methylacetanilid; p-methylacetanilid; p-acetotoluidid; CAS-No.: 103-89-9; PubChem: CID 7684
H.E. Ungnade J. Am. Chem. Soc., 76 (20), 5133-5135, (1954) Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Acetanilides

C9H11NO; 3-methylacetanilid; m-methylacetanilid; m-acetotoluidid; CAS-No.: 537-92-8; PubChem: CID 10843
H.E. Ungnade J. Am. Chem. Soc., 76 (20), 5133-5135, (1954) Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Acetanilides

C9H11NO; 2-methylacetanilid; o-methylacetanilid; o-acetotoluidid; CAS-No.: 120-66-1; PubChem: CID
H.E. Ungnade J. Am. Chem. Soc., 76 (20), 5133-5135, (1954) Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Acetanilides

C10H9NO; 4-methylcarbostyril; 2-hydroxylepidine; CAS-No.: 607-66-9
O. Buchardt, J.J. Christensen, N. Harrit Acta Chem. Scand., B 30, 189-192, (1976) The photocycloaddition of cyclohexene to carbostyrils

C10H13NO; N-salicylidene-isopropylamine; N-isopropylsalicylideneamine; CAS-No.: 5961-35-3
N. Ebara Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 34 (8), 1151-1158, (1961) Benzylideneaniline. III. Anils of substituted benzaldehydes

C12H17NO; N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide; DEET; diethyltoluamide; CAS-No.: 134-62-3; PubChem: CID 4284
H.-W. Yu, M. Park, S. Wu, I.J. Lopez, W. Ji, J. Scheideler, S.A. Snyder Water Research, 166, 115030, (2019) Strategies for selecting indicator compounds to assess attenuation of emerging contaminants during UV advanced oxidation processes

J. Xu, C.-H. Huang Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett., 10, 6, 543-548, (2023) Enhanced Direct Photolysis of Organic Micropollutants by Far-UVC Light at 222 nm from KrCl* Excilamps

K. Guo, S. Wu, W. Qin, R. Xie, Y. Wu, X. Li, G. Ouyang, J. Fang Environ. Sci. Technol., 58, 50, 22431-22441, (2024) Overlooked Generation of Reactive Oxidative Species from Water and Dioxygen by Far UV Light

C13H9NO; acridone; 10H-acridin-9-one; 9(10H)-acridone; CAS-No.: 578-95-0; PubChem: CID 2015
A.W. Sangster, K.L. Stuart Chem. Rev., 65 (1), 69-130, (1965) Ultraviolet Spectra of Alkaloids

C13H11NO; benzal phenylnitrone; CAS-No.: 
P. Brocklehurst Tetrahedron, 18 (3), 299-304, (1962) The ultra-violet spectra of azomethines and related compounds

C13H11NO; 4-aminobenzophenone; 4-benzoylaniline; p-aminobenzophenone; CAS-No.: 1137-41-3; PubChem: CID 14346
E.E. Sager, I.J. Siewers J. Res. Natl. Bureau Stand., 45 (6), 489-496, (1950) Dissociation Constants of 4-Aminobenzophenone Calculated From Ultraviolet Spectra at Several Temperatures

C13H11NO; benzophenone oxime; diphenylmethanone oxime; CAS-No.: 574-66-3; PubChem: CID 11324
R.F. Rekker, J.U. Veenland Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 78 (10), 739-753, (1959) The use of UV absorption spectra for the determination of configurations of some aromatic oximes

C13H11NO; o-hyroxybenzylidene aniline; N-(2-hydroxybenzylidene)aniline; N-salicylideneaniline; CAS-No.: 779-84-0
N. Ebara Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 34 (8), 1151-1158, (1961) Benzylideneaniline. III. Anils of substituted benzaldehydes

C13H11NO; p-hyroxybenzylidene aniline; n-(p-hydroxybenzylidene)aniline; CAS-No.: 2505-66-0
N. Ebara Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 34 (8), 1151-1158, (1961) Benzylideneaniline. III. Anils of substituted benzaldehydes

C14H11NO; 2-phenyl-3H-isoindol-1-one; N-phenylisoindolin-1-one; phthalimidine, 2-phenyl; CAS-No.: 5388-42-1
M. Hopanna, L. Kelly, L. Blaney Env. Sci. Tech., 54, 18, 11271-11281, (2020) Photochemistry of the Organoselenium Compound Ebselen: Direct Photolysis and Reaction with Active Intermediates of Conventional Reactive Species Sensitizers and Quenchers

C14H13NO; N-p-anisylideneaniline; N-(4-methoxybenzylidene)aniline; CAS-No.: 836-41-9
N. Ebara Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 34 (8), 1151-1158, (1961) Benzylideneaniline. III. Anils of substituted benzaldehydes

C14H13NO; o-methoxybenzylidene aniline; N-(2-methoxybenzylidene)aniline; CAS-No.: 3369-37-7
N. Ebara Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 34 (8), 1151-1158, (1961) Benzylideneaniline. III. Anils of substituted benzaldehydes

C18H15NO; 1-methyl-2,6-diphenylpyridin-4-one; 1-methyl-2,6-diphenyl-4-pyridone; CAS-No.: 19792-54-2
N. Ishibe, H. Sugimoto, J.B. Gallivan J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2,71, 1812-1822, (1975) Electronic absorption and emission spectra of 4-pyrones, 4-thiopyrones and 4-pyridones

C20H19NO; 1,2,6-trimethyl-3,5-diphenylpyridin-4-one; 1,2,6-trimethyl-3,5-diphenyl-4-pyridon; CAS-No.: 42215-29-2
N. Ishibe, H. Sugimoto, J.B. Gallivan J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2,71, 1812-1822, (1975) Electronic absorption and emission spectra of 4-pyrones, 4-thiopyrones and 4-pyridones

C30H23NO; 1-methyl-2,3,5,6-tetraphenylpyridin-4-one; 1-methyl-2,3,5,6-tetraphenylpyridin-4(1H)-one; CAS-No.: 51787-63-4; PubChem: CID 318370
N. Ishibe, H. Sugimoto, J.B. Gallivan J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2,71, 1812-1822, (1975) Electronic absorption and emission spectra of 4-pyrones, 4-thiopyrones and 4-pyridones

C7H8N2; benzaldehyde hydrazone; benzylidenehydrazine; benzalhydrazine; CAS-No.: 5281-18-5; PubChem: CID 95742
G. Adembri, P. Sarti-Fantoni, E. Belgodere Tetrahedron, 22 (9), 3149-3156, (1966) Ultraviolet spectra of hydrazones - I

C8H5N3; 3-cyanoindazole; 1H-indazole-3-carbonitrile; 3-cyano-1H-indazole; CAS-No.: 50264-88-5
V. Rousseau, H.G. Lindwall J. Am. Chem. Soc., 72 (7), 3047-3051, (1950) Structure and ultraviolet absorption spectra of indazole, 3-substituted indazole and some of their derivatives

C8H6N2; cinnoline; benzopyridazine; 1,2-benzodiazine; CAS-No.: 253-66-7; PubChem: CID 9208
E.D. Anschuetz J. Org. Chem., 1952, 17 (11), 1508-1510, (1952) Comparison of the ultraviolet absorption spectra of Naphthalene, Phthalazine, and Cinnoline

S.C. Wait jr., F.M. Grogan J. Mol. Spectroscopy, 24, 383-401, (1967) The electronic spectrum of cinnoline vapor

H.H. Perkampus, I. Sandeman, C.J. Timmons UV atlas of organic compounds, Vol. IV, H 18/1, Butterworth Verlag Chemie, (1968) UV absorption spectrum of cinnoline

C8H6N2; phthalazine; benzo[d]pyridazine; 2,3-diazanaphthalene; CAS-No.: 253-52-1; PubChem: CID 9207
E.D. Anschuetz J. Org. Chem., 1952, 17 (11), 1508-1510, (1952) Comparison of the ultraviolet absorption spectra of Naphthalene, Phthalazine, and Cinnoline

C10H14N2O5; thymidine; deoxythymidine; CAS-No.: 50-89-5; PubChem: CID 1134
D. Voet, W.B. Gratzer, R.A. Cox, P. Doty Biopolymers, 1, 193-208, (1963) Absorption spectra of nucleotides, polynucleotides, and nucleic acids in the far ultraviolet

F. Kaspar, R.T. Giessmann, S.Westarp, K.F. Hellendahl, N. Krausch, I. Thiele, M.C. Walczak, P. Neubauer, A. Wagner ChemBioChem, 21 (18), 2604-2610, (2020) Spectral Unmixing-Based Reaction Monitoring of Transformations between Nucleosides and Nucleobases

C7H11NO3; N-acetyl-L-proline; acetyl-L-proline; CAS-No.: 68-95-1; PubChem: 66141
L.J. Saidel J. Am. Chem. Soc., 77 (14), 3892-3895, (1955) Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Peptides. III. N,N-Dialkylamides Including Polyvinylpyrrolidone

C7H10N2O3; 2,4,6-trimethoxypyrimidine; CAS-No.: 13106-85-9; PubChem: CID 726938
J.J. Fox, D. Shugar Bull. Soc. Chim. Belges, 61 (1-2), 44-63, (1952) Absorption spectra and structure of barbituric acid derivatives as a function of pH

C7H10N2O3; 1,3-dimethyl-6-methoxyuracil; 6-methoxy-1,3-dimethyluracil; 6-methoxy-1,3-dimethyl-2,4(1H,3H)-pyrimidinedione; CAS-No.: 4097-20-5
J.J. Fox, D. Shugar Bull. Soc. Chim. Belges, 61 (1-2), 44-63, (1952) Absorption spectra and structure of barbituric acid derivatives as a function of pH

C7H12N2O3; L-prolylglycine; pro-gly; CAS-No.: 2578-57-6
L.J. Saidel J. Am. Chem. Soc., 77 (14), 3892-3895, (1955) Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Peptides. III. N,N-Dialkylamides Including Polyvinylpyrrolidone

C7H12N2O3; glycyl-L-proline; gly-pro; CAS-No.: 704-15-4; PubChem: 79101
L.J. Saidel J. Am. Chem. Soc., 77 (14), 3892-3895, (1955) Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Peptides. III. N,N-Dialkylamides Including Polyvinylpyrrolidone

C8H8N2O3; N-nitroso-N-phenylglycine; glycine, N-nitroso-N-phenyl-; CAS-No.: 6415-68-5; PubChem: CID 3767411
J.C. Earl, R.J.W. Le Fèvre, I.R. Wilson J. Chem. Soc.,0, S103-S106, (1949) Ultra-violet absorption spectra of N-nitrosophenylglycine and its benzyl ester, and of six sydnones

C10H16N2O3; 1,3-dimethylbarbital; dimethylveronal; N,N'-dimethylbarbital; CAS-No.: 714-59-0; PubChem: CID 12847
J.J. Fox, D. Shugar Bull. Soc. Chim. Belges, 61 (1-2), 44-63, (1952) Absorption spectra and structure of barbituric acid derivatives as a function of pH

C8H17NO3; 2-ethylhexyl nitrate; 2-EHN; CAS-No.: 27247-96-7; PubChem: CID 24857676
D.E. Romonosky, L.Q. Nguyen, D. Shemesh, T.B. Nguyen, S.A. Epstein, D.B.C. Martin, C.D. Vanderwal, R.B. Gerber, S.A. Nizkorodov Mol. Phys., 113 (15-16), 2179-2190, (2015) Absorption spectra and aqueous photochemistry of beta-hydroxyalkyl nitrates of atmospheric interest

related data (quantum yield studies; photolysis studies, IR spectrum; linear dichroism spectroscopy etc.)
E.-L. Zins, M. Guinet, D. Rodriguez, S. Payan J. Quant. Spectr. Rad. Transfer, 108141, (2022) Absolute Absorption Cross section of 2-EHN in IR Region

C5H7NO4; trans-2-methyl-4-nitrooxy-2-buten-1-al; 4,1-isoprene nitrooxy enal; CAS-No.: 
F. Xiong, C.H. Borca, L.V. Slipchenko, P.B. Shepson Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 5595-5610, (2016) Photochemical degradation of isoprene-derived 4,1-nitrooxy enal

C5H11NO4; 3-hydroxy-3-methylbutan-2-yl nitrate; CAS-No.: 
D.E. Romonosky, L.Q. Nguyen, D. Shemesh, T.B. Nguyen, S.A. Epstein, D.B.C. Martin, C.D. Vanderwal, R.B. Gerber, S.A. Nizkorodov Mol. Phys., 113 (15-16), 2179-2190, (2015) Absorption spectra and aqueous photochemistry of beta-hydroxyalkyl nitrates of atmospheric interest

C5H11NO6; 2-methyl-1,2,4-trihydroxy-3-nitrate; CAS-No.:
L.N. Tran, K.A. Abellar, J.D. Cope, T.B. Nguyen J. Phys. Chem. A, 126, 37, 6517–6525, (2022) Second-Order Kinetic Rate Coefficients for the Aqueous-Phase Sulfate Radical (SO4•–) Oxidation of Some Atmospherically Relevant Organic Compounds

C6H5NO4; 4-nitrocatechol; 1,2-dihydroxy-4-nitrobenzene; 4-nitrobenzene-1,2-diol; CAS-No.: 3316-09-4; PubChem: CID 3505109
Z. Finewax, J.A. de Gouw, P.J. Ziemann Environ. Sci. Technol., 52 (4), 1981-1989 (2018) Identification and Quantification of 4-Nitrocatechol Formed from OH and NO3 Radical-Initiated Reactions of Catechol in Air in the Presence of NOx: Implications for Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Biomass Burning

J.Y. Chen, E. Rodriguez, H. Jiang, K. Chen, A. Frie, H. Zhang, R. Bahreini, Y.-H. Lin ACS Earth Space Chem., 4, 2, 311–320, (2020) Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Investigation of the UV–Vis Spectra of Organonitrogen Chromophores in Brown Carbon

A.B. Dalton, S.A. Nizkorodov Environ. Sci. Technol., 55, 21, 14586–14594, (2021) Photochemical Degradation of 4-Nitrocatechol and 2,4-Dinitrophenol in a Sugar-Glass Secondary Organic Aerosol Surrogate

Y. Wang, W. Huang, L. Tian, Y. Wang, F. Li, D.D. Huang, R. Zhang, B.R. Go Mabato, R.-J. Huang, Q. Chen, X. Ge, L. Du, Y. Ge Ma, M. Gen, K. in Hoi, K. Meng Mok, J.Z. Yu, C.K. Chan, X. Li, Y. Jie Li ACS Earth Space Chem., 6, 4, 1115-1125, (2022) Decay Kinetics and Absorption Changes of Methoxyphenols and Nitrophenols during Nitrate-Mediated Aqueous Photochemical Oxidation at 254 and 313 nm

B. Witkowski, P. Jain, T. Gierczak Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22 (8), 5651-5663, (2022) Aqueous chemical bleaching of 4-nitrophenol brown carbon by hydroxyl radicals; products, mechanism, and light absorption

J.W. Knight, J.E.M. Forsythe, X. Zhang, A. Rafferty, A.J. Orr-Ewing, M.I. Cotterell ACS Earth Space Chem., 8, 11, 2198-2208, (2024) Wavelength- and pH-Dependent Optical Properties of Aqueous Aerosol Particles Containing 4-Nitrocatechol

C6H5NO5; 2-nitrophloroglucinol; 2,4,6-trihydroxynitrobenzene; CAS-No.: 16600-92-3; PubChem: CID
S.V. Dubiel, S. Zuffanti J. Org. Chem., 19, 8, 1359-1362, (1954) Nitro derivatives of phloroglucinol

B. Witkowski, P. Jain, T. Gierczak Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22 (8), 5651-5663, (2022) Aqueous chemical bleaching of 4-nitrophenol brown carbon by hydroxyl radicals; products, mechanism, and light absorption

C6H4N2O2; 5-ethynyluracil; eniluracil; 776C85; CAS-No.: 59989-18-3; PubChem: CID
F. Kaspar, R.T. Giessmann, S.Westarp, K.F. Hellendahl, N. Krausch, I. Thiele, M.C. Walczak, P. Neubauer, A. Wagner ChemBioChem, 21 (18), 2604-2610, (2020) Spectral Unmixing-Based Reaction Monitoring of Transformations between Nucleosides and Nucleobases

C6H4N2O7; 2,4-dinitrophloroglucinol; 4,6-dinitrophloroglucinol; 2,4-dinitrophloroglucinol; CAS-No.: 54234-85-4; PubChem: CID 102249158
S.V. Dubiel, S. Zuffanti J. Org. Chem., 19, 8, 1359-1362, (1954) Nitro derivatives of phloroglucinol

C7H3N3O8; 3,5,7-trinitrotropolone; 2-hydroxy-3,5,7-trinitro-2,4,6-cycloheptatrien-1-one; CAS-No.: 89978-03-0; PubChem: CID
T. Nozoe, M. Oyama, K. Kikuchi Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 36 (2), 168-173, (1963) The Formation and Reactions of 3,5,7-Trinitrotropolone

C6H3N3O9; trinitrophloroglucinol; 2,4,6-trinitro-1,3,5-benzenetriol; 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene-1,3,5-triol; CAS-No.: 4328-17-0; PubChem: CID 4555524
S.V. Dubiel, S. Zuffanti J. Org. Chem., 19, 8, 1359-1362, (1954) Nitro derivatives of phloroglucinol

C6H11NO4; 2-hydroxycyclohexyl nitrate; CAS-No.: ; PubChem: CID: 53859862
D.E. Romonosky, L.Q. Nguyen, D. Shemesh, T.B. Nguyen, S.A. Epstein, D.B.C. Martin, C.D. Vanderwal, R.B. Gerber, S.A. Nizkorodov Mol. Phys., 113 (15-16), 2179-2190, (2015) Absorption spectra and aqueous photochemistry of beta-hydroxyalkyl nitrates of atmospheric interest

C6H13NO4; 2-hydroxyhexyl nitrate; CAS-No.: 
D.E. Romonosky, L.Q. Nguyen, D. Shemesh, T.B. Nguyen, S.A. Epstein, D.B.C. Martin, C.D. Vanderwal, R.B. Gerber, S.A. Nizkorodov Mol. Phys., 113 (15-16), 2179-2190, (2015) Absorption spectra and aqueous photochemistry of beta-hydroxyalkyl nitrates of atmospheric interest

C9H15NO4; 2-hydroxy-2-methyl-5-(prop-1-en-2-yl)cyclohexyl nitrate; CAS-No.: 
D.E. Romonosky, L.Q. Nguyen, D. Shemesh, T.B. Nguyen, S.A. Epstein, D.B.C. Martin, C.D. Vanderwal, R.B. Gerber, S.A. Nizkorodov Mol. Phys., 113 (15-16), 2179-2190, (2015) Absorption spectra and aqueous photochemistry of beta-hydroxyalkyl nitrates of atmospheric interest

C11H7NO4; 2-nitro-1-naphthoic acid; 2-nitronaphthalene-1-carboxylic acid; CAS-No.: 91059-58-4; PubChem: CID 19006188
T. Fujita, K. Koshimizu, T. Mitsui Tetrahedron, 22, 1587-1596, (1966) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of substituted 1-naphthoic acids

C11H7NO4; 3-nitro-1-naphthoic acid; 3-nitronaphthalene-1-carboxylic acid; CAS-No.: 4507-84-0; PubChem: CID 230772
T. Fujita, K. Koshimizu, T. Mitsui Tetrahedron, 22, 1587-1596, (1966) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of substituted 1-naphthoic acids

C11H7NO4; 4-nitro-1-naphthoic acid; 4-nitronaphthalene-1-carboxylic acid; CAS-No.: 
T. Fujita, K. Koshimizu, T. Mitsui Tetrahedron, 22, 1587-1596, (1966) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of substituted 1-naphthoic acids

C11H7NO4; 5-nitro-1-naphthoic acid; 5-nitronaphthalene-1-carboxylic acid; CAS-No.: 1975-44-6; PubChem: CID 458962
T. Fujita, K. Koshimizu, T. Mitsui Tetrahedron, 22, 1587-1596, (1966) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of substituted 1-naphthoic acids

C11H7NO4; 6-nitro-1-naphthoic acid; 6-nitronaphthalene-1-carboxylic acid; CAS-No.: 
T. Fujita, K. Koshimizu, T. Mitsui Tetrahedron, 22, 1587-1596, (1966) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of substituted 1-naphthoic acids

C11H7NO4; 7-nitro-1-naphthoic acid; 7-nitronaphthalene-1-carboxylic acid; CAS-No.: 1975-46-8; PubChem: CID 85752111
T. Fujita, K. Koshimizu, T. Mitsui Tetrahedron, 22, 1587-1596, (1966) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of substituted 1-naphthoic acids

C11H7NO4; 8-nitro-1-naphthoic acid; 8-nitronaphthalene-1-carboxylic acid; CAS-No.: 2216-13-9
T. Fujita, K. Koshimizu, T. Mitsui Tetrahedron, 22, 1587-1596, (1966) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of substituted 1-naphthoic acids

C3H4ClN5; atrazine-desethyl-desisopropyl; 6-chloro-2,4-diamino-1,3,5-triazine; 2-chloro-4,6-diamino-1,3,5-triazine; CAS-No.: 3397-62-4
A.J. Moreira, A.C. Borges, L.F.C. Gouvea, T.C.O. MacLeod, G.P.G. Freschi J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 347, 160-167, (2017) The process of atrazine degradation, its mechanism, and the formation of metabolites using UV and UV/MW photolysis

C4Cl4N2; tetrachloropyrazine; pyrazine, tetrachloro-; CAS-No.: 13484-50-9
F. Halverson, R.C. Hirt J. Chem. Phys., 19, 711-718, (1951) Near Ultraviolet Solution Spectra of the Diazines

C4H3ClN2; 2-chloropyrazine; chloropyrazine; CAS-No.: 14508-49-7; PubChem: CID 73277
F. Halverson, R.C. Hirt J. Chem. Phys., 19, 711-718, (1951) Near Ultraviolet Solution Spectra of the Diazines

C8H7ClN2; 3-benzyl-3-chlorodiazirine; benzylchlorodiazirine; CAS-No.: 88211-05-6
M.T.H. Liu, R. Bonneau J. Am. Chem. Soc., 112 (10), 3915-3919, (1990) Benzylchlorocarbene: Kinetics Parameters for 1,2-H Migration, UV Absorption Spectrum, and Mechanism for Addition to Alkenes

C12H4Cl4N2; 1,2-bis(dichloromethylene)cyclobuta[b]quin-oxaline; CAS-No.: 
A. Fujino, K. Kusuda, T. Sakan Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 39 (1), 160-164, (1966) Perchloro-(dimethylene-1,2-cyclobutanedione) and its solvolytic degradation

C4H2N2O4; alloxan; 2,4,5,6-pyrimidinetetrone; 1,3-diazinane-2,4,5,6-tetrone; CAS-No.: 50-71-5; PubChem: 5781
J.W. Patterson, A. Lazarow, S. Levey J. Biol. Chem.,177(1),187-96, (1949) Alloxan and dialuric acid: Their stabilities and ultraviolet absorption spectra

C5H7N3; 2,6-diaminopyridine; 2,6-pyridinediamine; CAS-No.: 141-86-6; PubChem: CID 8861
A. Fujimoto, K. Inuzuka Spectrochim. Acta A, 44 (10), 1035-1043, (1988) Electronic properties and ultraviolet absorption and fluorescence spectra of 2,6-pyridinediamine

C5H11N3; n-pentyl azide; n-amyl azide; pentane, 1-azido; CAS-No.: 26330-06-3
J.R. McDonald, J.W. Rabalais, S.P. McGlynn J. Chem. Phys., 52, 1332 (1970) Electronic spectra of the azide ion, hydrazoic acid, and azido molecules

C10H24N4; tetrakis(dimethylamino)ethylene; TDAE; ethenetetramine, octamethyl-; CAS-No.: 996-70-3; PubChem: CID 70455
F. Glaser, C.B. Larsen, C. Kerzig, O.S. Wenger Photochem. Photobiol. Sciences, 19, 1035-1041, (2020) Aryl dechlorination and defluorination with an organic super-photoreductant

C11H14N2; trans-cinnamaldehyde N,N-dimethylhydrazone; CAS-No.: 67068-24-0; PubChem: CID 70196513
G. Adembri, P. Sarti-Fantoni, E. Belgodere Tetrahedron, 22 (9), 3149-3156, (1966) Ultraviolet spectra of hydrazones - I

C14H12N2; benzylideneazine; 1-phenyl-N-(phenylmethylideneamino)me; 1,2-dibenzylidenehydrazine; CAS-No.: 588-68-1
S.M. Crawford Spectrochim. Acta, 19 (1), 255-270, (1963) The ultra-violet and visible spectra of some transition metal chelates with with N,N'-bis-(o-hydroxybenzylidene)ethylenediamine and N,N'-bis-(o-hydroxybenzylidene)-o-phenylenediamine and related compounds

C14H12N2; 4-phenyl-4H-cycloheptaimidazole; CAS-No.:
T. Mukai, H. Tsuruta, Y. Momotari Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 40 (8), 1967-1972, (1967) The Grignard Reaction of 1,3-Diazaazulene

C15H14N2; 4-phenyl-4H-N-methylcycloheptaimidazole; CAS-No.: 
T. Mukai, H. Tsuruta, Y. Momotari Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 40 (8), 1967-1972, (1967) The Grignard Reaction of 1,3-Diazaazulene

C15H14N2; 4-phenyl-8H-N-methyl cycloheptaimidazole; CAS-No.: 
T. Mukai, H. Tsuruta, Y. Momotari Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 40 (8), 1967-1972, (1967) The Grignard Reaction of 1,3-Diazaazulene

C15H16N2; N-(4-dimethylaminobenzylidene)aniline;  N-(p-dimethylaminebenzylidene)aniline; CAS-No.: 889-37-2; PubChem: CID 234157
N. Ebara Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 34 (8), 1151-1158, (1961) Benzylideneaniline. III. Anils of substituted benzaldehydes

C16H16N2; N,N'-dibenzylideneethylenediamine; dibenzylidene ethylenediamine; CAS-No.: 104-71-2; PubChem: 66033
S.M. Crawford Spectrochim. Acta, 19 (1), 255-270, (1963) The ultra-violet and visible spectra of some transition metal chelates with with N,N'-bis-(o-hydroxybenzylidene)ethylenediamine and N,N'-bis-(o-hydroxybenzylidene)-o-phenylenediamine and related compounds

C18H24N2; N-(1,3-dimethylbutyl)-N′-phenyl-p-phenylendiamine; 6-PPD; CAS-No.: 793-24-8; PubChem: CID 13101
Y. Zhou, L. Yixi, Q. Kong, J. Peng, Y. Pan, J. Qui, X. Yang Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett., 10, 9, 798–803, (2023) Sunlight-induced Transformation of Tire Rubber Antioxidant N-(1,3-dimethylbutyl)-N′-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine (6PPD) to 6PPD-quinone in Water

C18H13N3; di-2-quinolylamine; bis(2-quinolyl)amine; di-(2-chinolyl)-amin; CAS-No.: ; PubChem: CID 12917880
H.H. Perkampus, I. Sandeman, C.J. Timmons UV atlas of organic compounds, Vol. IV, H 1/8, Butterworth Verlag Chemie, (1968) UV absorption spectrum of di-2-quinolylamine

C18H17N3; 2-[(10,10-Dimethyl-6,7,8,10-tetrahydropyrido[1,2-a]indol-9-yl)methylene]malononitrile; merocyanine; CAS-No.: 
A.A. Ishchenko, A.V. Kulinich, S.L. Bondarev, T.F. Raichenok Spectrochim. Acta Part A: Mol. Biomol. Spectroscopy, 190, 332-335, (2018) UV-Vis absorption spectra and electronic structure of merocyanines in the gas phase

C20H19N3; 2-[(2E)-3-(10,10-Dimethyl-6,7,8,10-tetrahydropyrido[1,2-a]indol-9-yl)prop-2-enylidene]-malononitrile; merocyanine; CAS-No.: 
A.A. Ishchenko, A.V. Kulinich, S.L. Bondarev, T.F. Raichenok Spectrochim. Acta Part A: Mol. Biomol. Spectroscopy, 190, 332-335, (2018) UV-Vis absorption spectra and electronic structure of merocyanines in the gas phase

C20H27N; 4,4′ ditertbutyldiphenylamine; bis(4-tert-butylphenyl)amine; CAS-No.: 4627-22-9; PubChem: CID 458684
D. Vione, J.S. Arey, T.F. Parkerton, A.D. Redman Water Research, 121677, (2024) Direct and indirect photodegradation in aquatic systems mitigates photosensitized toxicity in screening-level substance risk assessments of selected petrochemical structures

C22H21N3; 2-[(2E,4E)-5-(10,10-Dimethyl-6,7,8,10-tetrahydropyrido[1,2-a]indol-9-yl)penta-2,4-dienylidene]malononitrile; merocyanine; CAS-No.: 
A.A. Ishchenko, A.V. Kulinich, S.L. Bondarev, T.F. Raichenok Spectrochim. Acta Part A: Mol. Biomol. Spectroscopy, 190, 332-335, (2018) UV-Vis absorption spectra and electronic structure of merocyanines in the gas phase

C24H40N2; conessine; neriine; CAS-No.: 546-06-5; PubChem: CID 441082
A.F. Drakl, S.F. Mason Tetrahedron, 33 (9), 937-949, (1977) Absorption and circular dichroism of chiral olefins

C32H18N8; phthalocyanine; CAS-No.: 574-93-6; PubChem: CID 5282330
B.H. Schechtman, W.E. Spicer J. Mol. Spectr., 33 (1), 28-48, (1970) Near infrared to vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectra and the optical constants of phthalocyanine and porphyrin films

C10H6N4O2; alloxazine; benzo(g)pteridine-2,4(1H,3H)-dione; isoalloxazine; CAS-No.: 490-59-5; PubChem: CID 5372720
A. Penzkofer J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 314, 114-124, (2016) Absorption and emission spectroscopic investigation of alloxazine in aqueous solutions and comparison with lumichrome

C8H6N2O2; N-phenylsydnone; 3-phenylsydnone; CAS-No.: 120-06-9; PubChem: CID 123023
J.C. Earl, R.J.W. Le Fèvre, I.R. Wilson J. Chem. Soc.,0, S103-S106, (1949) Ultra-violet absorption spectra of N-nitrosophenylglycine and its benzyl ester, and of six sydnones

C8H10N2O2; N,N-dimethyl-4-nitroaniline; p-nitro-N,N-dimethylaniline; CAS-No.: 100-23-2; PubChem: CID 7491
W.R. Remington J. Am. Chem. Soc., 67 (10), 1838-1842, (1945) The Effects of Steric Inhibition of Resonance on Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra

C10H8N2O2; 2-nitro-1-naphthylamine; 1-amino-2-nitronaphthalene; CAS-No.: 607-23-8
H.H. Hodgson, D.E. Hathway Trans. Faraday Soc., 41, 115-121, (1945) The absorption spectra of some mononitronaphthylamines with observations on their structures

C10H8N2O2; 3-nitro-1-naphthylamine; 1-amino-3-nitronaphthalene; CAS-No.: 3229-86-5
H.H. Hodgson, D.E. Hathway Trans. Faraday Soc., 41, 115-121, (1945) The absorption spectra of some mononitronaphthylamines with observations on their structures

C10H8N2O2; 4-nitro-1-naphthylamine; 1-amino-4-nitronaphthalene; CAS-No.: 776-34-1; PubChem: CID 13057
H.H. Hodgson, D.E. Hathway Trans. Faraday Soc., 41, 115-121, (1945) The absorption spectra of some mononitronaphthylamines with observations on their structures

C10H8N2O2; 1-nitro-2-naphthylamine; 1-nitronaphthalene-2-amine; CAS-No.: 606-57-5
H.H. Hodgson, D.E. Hathway Trans. Faraday Soc., 41, 115-121, (1945) The absorption spectra of some mononitronaphthylamines with observations on their structures

C10H8N2O2; 4-nitro-2-naphthylamine; 4-nitronaphthalene-2-amine; CAS-No.: 
H.H. Hodgson, D.E. Hathway Trans. Faraday Soc., 41, 115-121, (1945) The absorption spectra of some mononitronaphthylamines with observations on their structures

C10H8N2O2; 5-nitro-1-naphthylamine; 5-nitro-1-naphthalenamine; CAS-No.: 3272-91-1; PubChem: CID 76759
H.H. Hodgson, D.E. Hathway Trans. Faraday Soc., 41, 115-121, (1945) The absorption spectra of some mononitronaphthylamines with observations on their structures

C10H8N2O2; 8-nitro-1-naphthylamine; 8-nitro-1-naphthalenamine; CAS-No.: 3229-89-8
H.H. Hodgson, D.E. Hathway Trans. Faraday Soc., 41, 115-121, (1945) The absorption spectra of some mononitronaphthylamines with observations on their structures

C10H12N4O5; inosine; hypoxanthosine; ribonosine; CAS-No.: 58-63-9; PubChem: CID 135398641
F. Kaspar, R.T. Giessmann, S.Westarp, K.F. Hellendahl, N. Krausch, I. Thiele, M.C. Walczak, P. Neubauer, A. Wagner ChemBioChem, 21 (18), 2604-2610, (2020) Spectral Unmixing-Based Reaction Monitoring of Transformations between Nucleosides and Nucleobases

C10H12N4O6; xanthosine; xanthine riboside; 2,3-dihydroxanthosine; CAS-No.: 146-80-5; PubChem: CID 64959
F. Kaspar, R.T. Giessmann, S.Westarp, K.F. Hellendahl, N. Krausch, I. Thiele, M.C. Walczak, P. Neubauer, A. Wagner ChemBioChem, 21 (18), 2604-2610, (2020) Spectral Unmixing-Based Reaction Monitoring of Transformations between Nucleosides and Nucleobases

C10H14N6O4; 2-aminoadenosine; 2-amine adenosine; CAS-No.: 2096-10-8; PubChem: CID 72200
F. Kaspar, R.T. Giessmann, S.Westarp, K.F. Hellendahl, N. Krausch, I. Thiele, M.C. Walczak, P. Neubauer, A. Wagner ChemBioChem, 21 (18), 2604-2610, (2020) Spectral Unmixing-Based Reaction Monitoring of Transformations between Nucleosides and Nucleobases

C11H12N2O2; 2-ethoxy-3-methylquinoxaline N-oxide; 2-ethoxy-3-methylquinoxaline 1-oxide; CAS-No.: 817165-88-1; PubChem: CID 45093985
H. Otomasu, R. Yamaguchi, K. Ishigo-Oka, H. Takashi J. Pharm. Soc. Japan, 82, 1434-1440, (1962) Studies on the Structures of Diazine N-Oxides. I. Dipole Moments and U.V. Absorption Spectra of Quinoxaline Compounds

C12H10N4O2; lumichrome; 7,8-dimethylalloxazine; riboflavin lumichrome; CAS-No.: 1086-80-2; PubChem: CID 5326566
A. Penzkofer J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 314, 114-124, (2016) Absorption and emission spectroscopic investigation of alloxazine in aqueous solutions and comparison with lumichrome

C13H10N2O2; 4-nitrobenzalaniline; (p-nitrobenzylidene)aniline; CAS-No.: 785-80-8; PubChem: CID 136626
N. Ebara Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 34 (8), 1151-1158, (1961) Benzylideneaniline. III. Anils of substituted benzaldehydes

C14H12N2O2; salicylaldehyde azine; 2-hydroxybenzaldehyde azine; salicylalazine; CAS-No.: 959-36-4; PubChem: CID 6849893
M. Bossa, A. Sgamellotti, F.A. Gianturco J. Chem. Soc. B, 742-745, (1969) Ultraviolet spectra and electronic structure of salicylaldehyde azine

C17H20N2O; Michlers keton; 4,4'-bis(dimethylamino)benzophenone; MK; CAS-No.: 90-94-8; PubChem: CID 7031
E.J.J. Groenen, W.N. Koelman J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2, 75, 58-68, (1979) Spectroscopic study of Michler's ketone, Part 1: Absorption

C17H25NO2; menthyl anthranilate; menthyl o-aminobenzoate; meradimate; CAS-No.: 134-09-8; PubChem: CID 8633
N.D.N. Rodrigues, N.C. Cole-Filipiak, M.D. Horbury, M. Staniforth, T.N.V. Karsili, Y. Peperstraete, V.G. Stavros J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 353, 376-384, (2018) Photophysics of the sunscreen ingredient menthyl anthranilate and its precursor methyl anthranilate: A bottom-up approach to photoprotection

C20H14N6O; 2,2'-diphenyl-5,5'-azoxypyrimidine; CAS-No.: 
P.E. Fanta, T.R. Hughes J. Am. Chem. Soc., 72 (11), 5343-5343, (1950) New compounds - 2,2'-Diphenyl-5,5'-azoxypyrimidine

C20H18N2O2; nile red; 9-(diethylamino)-5H-benzo[a]phenoxazin-5-one; CAS-No.: 7385-67-3; PubChem: CID 65182
M. Hornum, P. Reinholdt, J.K. Zareba, B.B. Jensen, D. Wuestner, M. Samoc, P. Nielsen, J. Kongsted Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 19, 1382-1391, (2020) One- and two-photon solvatochromism of the fluorescent dye Nile Red and its CF3, F and Br-substituted analogues

C21H16N2O2; butyl 9-(dicyanomethylidene)fluorene-4-carboxylate; BDFC; CAS-No.: 93376-18-2
R.O. Loutfy, B.S. Ong Can. J. Chem., 62(11), 2546-2551, (1984) Spectroscopic studies of the compatibility of small molecules in polymers

C21H22N2O2; strychnine; (-)-strychnine; strychnidin-10-one; CAS-No.: 57-24-9; PubChem: CID 441071
J.W. Show, T.M. Hooker Jr. Can. J. Chem., 56, 1222 - 1230, (1978) The chiroptical properties of the strychnine alkaloids: strychnine, beta-colubrine, brucine, and their dihydro derivatives

C21H24N2O2; dihydrostrychnine; 21,22-dihydrostrychnine; CAS-No.: 15006-14-1; PubChem: CID 84751
J.W. Show, T.M. Hooker Jr. Can. J. Chem., 56, 1222 - 1230, (1978) The chiroptical properties of the strychnine alkaloids: strychnine, beta-colubrine, brucine, and their dihydro derivatives

C21H22N2O3; vomilenine; CAS-No.: 6880-50-8; PubChem: CID 11953806
A.W. Sangster, K.L. Stuart Chem. Rev., 65 (1), 69-130, (1965) Ultraviolet Spectra of Alkaloids

C22H24N2O3; beta-colubrine; 2-methoxy strychnine; CAS-No.: 509-36-4; PubChem: CID 251890
J.W. Show, T.M. Hooker Jr. Can. J. Chem., 56, 1222 - 1230, (1978) The chiroptical properties of the strychnine alkaloids: strychnine, beta-colubrine, brucine, and their dihydro derivatives

C22H26N2O3; dihydro-beta-colubrine; CAS-No.:
J.W. Show, T.M. Hooker Jr. Can. J. Chem., 56, 1222 - 1230, (1978) The chiroptical properties of the strychnine alkaloids: strychnine, beta-colubrine, brucine, and their dihydro derivatives

C23H26N2O4; brucine; 2,3-dimethoxystrychnidin-10-one; CAS-No.: 357-57-3; PubChem: CID 442021
J.W. Show, T.M. Hooker Jr. Can. J. Chem., 56, 1222 - 1230, (1978) The chiroptical properties of the strychnine alkaloids: strychnine, beta-colubrine, brucine, and their dihydro derivatives

C23H28N2O4; dihydrobrucine; strychnidin-10-one; 21,22-dihydrobrucine; CAS-No.: 34403-90-2; PubChem: CID
J.W. Show, T.M. Hooker Jr. Can. J. Chem., 56, 1222 - 1230, (1978) The chiroptical properties of the strychnine alkaloids: strychnine, beta-colubrine, brucine, and their dihydro derivatives

C24H31NO4; diethylamino hydroxybenzoyl hexyl benzoate; Uvinul A Plus; DHBA; CAS-No.: 302776-68-7; PubChem: CID 10111431
Y. Shamoto, M. Yagi, N. Oguchi-Fujiyama, K. Miyazawa, A. Kikuchi Photochem. Photobiol. Sciences, 16, 1449-1457, (2017) Photophysical properties of hexyl diethylaminohydroxybenzoylbenzoate (Uvinul A Plus), a UV-A absorber

C33H38N4O6; phycocyanobilin; phycobilin; CAS-No.: 20298-86-6; PubChem: CID 6438349
M. Suresh, S.K. Mishra, S. Mishra, A. Das Chem. Commun., 18, 2496-2498, (2009) The detection of Hg2+ by cyanobacteria in aqueous media

C34H34N4O4; protoporphyrin; protoporphyrin IX; CAS-No.: 553-12-8
B.H. Schechtman, W.E. Spicer J. Mol. Spectr., 33 (1), 28-48, (1970) Near infrared to vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectra and the optical constants of phthalocyanine and porphyrin films

C41H60N8O10; nodularin R; nodularin; CAS-No.: 118399-22-7; PubChem: CID 14217092
H. Mazur, M. Plinski Oceanologia, 45 (1), 305-316, (2003) Nodularia spumigena blooms and the occurrence of hepatotoxin in the Gulf of Gdansk

C48H66N6O6; ethylhexyl triazone; octyl triazone; EHT; CAS-No.: 88122-99-0; PubChem: CID 159201
T. Tsuchiya, A. Kikuchi, N. Oguchi-Fujiyama, K. Miyazawa, M. Yagi Photochem. Photobiol. Sci.,14, 807-814, (2015) Photoexcited triplet states of UV-B absorbers: ethylhexyl triazone and diethylhexylbutamido triazone

(C5H7NO3)x; poly-L-glutamic acid; CAS-No.: 25513-46-6
K. Rosenheck, P. Doty PNAS, 47 (11), 1775-1785, (1961) The far ultraviolet absorption spectra of polypeptide and protein solutions and their dependence on conformation

(C5H7NO3)x; poly-D,L-glutamic acid; CAS-No.:
K. Rosenheck, P. Doty PNAS, 47 (11), 1775-1785, (1961) The far ultraviolet absorption spectra of polypeptide and protein solutions and their dependence on conformation

(C6H14N2O2)x (HCl)x; poly-L-lysine hydrochloride; CAS-No.: 26124-78-7
K. Rosenheck, P. Doty PNAS, 47 (11), 1775-1785, (1961) The far ultraviolet absorption spectra of polypeptide and protein solutions and their dependence on conformation